
Reincarnated as a Demon Prince

Luke died at age of 40. He got reincarnated as a Demon Prince names Kazrach in the world swords and magic, full of magical races. Follow Kazrach's journey as he builds his harem, kills powerful beings, raises his pet beasts and travels to multiple planets. ------------ The cover is not mine.

Sore_Eros · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 26: Amara's Daily Life Without Her Husband

Amara's daily life had completely turned upside down since Kazrach had left for the academy. She was constantly reminded of him in the housethey had built together, where his presence could be felt in every corner, in every decoration, in every piece of furniture. Amara missed her husband dearly, and the memories of their time together invaded her thoughts every day.

Without Kazrach,they used to share together, in every room, in every object that he had touched. The silence in the house was deafening, and every day felt like a struggle for her to get through.

Amara missed Kazrach desperately. She missed their long conversations that would weave into the night, the way he would hold her when she was upset, and how he always knew how to make her laugh. She missed the warmth of his presence beside her, and the way he never let her forget how much he loved her.

As an elf, Amara was no stranger to the loneliness of long separation. But it felt different this time. This time, she was waiting for someone to come back to her, to return to the life that they had built together. She longed for the moment when she would see Kazrach again, and finally be able to feel complete once more.

But until that day came, Amara had to find ways to manage her daily life without the Prince of Demons by her side. She tried to fill her days with distractions, such as reading or practicing magic, but nothing truly held her attention for long.

Instead, Amara focused on her work as a healer, helping others in need of her skills. She took on extra patients and stayed late into the evening at the local clinic, using the tireless work to keep her mind occupied and away from the aching void left by Kazrach.

When she returned home at night, the house felt cold and empty. But she refused to let that consume her. Every night, she would light candles around the house, making the space feel a little more alive in Kazrach's absence.

Amara also made sure to keep up with her physical health, taking long walks in the nearby forest and practicing archery in her spare time. Kazrach had always encouraged her to stay active, and she knew that he would want her to focus on her own well-being in his absence.

Finally, with the academy term drawing to a close, Amara's heart began to quicken with excitement. She was so close to being reunited with her beloved husband. Every passing day was one closer to being in his arms again, and that thought alone filled her with determination.

In the end, Amara's daily life was a struggle without Kazrach. But she persevered, keeping herself busy and pushing onward until the day when she could finally be with him again. Because she knew that no matter the distance between them, their love would always be strong enough to bring them back together.

sry 4 grammatical errors

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