
Reincarnated as a forest guardian

Billy was an orphan but he loved nature so much that he studied biology to become a zoologist to study animals and then struck he fall to a cliff he promised to himself never to be care less again No swearing I promised

Unknownnm · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Up the mountains

As the party walk through the mountains

Michel can you tell me about because I lived in the wood with my parent

What so your a gorrila haha

No I am not!!

Sorry I will tell you this is the right side of the great forest where we live there about a million people lived in our town and in the middle is the great forest full of mysterious herbs and creatures there seems to be a rumor that there lived once the great guardian of the forest 2 million years ago an A demigod level creature, there seems to be a trillion trees in the great forest that to be expected it covered the most part of the continent, and down the great forest are mountains there lived thousand of village in there inhabitants by a thousand person each the rumor is said

That all monster live in the middle are A rank some A rank spooky right and up of the great forest is


Quite a monster a minotaur

Level 6

Race minotaur

Health points :500


Strength 4

Agility 4

Endurance 5

Intelligence :1

Vitality: 4

So level isn't always is huh

Hush a minotaur

Me and bill well attack the minotaur while you conjure fireball spell Takashi attack the minotaur in the back

Now steady go


As I jump wait I need to be the same as yoro here I need to be careful

Yaaa hi as yuro attack I to

Bang bang -50 -50

Aaaw as the minotaur slams

Puhh - minus 200

Name: Yoro

Job: fighter

Level 7

Health point 99/300

Mp 100/100

Strength 3

Agility 2

Endurance 3

Intelligence 1

Vitality 2

There yoro unconscious York yelled by the party as mishel fire fireball I picked yoro and throw him to Takashi bandage him .


Bang -100 Damage 5 sec fire damage


So this is an A rank beast even if it is level is low strong

As Takashi sneak attack in the back

Yaaaah -30 damage as the minotaur grab as so will squish him

I jump to the minotaur back grab his head and stabbed -250

Bush dead the minotaur ow the fire

Ding gained fire resistance: max

as the forest guardian king of the earth fire and water 90% negate fire damage


As the night close by bandaging wounds York tell me you may be the hero by I am still the leader got it kid!


Sit by the campfire

York said tomorrow well be back to town

Ush don't worry about yoro said Takashi

He was always the leader of us since when we were kids he thinks that you will ruin the party but actually he is soft hearted as the best friend of yoro I promise he smiled

Do you want to hear my story

What is this a death flag!

What. Nothing

Okay anyways we were always alone no family mishel yoro and me they were killed by the battle of the demon lord the strongest monster just behind by the forest guardians who is now extinct yoro always lead the party we often steal bread because we were hungry hahaha that was a hard time.

Well anyways good night

Yes as I sit by the fire huh demon lord there such exist I wonder if there heroes too

To be continued