
operation: lets's die today

The desert heat was enough to make the sun cower in fear. Zyrian had lived here until they came, killing everyone in their path but that was in WW3 he had come so far from then. WW3 unlike the other wars had lasted less than a year and he had joined halfway through since then he had endured more traumatizing events than anyone should. He was in the thick of a battle now he was Sniping the enemy, "Cmon folks let drive these wretched Americans out of our home and back to their accursed USA'' He said as he signaled Winston to detonate the bombs they had placed around the enemy encampment the night before. The soldiers realized what was happening almost instantly and tried to fall back, "He he he he he right into our trap you foolish excuses for humans." Zyrian laughed to himself. One of the enemy soldiers stepped on the proximity mine and looked down, "Drat" he complained before getting his leg blown up. Zyrian doubted he was still alive but he put some lead in him just in case. 

 Zyrian saw the target, president Charles Campar, more commonly known as the Charlatan. for it was he who was getting his own soldiers killed. Trying to escape in a plane, but Zyrian couldn't have that. So he decided to get a little more involved. He went into ultimate mode and practically teleported to the runway but it was too late! The plane was taking off. He thought fast and took out his recurve bow that he kept for emergencies and shot three arrows into the fast closing wheel compartments they were set to explode in 15 minutes. He grinned to himself, "Boy are they in for a not-so-good surprise" he thought to himself.

Just then more American soldiers came around the corner and opened fire. He hid behind a crate of armor plates and their rounds tore into it. He cursed to himself and then contacted Winston, "Bring the Chopper now!" He shouted, "And blow these darn greencoats into oblivion". "Roger that '' Came Winston's scratchy reply. He put the radio down, pulled up his hood, and rolled. In one fluid motion he pulled out his dual revolvers and came to a stop in the middle of the alley. The soldiers emptied their clips at him but his Kefta showed their bullets no grace and they clattered to the floor. He filled the air around him with gunshots and one by one the soldiers dropped, then he sensed a threat behind him and spun. Bad decision. The Experimental bullet pounded through his armor and into his lungs. The last thing he saw was a figure standing over him and then the world lit up.