
Reincarnated as a Demon Prince

Luke died at age of 40. He got reincarnated as a Demon Prince names Kazrach in the world swords and magic, full of magical races. Follow Kazrach's journey as he builds his harem, kills powerful beings, raises his pet beasts and travels to multiple planets. ------------ The cover is not mine.

Sore_Eros · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 44: Banquet

Hearing his father's voice being more grave than usual, instinctively, Kazrach knew that something big was about to happen, and he braced himself for whatever news his fatherhad for him.

"Sagraxag, what is it?" Kazrach asked, his voice neutral.

"Kazrach, my son," Sagraxag began, "I need you to attend a banquet tonight. It's being hostedby one of our allies, and I need you there to represent our kingdom."

Kazrach was surprised. His father rarely asked him to attend social events, and he knew that his presence was usually required only at important political meetings or negotiations with other demon lords.

"I'm honored, Father," Kazrach said, trying to mask his surprise, "but may I ask why my attendance is needed at this particular banquet?"

Sagraxag cleared his throat. "I understand that you may have other plans, but this banquet is a delicate matter. Our ally is hosting it to celebrate his ascension to the throne. As you know, he has been a staunch supporter of our cause, and we need to show our appreciation."

Kazrach understood the implication. They needed to show their ally that they valued his friendship and support, and that they were willing to go above and beyond to maintain their alliance.

"I understand, Father," Kazrach said. "I will make sure to attend the banquet tonight."

"Good," Sagraxag said, his voice softening. "I know that you have been busy with your own affairs, but I need you to be there. This is not only about our ally, but also about maintaining our position in the demon world."

Kazrach nodded, even though his father couldn't see him. "I understand, Father. I will be there."

"Excellent," Sagraxag said, his voice returning to its usual commanding tone. "The banquet is at the palace of our ally. You will receive the invitation shortly. Make sure to dress appropriately and arrive on time. And Kazrach?"

"Yes, Father?"

"Remember to be on your best behavior. This is not just a social event, but a show of strength and unity."

"I understand, Father," Kazrach said, feeling a wave of apprehension wash over him. He knew that demon social events could be unpredictable, often with hidden agendas and dangerous alliances being formed under the guise of polite conversation.

"Good," Sagraxag said. "I will expect a report from you tomorrow about the outcome of the banquet. And Kazrach?"

"Yes, Father?"

"I'm proud of you, my son."

Kazrach felt a swell of emotion at his father's words. He had always strived to be the perfect son, to live up to his father's expectations and earn his respect. Hearing those words made all the effort worth it.

"Thank you, Father," Kazrach said, his voice almost a whisper.

"Go now, my son," Sagraxag said. "And remember, you are the prince of the demon kingdom. Act like it."

Kazrach hung up and sat back in his chair, feeling a sense of both pride and apprehension. He had been trained to be a ruthless leader, to always be ready for anything. But social events were a different matter altogether.

As he waited for the invitation to arrive, his mind raced with all the possible scenarios that could play out at the banquet. He wondered who would be there, who would try to sabotage their alliance, and who would be vying for his attention.

He decided to spend the rest of the day preparing, going over his diplomatic skills, running through possible conversations in his head, and reviewing the history of their ally and his kingdom.

When the invitation finally arrived, it was formal and direct. It listed the time, date, and location of the banquet, along with the expected dress code.

Kazrach dressed in his finest demon robes, making sure that his hair was polished and immaculate. He took a deep breath and teleported himself to the palace of their ally.

As he arrived, he noticed that there were already demons from different kingdoms and factions milling about. He scanned the room, looking for familiar faces and signs of danger.

He spotted Ildren, the prince of the Underworld, nodding his head in greeting. Kazrach knew that Ildren was a dangerous rival, always looking for ways to increase his own power and influence. But for tonight, he would have to put that aside and present a united front.

He made his way through the crowd, greeting other demon lords and their representatives. He noticed that many of them were eying him curiously, perhaps wondering why he had been invited to the banquet.

But as he approached the host of the banquet, he felt a sense of relief. The host was a demon lord from the Eastern kingdoms, a long-time ally of his father's. Kazrach had met him a few times before, and he knew that he was a shrewd politician and a generous host.

The host greeted him warmly, thanking him for attending. He introduced Kazrach to his own entourage, a mix of demons and other creatures from his kingdom.

Kazrach spent the next few hours mingling, making small talk, and sampling some of the exotic foods and drinks that were offered. He noticed that the atmosphere was tense, with many demons whispering in corners, and some avoiding eye contact with others.

He wondered if there was some sort of tension between the different factions and kingdoms, or if it was just the usual politics of demon gatherings.

As the night wore on, the banquet turned into a ball, with demons and other creatures dancing to fast-paced music. Kazrach joined in, showing off his own dancing skills, and making sure to show respect to the other dancers.

He noticed Ildren and some of his cronies observing him from a distance, their expressions inscrutable. Kazrach nodded in their direction, hoping to show that he was aware of their presence, but not to be intimidated by them.

Eventually, the night wound down, with the host thanking everyone for their attendance and promising to continue their alliance.

Kazrach teleported back to his own kingdom, feeling both relieved and exhausted. He knew that the battle for power and influence never stopped, and that his attendance at the banquet was just one step in maintaining his position as a demon lord and a loyal son to his father.

As he retired to his chambers, he heard his father's voice in his head.

"Well done, my son. Your mother and I are proud of you."

Kazrach smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction that he had not felt before. He knew that there would be more social events and political battles to come, but for tonight, he could rest easy knowing that he had represented his kingdom well.