
Reincarnated as a Demon Prince

Luke died at age of 40. He got reincarnated as a Demon Prince names Kazrach in the world swords and magic, full of magical races. Follow Kazrach's journey as he builds his harem, kills powerful beings, raises his pet beasts and travels to multiple planets. ------------ The cover is not mine.

Sore_Eros · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 5: Keltharion the Lich

The lich, known as Keltharion, had been planning the attack on the elf village for months. He had scoured the nearby landsfor potential recruits to his undead army; a force that would strike fear into the hearts of the forest-dwellers. Using his dark magic, Keltharion had resurrected scores of corpses from the nearby graveyards and reanimated them as histo find the best undead creatures to add to his army. He needed a force that could overpower the elves and leave none alive. Keltharion had been a powerful mage in his past life, and now as a lich, he could command the dead.

At first, he had only a small group of undead creatures, mostly composed of skeletons and zombies. But Keltharion knew that he needed more powerful beings to attack the village. His first step was to look for a necromancer who could help him raise the dead more efficiently.

After weeks of searching, Keltharion found a necromancer living in a hidden temple. The necromancer was wary of Keltharion's intentions, but after hearing about the elf village, the necromancer agreed to help.

Together, they went to the nearby cemetery, where Keltharion used his magic to summon the strongest undead creatures from their graves. Keltharion and the necromancer spent the long hours of the night raising more and more undead warriors.

Keltharion also set his sights on recruiting some of the living creatures inhabiting the nearby forests. He knew that some of the creatures were aligned with the elves, but he was confident that he could sway them to his side.

He dispatched a group of undead scouts to find any living creatures they could recruit. The scouts were commanded to use whatever means necessary, including force, to bring the living creatures to Keltharion.

The next day, the scouts returned with a group of worgs, goblins, and orcs. They had been beaten into submission and brought to Keltharion, who then used his powerful magic to enslave them. Now, they would fight for him, without question.

As Keltharion's army grew in size and power, he continued to plan his attack on the elf village. He knew that the elves had always been a thorn in his side, and he relished the thought of seeing their village in ruins, their people dead or enslaved.

The night before the attack, Keltharion watched as his undead army assembled under the light of the full moon. His army now stretched as far as his eyes could see. He could feel the power of his undead minions coursing through his veins, filling him with a sense of invincibility.

Keltharion wasted no time and ordered his army to march. The undead warriors obeyed, their footsteps creating a dull thud as they marched towards the forest where the elf village was located.

As they reached the perimeter of the village, Keltharion could see the glow of their magic barriers. He sneered at their arrogance, knowing that his army would quickly bring those barriers down.

He ordered his army to charge, and they did so with a ferocity that took the elves by surprise. The first wave of attack consisted of zombies and skeletons, which threw themselves against the barrier, their dead bodies almost blending into one.

The elves responded with magic and arrows, but it was no use. The undead warriors were relentless, and soon the barriers were shattered, leaving the village open to attack.

The second wave was comprised of more fearsome creatures, including ghouls, and wraiths. They swept through the village with ease, tearing down houses and slaughtering every elf they could find.

Keltharion watched from the outskirts of the village, surrounding himself with a powerful shield that protected him from the magic of the elves. He felt a sense of satisfaction as he saw the village burn and watched as the elves were overrun by his army.

As the battle raged on, Keltharion felt his power grow stronger with every death. He was unstoppable, and nothing could stand in his way.

The battle continued into the night, but by dawn, the village was destroyed, and the only survivors were the elves who managed to flee into the forest.

Keltharion surveyed the aftermath and was pleased with the result. He had decimated the elf village, and the power of the elves had been broken.

As he began to make his way back to his lair, Keltharion felt a sense of triumph. He had accomplished what he had set out to do, and he had shown the world the true power of the undead.

But deep down, Keltharion knew that this was only the beginning. His thirst for power could never be quenched, and he would continue to build his army, destroying anyone who stood in his way.

sry 4 grammatical errors

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