
Reincarnated as a Fairy in the Beastworld

This is inspired by other beastworld stories but in a fantasy setting. The story and characters are my original work. ~°*°~ Miranda Lee was like any typical merchant trying to make an honest living in the black market. Okay, maybe not so honest, but nothing too crazy. The only difference was that her clients lived on opposite ends of the galaxy and mana robots were quick on her tail, trying to bring her to justice. Then she joined the rebellion against the mana AIs. They built a time machine to travel back to the past but the bots attacked. She died in the scuffle, still wondering whether or not she'd done the right thing. But what's this? She's reincarnated into a fantasy world as a fairy? Plus an AI came along for the ride? And why are all the beastmen so handsome and seductive?

Fryer_Fly · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 14

Her eyes widened in realization and she materialized in alarm. The wolf pack noticed her instantly but she vanished before they could react. Panicking, she flew-cum-teleported back to Sher island faster than ever.

The sky around her was quickly getting dark and a red moon hung in the orange sky. Why now? How could she have forgotten about this?

Sher's leaves were glowing a soft red when she alighted at the hollow's entrance. She rushed in and immediately dived into her bed, the largest flower in the hollow. She tried to blink into Amir with Sher island but she couldn't connect with Sher at all.

She became even more flustered. What was going on? The sweet rosy scent in the air got stronger and became more fragrant, clouding her head. Her body started to heat up and she panted, ripping all the flower garments from her body.

Her heart pounded furiously within her chest and its thumping drummed in her ears. Would her tiny heart survive this? She felt like it was about to pop. The air felt like an aphrodisiac as it flooded her bloodstream and her lust was ignited.

"Aah," she moaned. She tried to fly towards the pond but her wings might as well have been glued onto her back. She slowly crawled out of the flower and stumbled towards the pond. A hanging vine quietly picked her up, as if it could now suddenly read the room, and gently lay her in the pond.

Her body only got hotter. She felt a tingling discomfort in her bones and wriggled in the water miserably. It wasn't painful but it felt like ants were crawling under her skin. She rolled onto her stomach by the poolside.

Only her head and back were visible over the water as she placed her right hand between her thighs and palmed her needy p*ssy.

"Mmh," her pleasure increased and the discomfort decreased. Two fingers slipped between her wet folds, gently brushing the area above her cl*t. Her p*ssy clenched and she felt an itch deep within her.

She slowly slid the fingers over the swollen nub and pressed on it. She shivered and her p*ssy walls clenched tighter, desperate for some friction. She didn't dare to put her fingers in or rub it lest she nip herself with her claws. She pressed harder where it felt more pleasurable, gently grinding her hips. She quickly reached her peak.

"Aaargh!" she moaned loudly, her body trembling. Pleasure washed over her in waves and lingered for a long while. It was a comfortable climax and her body relaxed, feeling sated but wanting more. The pleasure didn't wane a bit but an overwhelming exhaustion washed over her and she fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up the next day, she was lying beside the pool in the white and pink meadow. Bright sunlight shone in through the entrance and lit up the hollow. Something about it was weird but she couldn't put a finger on it.

She groaned. Her head was aching and her body felt like it was stuffed full of lead. It was as if shackles were wrapped around her, nailing her to the ground. She raised her heavy head and tried to levitate out of the water.

She barely moved.

She was suddenly wide awake as she pushed herself up to a sitting position. She turned to look at her back and saw that her wings were not popping out. Her wings had always been retractable but when she tried to summon them now, they were unresponsive.

She stared longer at her back and then turned to look at her entire body. Her skin didn't look quite as pearly as before. She immediately lifted her hands to her face and saw that they were as normal as they could get. Well, as human as they could get.

Her long sharp claws were replaced with short perfectly-trimmed nails. They were a healthy pink too. She scrambled to her knees and leaned forward towards the pool, staring at her reflection. Her real face stared back at her.

She looked exactly like she did in her last life, down to her waist-length dark brown hair, hazel eyes and light skin. She checked for the beauty spot on her left palm and it was there. She only felt as if she had lost a lot of muscle and slimmed down.


She pinched her thigh hard and it hurt, but she still couldn't believe it. She would have thought that she was dreaming if her body wasn't so terribly sore and weak. She looked around her and saw that she was indeed inside Sher's hollow. The hollow was the same, except that now everything seemed to have shrunk and closed in.

It was obvious that she had turned back into a human; back to her body before she'd turned into a cyborg. She didn't know how to react. What exactly happened last night? She only recalled falling asleep in the pond after being affected by the red moon.

Now, her knee-length white hair and bright pink eyes were gone. Her pair of horns and two pairs of sparkling clear wings were also gone. Would she ever be able to turn back into a fairy again? No sooner had she had that thought than white light blinded her, forcing her to close her eyes.

When she opened them again, she was floating in midair above the pond and she could clearly see that she had turned back into a fairy. Okay, she had almost panicked there. She never thought that she would be upset over turning back into a human.

She patted her chest. Well, at least everything could go back to normal. She was still exhausted so she landed and sat by the poolside. Bright light surrounded her and she turned back into human. It felt too surreal.

She looked around the hollow and slowly stood up on two wobbly legs. She had used this body for almost a century and she couldn't allow herself to fall. She breathed out in relief once she found her balance and looked up again.

She was basically in a white prairie within a spacious cave and the plants were a normal size now. The sunlight streaming through the opening was warm and bright, and she decided to try walking around.

She only took a few shaky steps before she fell. Several white vines shot down from the ceiling, wrapped around her and caught her before she hit the ground. As walked towards the closest wall with their support, she couldn't help but notice how one vine didn't cover her entire body with a single coil like before.

"Thanks Sher," she said as she leaned a hand against the wall. Sher handed her a bunch of clear grapes and she quickly accepted them, plucking one and chewing slowly.

"So sweet!" she exclaimed. Had they always been so delicious? She was halfway through the bunch before she finally felt that some energy had returned to her. That was the moment she remembered what Sher had done last night. Or rather, what it failed to do.

"You! How could you do that?" She was so mad that tears pooled in her eyes. Why did Sher stop her from taking them to Arim? Was it concerned about the damage that it might cause to the forests and animals? Was this caused by the built-in need to protect Gaia?