
Reincarnated as a forest guardian

Billy was an orphan but he loved nature so much that he studied biology to become a zoologist to study animals and then struck he fall to a cliff he promised to himself never to be care less again No swearing I promised

Unknownnm · Fantasy
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32 Chs


Possible evolution

Beep boop


A King of the forest who is a complete horror who comes into the forest. A King who is strong and utilizes his creatures to do his bidding

Strength +5 Agility + 3 Endurance +5 intelligence + 3 vitality + 3

Skills gained


Mp 100 per person

A horror who succumbs to it in the illusion you control the time and pain suffering of your victims can utilize on many people at once


10 per sec a person

Make your creatures stronger temporary 10% boost on all stats depending on a level even boost yourself


King of night devour who sees it can completely fool people it may be alone but it will surely kill

Strength +5 Agility + 7 endurance +3 vitality + 3

Skills gained


You can mimic everyone you devour

Deaths memory

You can gain memory of you devour


The body of 7 feet deer love by the forest who is merciful to the all creatures beauty and love and the most knowledgeable creature, and who blooms plants

Strength + 2 agility + 2 vitality + 2 endurance + 2 intelligence + 8

Skills gained

Bloom passive

10 per sec

Bloom all plant in surrounding 10 meters per level

Okay this is hard bill thought they are all good choice except forester I don't want it

Ok I am gonna choice

To be continued