
Reincarnated as a hermaphrodite with cheat skills so I built a harem

In all Isekai stories the Mc dies and meets a god or goddess then reincarnates then saves the world or does this and that etc. Well, this one starts the same with two different detail that changes the whole story, the goddess allows her to make her ideal body and give it skills, etc, which isn't too different but the big deal is the second difference. The Mc f*cks the goddess. The goddess then gives her the idea to build a harem so the MC does that. *It is a long build-up till the actual story sorry. It might also contain revenge NTR/Netori*

Resset_Potato · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Cute goddess and her cozy room

In this otherworldly room that resembled the cosmos itself, Lillith couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and anticipation. The possibilities for her new life were boundless, and the unique surroundings added to the mystique of the moment.

The LED lights along the walls cast a gentle, ambient glow, creating an ethereal atmosphere that was both soothing and inspiring. As Lillith gazed up at the ceiling adorned with tiny, glowing stars, she couldn't help but be reminded of a clear night sky back on Earth.

Lunaire, with her confidence and occasional bouts of self-doubt, watched Lillith closely. "Please, make yourself comfortable, Lillith. This will be your place of residence as you prepare for reincarnation."

Lillith settled at the kotatsu, nestled comfortably on the cushioned floor with her legs tucked beneath the heated blanket. The warmth emanating from the low wooden frame enveloped her, creating an immediate sense of coziness and tranquility.

The kotatsu beckoned with its inviting charm, and Lillith couldn't resist reaching for the teapot that sat nearby. She poured herself a cup of tea, savoring the familiar scent and warmth as it filled the air.

Taking in the room's design, Lillith noticed a large screen mounted on the wall. It covered almost the entire surface, promising hours of entertainment and perhaps even a way to learn about the world she would soon inhabit. Beneath the screen, a cabinet held an array of games and systems, offering endless possibilities for entertainment.

The back wall behind the kotatsu held a bed, a vast expanse of softness adorned with an army of stuffed animals of all shapes and sizes. It was as though Lunaire had created a haven of comfort and companionship for her. Lillith couldn't help but smile at the sight, feeling a sense of warmth and welcome. The room's only window was next to the empty side of the bed.

The rest of the room was a treasure trove of relaxation and enjoyment. Beanbags of various colors and sizes were scattered about, inviting leisurely lounging. A snack cabinet held an assortment of treats, and a fridge promised refreshments whenever needed. Plushies and stuffed animals filled shelves and corners, adding a touch of whimsy to the space.

Lunaire, her smile reflecting a genuine warmth, spoke again, "Welcome to my room, and your place of residence until you reincarnate."

Lillith looked around in awe, overwhelmed by the generosity of her surroundings. It was a space that seemed to hold the promise of a fresh start and the comforts of home. She turned to Lunaire with gratitude in her eyes, ready to embark on the journey of customization and the opportunity for a new beginning.

"Now, are you ready to start?" Lunaire asked as she walked toward Lillith.

"Sure, why not?" Lillith replied, her curiosity still piqued by the customization process. Lunaire nodded as she walked toward the TV and picked up the remote under it from the cabinet before walking over to the kotatsu and sitting next to Lillith. She took a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking.

"Once again, I'm really sorry. As a personal apology, I'll give you access to the hidden and hidden options that I have made over." Lunaire's voice was filled with a genuine desire to make amends.

Lillith looked at Lunaire, her expression a mix of understanding and acceptance. "I can't completely forgive you; even though it was an accident, it still happened. But you're doing your best to make it right, so thank you. Now, what are hidden options?"

Lunaire smiled, her cheeks slightly flushed. "Hidden and locked options are choices that are a god's creation or an option that's extremely rare. The only way to unlock them is to either get God's blessing or complete specific conditions. So what I'm saying is that I'm giving you my blessing." Lunaire began to fidget and play with her hair. " I-It's my first time doing this s-so... Make sure you take responsibility and cherish it!"

Lunaire's admission of it being her first time doing this made her blush deepen. Lillith, however, remained silent and gave Lunaire a blank stare.

Lunaire felt the weight of Lillith's stare, and her blush grew even more intense. She cleared her throat and continued, "With my blessing, you will have access to my locked and special options that were previously off-limits. However, be warned that these options often come with consequences."

Lunaire's voice trembled slightly as she finished her explanation. She wasn't sure how Lillith would react, and the silence that followed added to her anxiety. Lillith's unwavering gaze made her even more self-conscious.

"Stop staring already!" Lillith's sharp words finally broke the silence. However, instead of averting her gaze, she continued to fixate on Lunaire.

Lunaire huffed in frustration and walked away from the kotatsu, feeling flustered by Lillith's intense gaze. She needed a moment to collect herself. Once Lunaire walked away, Lillith couldn't contain her laughter.

"Her reaction was great. Huh, is she coming back?" Lillith wondered aloud, her laughter subsiding as she waited for Lunaire's return. Lunaire reentered the room, now dressed in a schoolgirl uniform. Lillith couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the unexpected change.

"What the hell is she wearing...why does she look good in it too?" Lillith thought, her initial surprise giving way to a begrudging admiration for Lunaire's appearance. Lunaire sat back down, her uncertainty evident in her expression. "Lillith, did I say something wrong?"

Lillith, still wearing a mischievous smirk, continued to examine Lunaire, her gaze lingering on her attire. She finally stopped staring directly at Lunaire's outfit but instead looked her up and down.

"Holy hell, that outfit really fits her build. She looks absolutely adorable!" Lillith thought to herself, unable to hide her amusement. Lunaire, acutely aware of Lillith's scrutiny, immediately covered herself with her hand, her face turning a deeper shade of red. "W-What are you l-looking at?"

Lillith chuckled softly, her smirk unabated. "Oh, nothing to be embarrassed about, Lunaire. I was just admiring how cute you look in that outfit."Lunaire's blush deepened even further, and she nervously fidgeted with her hair. "Oh, Th-Thank you..."

"I mean it. You look absolutely adorable... Can I hug you?" Lillith said as she started to stand up.Lunaire hesitated for a moment, her blush still evident. "Uhm...I-"

"You know what? I don't really care what your answer is; I'm still going to do it." As Lillith finished speaking, she hugged Lunaire from behind.

"You're so soft! And you smell good too!" Lillith's words were filled with genuine appreciation as she continued to embrace Lunaire. Lunaire blushed even deeper, feeling a mix of surprise and warmth from Lillith's unexpected affection. Despite her initial hesitation, Lunaire couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in the embrace, appreciating Lillith's sincerity and kind words.

Lunaire's blush deepened as she felt Lillith's arms encircle her, and her heart skipped a beat at the compliment. The unexpected physical affection stirred emotions within her that she struggled to express.

"Th-thank you," Lunaire stammered softly, her voice a blend of shyness and genuine appreciation. She gently shifted within Lillith's embrace, turning to meet her gaze. Their eyes locked, and Lunaire found herself captivated by the warmth in Lillith's eyes.

As they continued to hold each other, Lunaire's heart raced, thumping with an increasing intensity. Lillith, sensing the rapid rhythm beneath her touch, suddenly pulled back, expressing concern.

"Oh, shit! I'm sorry. I completely invaded your personal space," Lillith apologized, her worry evident.

Reluctant to see the hug end, Lunaire stammered, "O-Oh, it's fine." Her voice trailed off into a mumble as she added, "You didn't have to stop."

Lillith couldn't help but smile at Lunaire's response, finding her endearing. A thought crossed her mind, and she couldn't resist a playful comment. "Well, maybe we can continue later since you liked it so much. But first, why don't you set up the customization panel system thing?"

Lunaire's blush deepened further. "Oh, r-right." She hurriedly grabbed the remote and turned on the TV before rushing toward the cabinet beneath it. In her haste, she stumbled right in front of the cabinet. "Ow...well, at least I tripped in front of it. Now I don't have to bend down."

Unbeknownst to Lunaire, her skirt had flipped up during her fall, exposing her lower half. Lillith couldn't help but notice the pink-striped panties. She quirked an eyebrow and playfully remarked, "Hmmm, pink stripes, huh? How'd you know pink was one of my favorites?"