
Reincarnated as a Demon Prince

Luke died at age of 40. He got reincarnated as a Demon Prince names Kazrach in the world swords and magic, full of magical races. Follow Kazrach's journey as he builds his harem, kills powerful beings, raises his pet beasts and travels to multiple planets. ------------ The cover is not mine.

Sore_Eros · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 32: Holiday

As the academy year came to an end, Kazrach the demon prince eagerly packed his belongings and headed back home. The journey itself was uneventful, but Kazrach could hardly suppress his excitement. He had not seen his elf wife Amara in months and had missed her terribly. As he stepped through the threshold of his home, he was greeted with the familiar warmth of his demon householdful, with Kazrach using his dark magic to swiftly travel through the realms. Though he was looking forward to spending some time with his beloved wife Amara, he could not help but feel a little nervous about meeting his family after such a long absence.

Kazrach belonged to one of the most respected and powerful demon clans in the underworld, and his family's expectations from him were always high. However, he had always been fascinated by the world of humans and elves, which was why he had chosen to attend the academy that year.

As he landed in his home realm, the demonic gates opened up to receive him. Upon reaching his family's palace, he was greeted by his mother and father, who embraced him warmly. As he looked around, he realized that much had changed since he had last visited. The palace was now more modern, equipped with advanced technology, and adorned with artistic finesse.

Kazrach was also introduced to his siblings, cousins, uncles, and aunts, who had come to welcome him. Though he was happy to see them, he could not shake off the feeling that they seemed somewhat aloof and distant.

It was only when he saw Amara waiting for him in his chamber that he felt a wave of relief wash over him. She looked more beautiful than ever, with her long golden hair and pointed ears. She embraced him and held him tight, whispering a reassuring message in his ear.

Kazrach and Amara spent the first few days exploring the vast palace, spending time in the enchanting garden, and reminiscing about their academy days. They laughed, they talked, and they shared their dreams, fears, and hopes.

As the days passed, Kazrach began to feel more relaxed, and he, too, started bonding with his family. They talked about the latest developments in demon technology, the increasing impact of elves and humans on the underworld, and their plans for the future.

During a sumptuous feast, Kazrach's father raised a toast to him, praising him for his achievements at the academy and for his courage in exploring a world outside the demon realm. The entire family began to chant Kazrach's name, and he felt a sense of pride and honor wash over him.

On the last day of his stay, Kazrach was asked to address the entire family. He talked about the various lessons he had learned at the academy, the importance of collaboration, and how the world was changing faster than they could imagine. He emphasized the need for open-mindedness and tolerance, and how his time at the academy had taught him to be more accepting of other cultures and religions.

His words were met with thunderous applause, and his family embraced him once again, this time with renewed warmth and affection. It was only then that Kazrach realized that he had been worrying over nothing. His family had always loved him and had been waiting for him to come back home.

As he bid farewell to his family and Amara, Kazrach felt a sense of contentment that he had not felt in a long time. He knew that he had grown as an individual, and that his experiences at the academy would not only help him in his future endeavors but also make him a better demon and a better person.

With a smile on his face and a sense of purpose in his heart, Kazrach set off for another year at the academy, eagerly looking forward to learning more about the world beyond his own.

sry 4 grammatical errors

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