
Reincarnated as a Dragon Deity. Quest for Freedom, Domination, Women!

The MC is your typical highschool Otake who watches anime movies and plays games. One day he dies and is then told by God that he has a chance at reincarnation. As an otaku who likes anime he chose to reincarnate in another world. He uses his wishes to become an OP dragon and is then sent to a fantasy world during the mediaeval age. He is now going to show his power to the world and rise in their ranks. He will gain power, authority, reverence and many more. But most of all he will gain a lot of women. Follow his journey as he goes through the fantasy world while making a harem of beautiful women for himself! ############# This is just a fanfiction that I'm writing for my fulfilment. I have read many fanfictions before and decided to throw my hat in it as well. This will include Sex and many mature content such as gore, blood etc. Except for the plot nothing belongs to me.I hope all of you will like it.

Lust_Demon_Samael · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter 2

Ryan had appeared a few hundred metres away from the dark castle he had seen a few moments ago. He had peeked inside and learned that it belonged to a Vampire Lord.

Just as the name suggests the Vampire Lord is the strongest of the Vampire race. There are actually a group of Vampire Lords who have dominion. The church has been trying to exterminate them for a long time but has been unable to.

Due to the Vampires natural weakness to the Sun, they usually live in secluded areas which have less human activity. Though that doesn't mean they don't do anything to humans. From what he understands, the true nature of a vampire is to hunt humans.

If we were to say it in more simpler terms, then humans are the herbivores and Vampires are the carnivores. Humans have greater numbers but lesser strength while Vampires have lesser numbers but have greater strength.

The vampires are also weak to holy elements and things like the Holy Cross. Their abilities are increased physical abilities, creation and control of mist, ability to turn themselves into bats and of course magic.

They also have another weakness which are the Beastkin and vice-versa which causes the two races to be at odds with each other.

These were the general information he got from the surrounding area and from the churches. Though he was very discreet in searching them lest he alert the church about his presence.

Though he has gained a great amount of power from his wishes, he is no fool that he will think that he is the strongest in the world. That is why he exercises caution whenever we does things.

Now he had gained considerable information about the castle and its layout and has decided to raid it. Though he did create a powerful barrier around the castle to make sure that no one will know what is happening inside it. He also created a field to know if anyone comes near the castle.

After making sure that both of them were working effectively he made his way towards the castle. He had also taken the liberty of changing his body. Since he is starting his life in another world he saw it as fitting to have a new appearance.

So he changed his appearance to a red haired boy with pale skin elf like ears, metallic unique wings and armor. (A/N : He looks like Scharhrot Vampir from Vanguard.)

He made his way and reached the gate. The guards tried to stop him as they stood in front of him.

"Halt! Who goes there?!" The vampire guard said as he looks at him.

"Hello I have come here to see the Vampire Lord." Ryan said cooly.

"You can't meet the lord go away." The guard said.

"Oh, when did I say I needed your permission." Ryan said as he narrowed his eyes a bit as it glowed red.

The next moment both the guards fell unconscious on the ground. He placed a spell on them which made them sleep. He then opened the gates and made his way towards the castle. As he walked many guards came to him but he would just make them go unconscious just like the ones at the gate.

He then reached and entered the castle and made his way as he made all the guards who stood against him fall unconscious. He used his powers to know the location of the Vampire Lord and has also made teleportation magic unusable if he decided to escape.

"Hmm, he hasn't left his throne yet. Is he that confident in himself or is it just pride?" Ryan mused to himself as he made through the guards.

He also came across some Vampire general's and though they tried to stop him he just put them to sleep. He actually didn't have a plan for them but decided to do something about them after meeting and dealing with the vampire lord.

Due to the powers her obtained it was like dealing with flies as he easily made it to the throne room. He opened the giant doors and found the Vampire Lord sitting on his throne.

The vampire lord has black hair and red eye and pale skin. He was dressed in an aristocratic clothing and glared at him. He also has a handsome face but the glare he was giving him was a condescending one.

"So you're the one who dares to enter my domain." The vampire lord said in a condescending tone.

"You're not afraid, after all, I just got to the throne room easily." Ryan said to him.

"Why would I be afraid of vermin like you. A no name vampire is of no consequence." The vampire said.

"Even though all of your guards in this hall have been put to sleep?" Ryan asked as he gestured to the guards with an amused look.

"They are weak, I'll be sure to deal with them after I take care of the trash." The vampire lord said.

"You're overestimating yourself. You're nothing compared to me." Ryan said as a red aura started to surround him.

"Babblings of a dead man." The vampire lord said as he surrounded himself in his aura.

'He's so haughty and prideful that he isn't registering me as a threat. Oh I can't wait to see his face when I utterly defeat him.' Ryan thought to himself as his smile widened.

"What are you smiling at you insect." The vampire said as he sent a magic beam at Ryan.

Ryan in response didn't do anything and took the attack as a smoke cloud appeared around him.

"Hmph, that's what you get for daring to stand against me." The vampire said in a dismissive tone.

"Is that all you got? I'm so disappointed." Ryan's voice was heard from the smoke.

This caused the Vampire to widen his eyes as the smoke was dispelled by Ryan who had a smirk on his face. Before the vampire lord could say anything Ryan sent his own magic beam at him. The vampire created a shield but it wasn't effective as the beam tore through it like paper and hit the vampire lord and destroyed his throne in the process.

"Hmm, maybe I should've held back more." Ryan muttered to himself.

"Y-You insect!" The vampire said as he appeared from the smoke as she glared at Ryan.

He then created hundreds of magic circles as they all fired at him. But Ryan took care of them without any problems. This kept on going for a long time as the vampire kept on attacking while Ryan took on the attacks with an amused look. As the match went on Ryan was starting to get bored so he decided to end this.

"I believe it is time to end this pathetic charade." Ryan said in a tone of finality.

The next moment many magic circles appeared around Ryan as it shot beams which destroyed the vampires magic circles. The vampire was shocked and before he could retaliate he was brought to his knees by Ryan as he increased the gravity around him.

"Yes, this is perfect." Ryan said with a sinister smirk as his eyes glowed blood red.

The Vampire looked at him and was surprised at the face he was making as the glowing eyes made him look like a demon. But his arrogance and pride or vanity wouldn't let him bow to him.

"Why the hell are you smiling bastard. There's no way that a no name trash like you could contend with a respected Vampire Lord like me." The Vampire spat at him.

Ryan looked at the man like he was crazy as it was clearly evident that he was no match for him.

'I was planning on killing him since he was so defiant but seeing this much arrogance from him makes me not want to do it.' Ryan thought to himself.

Ryan thought about what to do with the vampire as he increased the gravity around him which caused the vampire to be pushed to the ground. He thought about what to do with him then an idea struck his mind.

'Well, it's not like anyone's going to judge me about it. So might as well do it, it will also be fun to me.' Ryan thought to himself as a grin appeared on his face.

He then stopped the gravity on the Vampire and lifted him off the ground using magic.

"Say goodbye." Ryan said as a magic circle appeared below and above the vampire.

The vampire was surprised before he was enveloped by the light from both circles, all the while Ryan had a smirk on his face. He screamed inside the pillar of light before his voice turned from masculine to a feminine one.

Ryan's eyes glowed red as his smile widened as he looked at the pillar of light. After a while the pillar dissipated and the vampire lord fell to the ground.

"Y-You insect, what do you think you're doing!?" The vampire said with a feminine voice.

Said vampire noticed the change in his voice and touched his throat in shock.

"W-What did you do to my voice!?" The vampire yelled at him.

Ryan chuckled in response and then looked at the vampire with a grin.

"Just your voice?" Ryan said to the vampire in an amused tone.

The vampire grew confused at it but then widened his eyes as he looked at himself. And what he found shocked him.

When he looked at his body instead of his chest there were two bountiful breasts which covered his view below them. He looked at him hands and found them to be slim, he looked at his legs and found slim legs. He then touched where his crotch is and his face became one of dread as he didn't feel his penis.

Right now the one in front of Ryan wasn't a man but a woman with long black hair, red eyes and pale skin. She has soft skin, a busty and curvaceous figure which would make other men drool and make females jealous and a beautiful face.

"W-What kind to sick joke is this!?" The female turned vampire yelled at the man in front of him.

"Oh nothing much, it was just an idea I just got. I was originally planning to kill you after utterly defeating you but the way you were acting all arrogant with me I decided it was best to do something else. Besides, even though you're weaker than me you still have strength which I could use." Ryan said nonchalantly.

"So you turned me into a woman! What will that accomplish!?" The vampire yelled at him.

"Oh I've thought about it. I'm going to make you submit to me and as a bonus I'll also turn you from a man into a woman. That sounds like a good deal doesn't it?" Ryan said in a sing song voice.

"Y-You're insane." The vampire shrieked in fear.

"Oh I'm fine. But that's enough talking, time for me to discipline you." Ryan said with a sinister smirk as he slowly walked towards the vampire.

The said vampire tried to use her wings but they wouldn't come out. She then tried to use her magic but that didn't work as well. She then tried to crawl away from him which only seemed to make Ryan more excited. He finally stood in front of the Vampire as said vampire looked at him in horror.

Ryan grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him and then grabbed her by her waist. The vampire tried to get out but her strength wasn't making him budge as she was now completely at his mercy. Ryan smiled as he made a magic circle appear below them as they teleported.

When the light died down the vampire found themselves in her chamber which had a king sized bed. The same bed onto which Ryan threw the vampire as she yelped in surprise. She turned and looked at Ryan in fear as he made his armor disappear which showed his impressive physique.

He then got on the bed as well while the Vampire was getting scared by the minute.

"Try to hold on and resist for as long as you can okay. That will keep things interesting." Ryan said with a sinister smile as his eyes glowed red.