
Reincarnated as a Harem Protagonist

When you are reincarnated into a new world and all the boys want you...

Dango_kun · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The Video Game

"Can you believe it?!" Keiko's brother said to his sister as he looked through the game store's window.

"Believe what?" Keiko asked in response, not knowing what her brother was in awe with.

"The new game, Grade Yellow, just came out! It is surprisingly on sale for 50 dollars!"

"Isn't that kind of expensive? We could buy a lot of ramen with that money."

"Come on, Keiko. I'm sure that if you play it, you will enjoy it. Plus, it's VR, so it will be even more fun!"

Keiko was suspicious of this so-called "VR" game. She wasn't really one for video games. Instead, she just enjoyed watching people on Youtube or her brother play video games. She felt as if it as a task.

"You know I'm not really into video game playing, Hayato." Keiko refused.

"Please! Just this once. If you don't like it, then you don't have to play it ever again."

Keiko knew that her brother was eager for her to play with him. Since summer break started, all of Hayato's friends went on family trips, leaving him by himself to play his video games. He was desperate for a friend.

"You promise to not force me again if I don't like playing?"

"I promise." Hayato smiled.

"That will be 50 dollars." The store clerk said as she packaged the game.

"We don't have to pay for any skins?" Hayato wondered.

"Not at all. This game has free character design." The store clerk answered.

Hayato's face lit up with excitement as he handed the store clerk the fifty dollar bill that was in his hand.

"When we get home, let's plug this in!" Hayato cheered as they walked home.

"Is it that good of a game?" Keiko questioned.

"Of course! It is an open world, MMORPG. Plus, you can become whatever class you want at the beginning."

"A class?"

"Yeah, like a sword user, mage, etc. Anything you want to be."

Keiko looked at her brother with a strange expression. She felt as if he was speaking a whole new language. She was only used to those puzzle type games and sci-fi games rather than fantasy RPG games.

"I think you can also choose your race." Hayato continued.


"Yeah, like you can be an elf."

"An elf? Is that the creature with the pointy, bat-like ears?"

"Yep. They are known to have the fairest skin of all the creatures in the universe."

"What about vampires?"

Hayato paused to think about that. "Well, maybe."

When the two siblings arrived home, Hayato excitedly opened up the game and begun to plug in the VR headsets.

"Here you go, Keiko." Hayato passed the headset to her.


Keiko looked at the headset doubting if she should actually do this. This would be her first time.

"Come on, Keiko. It'll be alright. I'm here with you." Hayato reassured Keiko.

"Alright." Keiko and Hayato both put on the headsets.

It was pitch black and they weren't able to see anything. Suddenly, however, they both appeared in a white room. They were then able to find each other.

"Oh, is this the character design room?" Hayato questioned.

"Why, yes it is." A beautiful woman appeared in front of their eyes.

"Oh, who are you?" Keiko asked.

"I am the Goddess of the game. I help you figure out which character design you want." She answered.

"Ah, ok."

"However, you two will have to be separated."

The Goddess circled magic around both Keiko and Hayato, forming different rooms for them.

"We will first start with the clothing. Tell me specifically what clothing you would like."

"Well, a cute black, pleated skirt with a white cloak and a hood would be nice. for the blouse, maybe like a cute frilly top that's also black. I would like black thigh boots too!" Keiko described the outfit.

"Alright, and how about the hairstyle?"

"Maybe the one I have now?" Keiko pointed to her black, straight hair that was cut to her lower back and bangs that reached her eyebrows.

"Alright, that will be all." The Goddess bowed.

"Oh, really? That was easy."

"Now onto your class type and race." The Goddess pulled out a chart with the whole list of races and classes.

"Wow, so much." Keiko's mouth fell to the floor in awe. She then looked closely at the chart and decided on healer and human.

"Are you sure with those choices?" The Goddess questioned.

"Well, this is my first time playing these types of games, so I think being someone who can heal will be a better choice for me," Keiko answered.

"You do know that if you don't have a party, it will be a hard class to function with."

"Oh, really?"


"Then what would you recommend?" Keiko began to feel annoyed that her choice had been changed.

"I would recommend the rogue class. Since they use daggers, their speed is great. It is a good class."

"Alright then, I'll choose that class."

"Good choice!" The Goddess let out an annoying laugh. "Now, since new players are all given 100 stat points, which area would you like to put it in."

In front of Keiko popped up a board showing the different places she could put her stats into. One that caught her eye was luck.

"Luck..." She mumbled.

"You want to put your stats in luck?"

"Ah, yes please."

At once the Goddess granted Keiko with 100 plus luck. "Alright, now you be on your way."

Before she knew it, Keiko was back in the white room with her brother Hayato. Hayato, however, didn't look like Hayato. His hair turned blue from the black he originally had, and he became of an elf race.

"You really have a thing for elves, huh?" Keiko looked at her brother with disappointment.

"Anyway, " Hayato changed the subject, "Where is the entrance to the world?"

"I don't know, but that arrow on the floor might lead us to it." Keiko pointed to the arrows on the floor.

"Ahahahaha! Of course! Let's follow it." Hayato walked in the direction the arrows pointed.

"Why is it hot?" Keiko rubbed her forehead, wiping off a sweat drop.

"I don't know, but it feels like we are out--" Hayato turned his head and noticed a truck speeding down the white room. He stood there shocked as he watched it come.

Keiko wondered why he stopped mid-sentence. As she turned her head towards where he was looking, it was too late. The truck had hit the both of them. Was that the end for those two?