
Reincarnated as a Demon Prince

Luke died at age of 40. He got reincarnated as a Demon Prince names Kazrach in the world swords and magic, full of magical races. Follow Kazrach's journey as he builds his harem, kills powerful beings, raises his pet beasts and travels to multiple planets. ------------ The cover is not mine.

Sore_Eros · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 22: Leaving to the Academy

As the sun rose the next morning, Kazrach stirred from his slumber. He opened his eyes, and it took him a moment to rememberwhere he was. He turned his head to see Amara sleeping soundly beside him. A smile spread across his face as he watched her peaceful expression. He knew he loved her deeply and would do anything to protect her.

He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and got out of bed to start his day.

Kazrach dressed quickly, and as he walked towards the door, he turned to look back at Amara one last time before leaving. She stirred a little but didn't wake up. He quietly walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

He knew what he had to do. He sent for the best healers in the realm to come and attend to her, and with his companions and Ogerath by his side, he waited, praying for Amara's recovery.

Kazrach couldn't shake off the feeling of sadness and worry as he left Amara behind in their mansion. However, he knew he hadto focus on his studies at the academy. He had to become a skilled sorcerer and fulfill his destiny.

Kazrach, Etrale, Ruchna, and Ogerath boarded the carriage waiting for them outside the mansion. Thea duty to fulfill as a student of the Academy. He had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, to deepen his knowledge and sharpen his skills as a warrior and leader.

The carriage ride was long, but it was a pleasant one. The countryside was beautiful, with green fields and forests that seemed to extend endlessly. Etrale, Kazrach's wise snake, coiled around his arm while Ruchna, his eagle, perched on his other shoulder. They were Kazrach's closest companions, and he relied on their guidance and protection.

Ogerath, Kazrach's maid, and friend was with them in the carriage. She looked after their provisions and ensured their comfort throughout the journey.

As they reached the Academy, Kazrach took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. He had heard that the Academy was a rigorous and demanding place. He knew that he had to prove himself worthy to his teachers and peers, to stand out among the many students who would be attending with him.

Over the next few weeks, Kazrach threw himself into his studies. He attended lectures, trained in combat and strategy, and studied historical texts and maps. He also made new friends among the students, some of whom he found to be kind and dedicated, while others were more competitive and hostile.

Despite the challenges he faced, Kazrach maintained his focus and determination. He had a clear goal in mind - to become the best warrior and leader he could be, and to return to Amara, as a stronger and more capable man.

sry 4 grammatical errors

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