
Reincarnated as a Girl?

Man reincarnated as an girl. Medieval world+ arranged marriage, time to run. I'm writing this story on my phone now as I'm on vacation. But once I get back home I'll fixe any issues and make it all sound better. But for now this story is just a idea that I thought of writing down quickly and trying to make it into an interesting story.

Hanine_5618 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1 I'm a Man.

In the dead of night at the end of a narrow countryside forest road, there stood a pitch dark three-story dark wooden mansion. 

The mansion surrounded by forest stood early silent, only the sounds of bushes rustling in the calm night breeze could be heard. 

All seemed peaceful until noises of stones crackling, fallen branches snapping and the silent electrical engine of a car moving up the forest road came. 

With its lights turned off and speed below the limit it slowly crept towards the silent and dark mansion. 

Frightened by this unfamiliar, supposed zero emission producing engine a rat got frightened and ran towards its hole on the other side of the road. 

But just like many of his rat ancestors before him, he ran straight under the unmarked car. Blood splattered all over the side of the cars white colored paint job, the unmarked undercover police car that is.

In the darkness of night with moonlight in their sunglass covered eyes, the two figures observed the scene ahead.

On the massive clear grass-covered yard a massive collection of black vehicles with tinted windows could be seen. They were all in neat rows as if they were in a parade or something. But other than that not much else of note could be seen. 

Then as the undercover police car stopped its windows rolled down and opened. Inside two different-sized policemen dressed in civilian clothes with bulletproof vests on top sat silently, with sunglasses on. Their breathing was calm, their ears sharp as they listened carefully for any signs of movement their sunglass-covered eyes might not have seen. 

After a while the smaller of the two well-built men who sat on the right side said. 

" Bruce, you sure this is the place? "

As he scanned the surroundings for any movement the bigger and more muscular of the two men named Bruce said in a deep manly tone of voice. 

" Yeah, don't worry Frank this is most definitely the place. Just look at all those unmarked cars and just smell that sent in the air. It's clearly the smell of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. Typical gang-banger shit smells. " 

Nervously Frank gulped down some saliva and said. 

" Well let's then get out of here before we are noticed and call it in. Looking at the number of vehicles here there's probably a small army of those gangsters inside the mansion. We will probably need at least 50 guys to get this done smoothly. At least there ain't no way for us two to do this on our own. " 

Bruce remained silent for a moment before pointing towards a big fuel storage tank located next to the house. Then he said confidently. 

" Nah, forget that. Let's just blow these gang bangers to hell, all quick and easy like. No casualties on our side, no shootout, just a bunch of dead gang bangers. Just the way god clearly intended it to be. "

Frank a bit shocked by Bruce's words said. 

" What? Are you mad? That would be going completely against protocol. I-I was just kidding about us doing this alone you know. As police, we can't just go blowing people up without proper reason or warrants. I mean, I know you got a lot of hatred in you towards these people because of your past and all but come on man. This, this is too much. And besides what you are suggesting is extremely dangerous. Just think about your girlfriend how's she gonna feel if you get yourself shot or blown up by that massive fuel tank. " 

Scoffing at these words Bruce said. 

" Don't be a coward Frank. All these people are guilty as shit. These people don't deserve trials or warrants. It's because of them and others like them that people like me are brought up without parents. I say you stop being a bitch, grow some balls and be a man. I for one ain't no bitch, I'm a man. No, I'm much more than that, I'm a real man and after this, I'm gonna be a big rich man, once I get my big promotion for doing this and all that good stuff. " 

After saying this Bruce got out of the car assault rifle in hand and started to silently move towards the house. 

Sighing heavily Frank spoke into the radio and called for backup and then also got out of the car rifle in hand and ran. running to Bruce's side he said. 

" God damnit Bruce. You know I ain't letting you do this alone but you really need to stop taking these kinds of risks. Sooner or later your gonna get us both killed doing unnecessary stupid shit like this. "

Smiling Bruce said. 

" Don't worry Frank. I ain't gonna let you die here. Your going to get to see your wife and child soon again, I promise. And besides, if we get promoted for this maybe you can take your family for a nice long vacation somewhere nice. Maybe Scotland or something. "

Sighing at Bruce's words Frank said. 

" Yeah yeah, we have already talked about this before. Just remember the offer I gave you last time. If I die you have my permission to fuck my wife and take my place as my children's dad. I just can't stand the idea of them being all alone and sad without me. "

Patting Frank on the shoulder, Bruce said. " Yeah, I remember. But honestly dude, I get that we are close and all but you just saying it like that feels so wrong. Please don't say it again. And more importantly cover my ass. " 

Not seeing any movement in the yard they moved swiftly towards the fuel tank. Frank stayed further back taking cover behind a car and kept an eye on the front entrance as Bruce went to the fuel tank. 

Holstering his assault rifle Bruce then started to turn the valve on the tanker slowly so as not to make any sound. But despite his best efforts the valve apparently having some rust on it started making loud noises with each and every turn. 

Feeling the valve loosen and ready to spill out its flammable contents the front door of the house suddenly slammed open with a loud bang. 

A black gang banger in his underwear stood pistol in hand in front of the door looking around as if searching for something.

Letting go of the valve Bruce ran to the buildings corner from where he peaked around the corner to see a glimpse of the man. " Did he hear us? " He wondered. 

Then the gang banger said in a confused tone of voice. " What the hell? I'm sure I heard something. Tyrone you black, tricky son of a bitch are you out here messing with me? If so then once I find you I'm gonna beat you up. No, I'll curve-stomp your tricky black face down, god damnit. " 

" Oh shit. " Bruce thought to himself as the gang banger started to make his way towards his position. 

Looking around for anything he could use to lead the gang banger away he saw In the distance the outline of Frank hiding behind the car ready to shoot. 

Not having silencers on their rifles and having forgotten his earpiece in the car Bruce thought to himself. " Shit Frank, don't you fucking dare shoot that fucking gun. If you do then were both dead. "

Taking in a calming breath Bruce searched his memories for suggestions on what to do and then he opened his eyes as he came up with an amazing plan. 

As the man came close to the corner Bruce came out swinging instantly he sent a right hook into the man's lower jaw. 

The man's mouth shot close. His teeth slammed into each other and shattered as his jaw then broke.

The man let out a pained groan and staggered to the side with stars in his eyes. 

Seeing this perfect opening Bruce immediately moved behind the black man and grabbed a hold of his head with both hands. Then with the great force of his well-trained muscular arms, he snapped the man's neck twisting it a full 360 degrees around. 

Bruce watched the gang bangers body falling limply to the ground with a mix of arrogance and anger on his face as he thought to himself. 

" And so the world became a better place. " 

Then from the back side of the mansion came a redneck gang bangers shout. " Hey! Who goes there! " 

Turning to look at the approaching man all Bruce heard was the bullet swishing past his head as Frank started to unload on the man. Immediately ducking behind the fuel tanker Bruce took cover and watched from there as the man was turned into a bullet hole-riddled man.

With great persuasion Frank had just unloaded his entire rifle into the man, killing him instantly. 

Immediately after yelling could be heard coming from the mansion as powerful lights lit up the entire yard and the mansion came to life. 

Seeing this Bruce started turning the fuel tank valve while Frank yelled to him. " Get out of there man! Forget this shit and let's run! "

But right after yelling this gun fire opened up on Frank from the mansion. Frank by some miracle didn't get hit and managed to quickly duck behind the car as hundreds of bullets flew at his position tearing hundreds of holes into the car he hid behind.

Seeing this Bruce turned the valve one more time and managed to get the gasoline flowing out of the tank and onto the ground. 

Right then bullets started to fly at him. Taking cover behind the gasoline spewing tanker Bruce saw a bunch of gang bangers approaching his position while shooting. Like a human meat wave, they came from the back of the mansion armed to the teeth, although some were in their underwear.

Taking out his assault rifle Bruce returned fire managing to take out a few but they just kept on coming. 

With now both of them pinned down and gasoline under his feet Bruce started to realize that he was in a very bad situation.

Looking to his right he saw there a few cars that he could take cover behind and use to get the hell out of this gang banger-filled yard.

But there was one big problem, the cars were too far away and he being over two meters tall wasn't the most agile or fastest man on the force. 

The cars were maybe 6 meters away, not too far one might think. But not only was he big and slow, but he was also a big target for bullets. 

Frustrated by this situation he decided to release some stress. Peeking out from behind cover he took a few shots at the gang bangers managing to kill one and make another one fall to the ground in screaming agony.

Falling back behind cover he yelled in excitement to the gang bangers. " Take that you dirty hillbilly, street-liking, hood-spitting fucks! " 

Immediately in response bullets and curses flew towards his direction as he fell back into his thoughts. 

" Damn, this is bad, if only I were a faster and more agile man like in these movies. Maybe then I might be able to make it to those cars. Fuck my life. " 

Not liking his chances he hesitated not knowing what to do. But then a vision, no a memory of the night before came to him. He remembered being home alone and drunk on the couch after a hard bodybuilding workout at the local gym. While wondering if his girlfriend was somewhere partying and cheating on him he had accidentally turned on the TV. 

There for the first time in his life, he saw something truly fantastical and amazing he saw a gymnastics competition. 

He remembered being amazed at how much strength and agility some of them had despite their small bodies. How could a human move so effortlessly and elegantly he wondered.

During the show, even in his drunken state he had gotten inspired and started to practice hand standing and rolling.

Remembering this a fire for learning more gymnastics was lit in his heart. And with not much of any other choices left to pick out from he decided to go for it. 

Remembering one well-developed but extremely agile deep blue-eyed blonde girl gymnastic girl on TV he decided to copy her movements. 

But first, he needed a timer. Taking out a lighter from his pocket he lit it and placed it close to the gasoline hoping to use it as his timer. Once the gasoline reaches it, the whole tanker would explode, or that's what he hoped.

With the lighter set, he fired a few more rounds at the gang bangers and then made a run for it. But this time he ran like a gymnastic girl before a flip hoping to get more momentum like so.

Immediately after leaving the tankers cover bullets started to fly past him. Adrenaline ran through his veins and the whole world seemed like it was in slow motion.

Taking his first step he could hear and see bullets flying right in front of his face. 

Then he took a second step and he felt something strike his face and then he noticed that his nose just blew off. 

It happened so fast that his body didn't even register what had just happened as he took another step. 

Halfway to the car he prepared to jump and go for a role but as he was about to do so he felt a bullet striking his right leg and all feeling left it immediately.

Unnable to use his right leg he stumbled and fell to the ground hard. Only 1 meter away from the car he felt a bullet strike his ass cheeks and something inside causing him to lose all feeling in both legs. 

Bleeding, in pain and with no feeling in his legs he still managed to crawl behind the car. Peeking from under the car he could see the gang bangers closing in on him. 

Using his rifle he started taking them out from under the car one by one. First shooting their legs he made them fall to the ground after which he shot them in their heads, ending their miserable lives for good. 

One after another he took them out until the remaining ones retreated behind cover not giving him any other opportunities to shoot them. 

Pushing himself up into a sitting position and against the car Bruce groaned in pain. His legs refused to move, his ears were ringing and his entire body felt extremely weak. He was losing a lot of blood.

In the distance he could see Frank still holding on as he was shooting his rifle while yelling something at him. A smile crept on Bruce's face seeing his friend unhurt and still so full of energy. 

Then his gaze turned to his mangled right leg which was bleeding and bent into an unnatural angle. It seemed to be almost completely severed in the middle as there was a bunch of bone sticking out. But it was hard to tell with the pants and blood in the way. 

Then he turned to look at the lighter and gasoline that were about to touch. In regret and defeat, he looked to the sky and thought. 

" I guess this is it? Fuck I really don't want to die here but looking at the pool of blood under me I don't think there's anything left for me to do now. Well at least Frank's going to make it and I'm going to be able to keep my promise to him. That promotion better be a big one. Well, I guess in the end it's not all that bad. We did our duty and Frank survived. I just wish that in my second life, I could be something more. Ever since I was young I have always wanted to be a doctor but I lacked the money to do so as I never had any parents. Being a doctor, helping people, saving lives and maybe being a more agile person like that deep blue-eyed blonde girl on TV. Now that would be nice. "

Sighing in acceptance of his fate he smiled pitifully as he heard the gassoline catching on fire. Then came a big boom and then nothing. 


Feeling himself floating in nothingness surrounded by darkness he suddenly saw a small light at the end of a dark tunnel. Slowly without doing anything, he was moved towards it until the light consumed his entire being and he felt cool air hit his skin.

He groaned in annoyance and discomfort only to hear a baby's crying voice followed by many happy and cheerful voices around him.

Then a feminine voice spoke out. 

" Congratulations madam, It's a healthy baby girl! " 

Then he felt extremely large and rough hands grabbing him as the owner of the hands spoke up with a deep tone of voice. 

" Well done Isabel we finally have our first baby girl! " 

Hearing this talk about baby girls and hearing baby voices coming out his mouth Bruce thought to himself.

" What the fucks going on here? " 

Then with some effort, he managed to open his eyes.

Seeing this the many maids in the room gathered around him and started giggling cheerfully as one of them said. 

" Awe, look Madam, look, she's got your beautiful deep blue eyes and blonde hair! " 

Confused Bruce started looking around and saw that he was in some kind of a medieval castle room with a bunch of giant women dressed in black French-style maid outfits. 

On the bed, there was an extremely beautiful smiling woman with deep blue eyes, blonde hair and curves in all the right places. She was covered in sweat as if she had just done an extremely hard workout session which made her look even more beautiful and charming in a way. 

Then he turned his gaze upward toward the one that was holding him. It seemed that he was in the hands of a big muscular blonde-haired man with orange eyes and a sweet smile on his face. The man was looking at him as he then said. 

" Following Isabella's wishes this child's name will be Lili. Lili a true girls name, my girls name. "

Isabel the woman on the bed then spoke up. 

" Yes, Lili is a lovely name. I'm sure she will be a true bringer of love and hope to our lands. " 

Bruce just watched this in total confusion and disbelief as all that went through his head were countless questions of what the hell was going on. 

Then the wooden door to the room burst open and two young boys who resembled the big man greatly ran in. 

Seeing this the man smiled towards the boys and said. 

" Now boys say hello to our families newest member your new little sister, Lili. "

Hearing this Bruce snapped as he tried to yell out. 

" What no! I'm not a baby girl I'm a man! " Bruce tried his best but only baby noises and what sounded like crying came out his mouth as he lost control of his emotions and started to cry. 

Confused at what was going on the smaller of the boys asked. 

" What's wrong father? Why is she crying? Did we do something wrong? "

The big man laughed at these words and simply handed Bruce/Lili over to the woman on the bed and said. 

" Don't worry you didn't do anything wrong. It's normal for babies to cry when their born. Although, Lili seems to be a lot more calmer compared to you two when you were born. " 

Taking Lily into her hands Isabel then started humming a lullaby and almost immediately in response, Lili started calming down. 

In Bruce's mind, he couldn't help it. Feeling the softness of the woman's breasts, seeing the beauty in her face and hearing the angelic shooting voice she produced, he just couldnt help but calm down and close his eyes. 

Also contributing to his tiredness was his new baby body which seemed to lack the energy and strength of his previous body. And as he started to fall asleep a constant loop of words played in his mind. 

" This is just a dream, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man. "