
Reincarnated As A Dystopian Resident

Prince Vikram II, notorious for his cruelty and deceit, had earned the dreaded moniker "Rakshasha" through his triumphant two-year war against the twelve ancient tribes. Seeking respite from the weariness of his existence, he discreetly slipped away from the uproarious celebration held in his honor, leaving chaos in his wake. Yearning for familiar comfort, he sought refuge in his secret sanctuary, indulging in the intoxicating allure of Soma wine, an elixir to drown his sorrows. Clutching onto the sole source of meaning in his desolate life, The Diaspora Trilogy, he eagerly delved into its final volume, longing for closure and a fleeting connection to his humanity. However, instead of solace, the concluding pages ignited a raging inferno of fury and frustration within him, leaving him seething with anger. Drained by a combination of rage and exhaustion, he succumbed to an agitated slumber, only to awaken abruptly, his senses assaulted by the harsh reality of being tightly bound, gagged, and wounded on the frigid, unforgiving metallic tracks of an unfamiliar and ominous location. Story Tags: #action #sci-fi #fantasy #mystery #transmigrated_into_a_novel #apocalyptic #dark #explicit Protagonist Tag: #emotional_turmoil #unlucky #ptsd #indifferent #manipulative #hidden_strength #smart #tenacious #unrepenting

katha_vachak · Sci-fi
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34 Chs

World - Geography

AN: This is a work in progress, and I might even remove certain elements, so read it at your own expense. Nothing in this chapter is final and won't necessarily be part of the final book.


{ Zones }

In this apocalyptic world, the remnants of humanity have been confined to small self-sufficient cities known as Zones. These Zones are isolated and individually managed, serving as the last bastions of survival for humanity. The world's geography reflects the harsh aftermath of cataclysmic events, with landscapes marred by devastation and decay.

In this perilous world, communication and connectivity are severely limited. However, a post-apocalyptic intranet system known as Dias provides a lifeline of information and communication. Accessible only to powerful Superhumans known as Shikas, Dias serves as a valuable tool for sharing knowledge, coordinating efforts, and discovering fragments of the world's forgotten past.

The world has indeed become a living hell, with mutated monsters and animals prowling the land, posing constant threats to humanity's survival. Survival is a daily struggle, and the Zones provide the only semblance of safety and security. Beyond their borders lie untamed wilderness and the unknown, where danger lurks at every turn. It is a world where courage, resourcefulness, and the abilities of the Shikas are the keys to survival in this unforgiving post-apocalyptic realm.


{ Antim Bhumi }

All the remaining human cities (Zones) are part of a single continent known as "The Final Land" or "Antim Bhumi". Even most of the Antim Bhumi is uninhabited because of harsh terrain and difficult living condition.

This continent is a vast and foreboding landmass that stretches beyond the known territories. It is characterized by dense jungles, treacherous mountain ranges, and vast deserts. Mutated monsters and animals roam freely, posing constant threats to anyone brave or foolish enough to venture into its unexplored depths. The Uncharted Dominion is an enigma, holding ancient ruins and remnants of civilizations long lost to time.

The Continent of Antim Bhumi is divided into many planes with distinct features.

1. Ashen Plains: Stretching across vast expanses, the Ashen Plains are desolate and barren lands, once thriving but now reduced to an eerie expanse of grey ash. The air is thick with the remnants of destruction, and little life exists in this bleak region. The Plains are divided into channels of salty rivers home to poisonous beasts, eroding the land further.

- Zone B ( Brutishram )

2. Verdant Haven: A small Zone nestled amidst a lush forest, Verdant Haven is an oasis of greenery and life. It stands as a beacon of hope, with its self-sustaining agriculture and abundant natural resources. The inhabitants here have managed to create a peaceful and thriving community amidst the chaos.

- Zone A ( Akshaya )

- Zone N ( Nirmaya )

- Zone Y ( Yakshaya )

3. Stormrider Coast: Along the treacherous coastlines, the Stormrider Zone battles against relentless storms and raging seas. Perched atop cliffs, the inhabitants have adapted to their volatile surroundings, using wind and wave energy to power their defences and sustain their way of life.

- Zone S ( Sanka Alpes )

4. Ruins of Solstice: Once a grand metropolis, the Ruins of Solstice now lie in ruins, a haunting reminder of what was lost. The crumbling skyscrapers and twisted infrastructure create a haunting backdrop, and the Zone's inhabitants struggle to survive amidst the remnants of a bygone era.

- Zone V ( Vilupta City )

5. The Iron Wastes: A sprawling expanse of industrial ruins and toxic wastelands, the Iron Wastes are a harsh and unforgiving region. Toxic fumes and mutated creatures roam the area, posing constant threats to the few brave souls who dare to scavenge its resources.

- Zone Z ( Zaalimar )

6. Haven's Reach: High in the mountains, Haven's Reach clings to steep slopes and rugged terrain. The Zone's inhabitants have embraced a self-sufficient lifestyle, harnessing the power of geothermal energy and cultivating terraced gardens to sustain themselves amidst the challenging environment.


7. Frozen Expanse: In the far north, the Frozen Expanse is a desolate land of ice and snow. Surviving in this unforgiving region requires resilience and adaptability, as the inhabitants must contend with bone-chilling temperatures and limited resources.


8. Avyakta Bhumi (The one that has not manifested yet)


9. Arnava Sindha: The Veiled Enigma is a water continent cloaked in mystery and darkness. It is an unforgiving landscape with haunting landscapes, dense fog, and swirling mists that make navigation nearly impossible. Legends and whispers speak of strange phenomena, supernatural entities, and hidden knowledge buried within its depths. The mutated creatures that inhabit this continent are more terrifying and powerful than anywhere else in the world.