
Reincarnated as a Dual Cultivator Vampire

Someone who starts a quiet life in a new world. He can't remember his past, but he never thought about it because he loved his new life in this world. Accompany Aiden as he gradually gains strength and enjoys life in his new and calm life. It has yuri and incest in it, but in general, women who are with mc do it on their own. No ntr or r*pe. Everyone love each other. Greetings to SocialHippo sama from here. If you ever read this, I apologize for copying the universe you created. But one day I wanted to write a book too, and despite every book I've read, I really liked your beginning and I took it and changed it as I wanted. When you see this book in the future, I will try to make you proud of this work. I put the cover photo because I like it. If the owner contacts me or if I make something original I will replace it.

Apheliops · Fantasy
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109 Chs

Awakening the Wings

It's been a year since Aiden met Elanor and had a good time with Sadie.

He continued both his melee training - spear training - and his education with Olivia - albeit less in frequency-.

He continued to visit Sadie from time to time, he making her happy.

Now, Aiden, holding Sadie's hand, they walked together to the place where he was training. After a while, when they got there, Aiden saw that Almira was here too. It was not surprising that she often came to watch their training anyway. Aiden's real surprise was that his mother was on the court.

Sadie didn't notice Aiden's reaction. They walked together onto the field. When Aiden finally reaches his mother, "Mama, what are you doing here ?" he asked, his curiosity visible on his face.

Almira looked at her son's face and then laughed a little. "Why, don't you want to spend time here with your mother?" asked.

Aiden was taken aback. "No, I'm just surprised you're here. I always train with my sister, after all."

Almira laughed again. Shee patted her son's head. "Don't worry honey. Today is a special day for you, and I'm here to help you."

Aiden lowered his head and looked curiously at his mother and older sister. Sadie laughed a little at her brother's reaction, then looked at Almira and said, "Then I'll be watching from the sidelines, Mom."

Almira "Okay, honey," she nodded. After Sadie kissing Aiden's head, she walked over to the part where their mother usually liked to watch them.

Aiden watched his sister leave for a few seconds. Then he went back to looking at his mother with a curious face for an answer.

Almira laughed again because she couldn't get enough of her son's sweetness. "Baby let me ask you something first. Do you feel any itching on your back or any discomfort?" she asked with a motherly look on her face.

Aiden thought for a few seconds. "Actually my back has been really itchy for a few weeks now. I've been feeling a tingling lately, especially near my shoulder blade." said.

Almira nodded, confirming her thoughts. Still, she didn't answer her son, asking him to think, "Well, what do you think could be the reason, honey?" she asked with the same smile on her face.

Aiden thought for a few seconds. He had obviously thought it had something to do with the growth of his body, but now he knew that if he was having a conversation with his mother here, it wasn't as simple as it seemed. But at least he knew one thing, If Almira is talking to him calmly here, then there is nothing wrong with his body.

Still, no matter how hard Aiden thought, nothing came to mind. So he shook his head, "Sorry Mama, I can't think of anything." said.

Almira didn't want her son to give up as she continued to smile, so she said, "You don't have to apologize, honey. Think about it more, you should have learned about it when Olivia was tutoring you."

Aiden began to think again. He had learned most of the general information as well as some specific information about each race. For example, He had learned that mermaids could communicate with the Undine's, or that Angel's personalities are innately guiding and forgiving but can be very cruel if something is done against them.

Now obviously the problem was his body, so this must be a Vampire related issue. 'It's a problem with the vampire and their body. ' He quickly found the answer as Aiden's face changed from bewilderment to awareness .

Seeing the expression on her son's face, Almira herself smiled happily. Then Aiden turned to look at his mother excitedly, "Will I finally have wings?" he asked.

"Yes, honey," Almira said while smiled.

Aiden is even more excited. He could finally fly. Ever since he was little, he had wondered what it would feel like to fly with his own wings.

"What should I do Mama?" he asked.

"Now turn your back on me. I'll stimulate the nerves near your scapula that will allow you to move your wings. That way you'll get your wings out. But just know that since you're waking up your wings for the first time, they're going to cut through your body, so you have to be prepared for the pain that will come." said.

"I got it, Mom," Aiden said grimly before turning his back to his mother. The serious expression on his face made him look sweet as he looked like a little girl even though Aiden was male.

Almira took a deep breath. She knew this procedure would hurt her son, but since he was a Vampire, it was inevitable that he would one day reveal his wings. As much as she didn't want her son to suffer, she would have to put up with it.

She gently placed her two white and pearl hands on the middle of her shoulder blades. Then she gently pressed on certain points.

Aiden suddenly felt a shock all over his body. "Aaaahhhmmm" he made a sound of surprise. He was going to lose his balance and collapse where he was, but he managed to stay standing.

Almira didn't say anything. When he finally felt Aiden's inside wings tremble a little. "Honey can you feel your wings now? " she asked.

Aiden was already starting to sweat. He tried to feel his wings as he gasped. And he really felt it, there he could now feel a separate organ that he hadn't been able to feel since birth. "Yes, Mama," he said in a happy and excited voice.

Almira also took a sigh of relief. But now that the real painful part had come, she was worried again. "Now try to spread your wings out. I'm going to move away from you a little bit, but I'll stay here, baby." she said, then kissed him on the head and stepped back.

Aiden nodded in response. He took a long breath, then began to push his wings out .

After a while, blood began to flow on his back -he was naked now. There are magical outfits that normally don't tear while using their wings, but Aiden hasn't been given those outfits yet-. A black thing could be seen from the two holes that were flowing blood. Aiden clenched his teeth as he pushed harder, and Almira became even more depressed as she watched her son suffer.

After a while, it got bigger in the two slits on his back and the two wings inside of him suddenly came out. Aiden screamed in both surprise and pain. " Aaaahhhhhh!! " then he started flapping them wildly as he didn't know how to control because of the pain he felt in his wings.

Before he could even rise 1 meter into the air, he immediately felt himself being pressed to the ground by a force. Using her own magic, Almira brought her son back to the ground. As Aiden got used to the pain after a while, his nerves relaxed and the beat of his wings began to slow.

Then, as his wings stopped completely, the pressure he felt on him disappeared as well, and he was panting as he sat on the ground.

Almira came in front of her son and sat on the ground front him and hugged him. Aiden also buried his head in two soft chests and began to gather his breath.

But when he heard someone crying, he raised his head in surprise and looked at his mother. Seeing his mother's crying face, he was shocked and felt very bad. He was too tired to move his arms, but he managed to raise one arm to hold his mother's face. Then, him voice hoarsely, "Mom what's the problem?" he asked.

Almira saw her son suffer, she couldn't stand it anyway, and it got worse when she heard the scream of pain. She even started to cry when she tried to stop him. She calmed down a bit now as she hugged her son, but started crying again when he barely held her face and asked how she was doing even though he was in pain. Her son was a really good boy and she couldn't help feeling emotional.

"How are you feeling honey?" she asked, still crying. Aiden tried to smile as well, "I'm better Mama, thank you. But why are you crying, is there something wrong?" he asked in a worried voice.

Almira also raised a hand to hold her son's face. "No, there's nothing wrong honey. I just couldn't stand seeing you in such pain." she said. She had calmed down a bit, but tears were still running down her face.

Aiden gently touched Almira with both hands then wiped her tears. He looked into her eyes and said, "I'm fine Mama, look. Even though it hurts, I had to go through it anyway. So please don't cry anymore."

Feeling the caress of her son's hands, Almira began to relax. Her crying lessened and she smiled at her son. She realized again that he was indeed a kind son.

Noticing that his mother had calmed down, Aiden took the initiative to kiss her. He placed his lips gently on her mother's, and they began to kiss lovelingly.

Almira also completely melted thanks to kiss, and now she was completely calm. Noticing this too, Aiden broke the kiss and looked at his mother. "You're better now, aren't you?" he asked.

Almira chuckled "Aren't you the one suffering here, why are you asking me honey? But now that I'm fine, how are you, can you stand up?" she asked.

Aiden nodded his head, "I feel like I can get up." he said.

Almira stood up, she helped Aiden stand up too . After they both stood up, Sadie , who had been watching anxiously from the side the entire time, came over and hugged Aiden .

Aiden knew his sister was worried too, and he hugged her back. "How are you, honey?" Sadie looked at her younger brother, she asked.

"I'm fine Sis, actually I'm still pretty excited." he said happily.

"Congratulations on successfully awakening your wings." Sadie smiled and gently stroked Aiden's wings.

Aiden felt his body tingle as Sadie touched his wings, but the tingling soon passed as he said, "Thanks, sis.

Almira congratulated her son too, Sadie said, "Go and rest for today, and tomorrow we'll start our lesson on how you can use your wings."

Aiden nodded his head, tucked his wings back into his body, and Almira took her son in her arms then start walking to bath and sleep her son.