
Reincarnated as a Fantasy Terrorist

Aisam, disenchanted with life and weary of his mundane existence, found himself adrift in a sea of apathy with no clear purpose or ambitions. Tragically, his unfulfilled life came to a sudden and devastating end when he became a victim of a terrorist-plotted airplane crash. ... ... [Loading...] [Reincarnation Process initiated...] [Memories Removal in progress...] [ERROR! ERROR! ERROR!] [THE UNIVERSAL REINCARNATION SYSTEM IS MALFUNCTIONING!] [The Reincarnation Process will be partly completed] [ERROR! ERROR! ERROR! ERROR!] [℅$#?] [Scanning the host...] [Conditions have been met] [Fantasy Terror System Installed] ... ... Reincarnated into another world from one of the novels he had read, as an inconsequential orphan character. However, immersion in entertainment indifferently in his free time has blended and obscured many story memories. Will he flourish despite destined obscurity in an unknown grim narrative? {If you enjoy it, kindly consider adding it to your library collection, vote with Powerstones, Golden Tickets, Gifts, etc. Your support is crucial and very much appreciated.} ______________________________________ It's my first novel, and English isn't my first language so I kindly ask for your patience and support. Constructive criticism is greatly welcomed as I strive to improve and grow as a writer. * The following story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. ......... Discord Server; Give me feedback & Shape the Story (18+): https://discord.com/invite/vQHqBpS2

SanjarAli · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
95 Chs

Second Phase [3]

"Haa..." The newbie guard sighed heavily as he watched his senior saunter off to rest indefinitely, a routine since his arrival last week.

He appeared to be in his twenties, medium height, possessing an average build that was neither lean nor particularly toned.

His face was unremarkable—neither ugly nor handsome—but it was his golden yellow eyes that stood out, adding a touch of intrigue and charm to his otherwise ordinary appearance.

His medium blond hair framed his face, providing a subtle contrast to the unique hue of his eyes.

With a resigned shrug, he leaned against the gate, resting his spear on his shoulder, his gaze unfocused on the surroundings.

'Who cares, anyway? If I get the money, nothing else matters,' he thought. 

'It's not like I can find a job that pays this well given my background.' 

'This must be my twentieth job in the past three months...'