
Reincarnated as a Demon Prince

Luke died at age of 40. He got reincarnated as a Demon Prince names Kazrach in the world swords and magic, full of magical races. Follow Kazrach's journey as he builds his harem, kills powerful beings, raises his pet beasts and travels to multiple planets. ------------ The cover is not mine.

Sore_Eros · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 19: Wedding

Arrived back home, he found his fiancé waiting for him anxiously, wondering what news Kazrach was going to break to her. Kazrach gently took her hand and led her to their private chambers. He sat her down on the bed and explained the situation to her. He told her that he had been accepted into one of the best academies in the world, and that herach took a deep breath and looked at her tenderly before breaking the news to her. He explained that he had been accepted into one of the best academies in the world and that he would have to leave in just two weeks.

His fiancé looked surprised but understood that this was an opportunity that he couldn't pass up. Despite the distance between them, she promised to support him through his studies and to be waiting for him when he returned.

Kazrach felt relieved that his fiance had taken the news so well. He knew that she was the only one who truly understood him, and that they would do whatever it took to make their relationship work.

Despite the uncertainty of being apart for an extended period, the couple began planning their wedding in earnest. They wanted to make the most of their time together before Kazrach had to leave for the academy, and making plans for their future helped them through the uncertainty.

Kazrach and Amara spent every moment they could together, knowing that their time was limited before Kazrach had to leave for the academyThey spent countless hours planning every aspect of their wedding, from the decor to the menu to the guest list. Amara's attention to detail and Kazrach's innate sense of elegance combined to create a stunning and memorable event.

Their wedding day was approaching fast, and they wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Kazrach had been so busy studying for his entrance exams and getting ready to leave that he had very little time to help Amara with the wedding preparations. However, he made sure to dedicate every free moment he had to be with her and to work on the planning.

Amara had always dreamed of having an outdoor wedding, surrounded by nature, and Kazrach couldn't agree more. They decided to hold their wedding ceremony at the edge of the forest that surrounded their castle. They chose a clearing with a stunning view of a nearby waterfall, which would make for a breathtaking background.

The couple invited all of their friends and Kazrach his family members from the darkest corners of the demon realm. The guest list was extensive, but Kazrach and Amara wanted to make sure everyone they loved was there to celebrate with them.

Amara had a very specific vision for her dress; she wanted it to be a mix of elven and demonic styles. She had already found the perfect dressmaker who could blend the styles seamlessly. She spent hours discussing the details with the dressmaker to make sure everything was just right. Finally, Amara found herself in front of a full-length mirror, wearing the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. It was a mix of dark, flowing demon silk, and elven lace. It was adorned with emeralds and rubies, which glittered with even the slightest movement. A sheer veil, sprinkled with delicate flowers, cascaded down to her waist. The overall effect was stunning, and Amara felt like a queen.

Kazrach had never much cared about what he wore, as long as it was functional, but he knew that this day would be different. He wanted to look his best for Amara. He wore a traditional demon prince's attire sewn with black materials to match his hair, and imbued with agate embroideries that enhanced the deep black color of his eyes.

As the sun began to set, the guests began to mingle in the meadow, greeting each other with smiles and hugs. Amara and Kazrach stood at the entrance, ready to welcome their guests. Soon the music began to play, signaling the start of the ceremony, and the guests began to find their seats.

Kazrach took Amara's hand, and they walked towards the altar, where their closest friends and family members waited for them. The atmosphere was electric, and everyone's faces shone with joy, excitement, and love.

The ceremony was conducted by a high-ranked cleric from the demon realm, dressed impeccably in his black robes, while the rituals were led by an archdruid, a wise and ancient high-elf, dressed in celestial robes of pure white light. It was a beautiful blending of customs and traditions from both realms.

As they exchanged their vows, Kazrach and Amara looked deeply into each other's eyes, reaffirming their love and commitment to each other. They promised to be each other's support system and to face any challenge together.

The exchange of rings was a breathtaking moment. Amara's ring was crafted from the finest diamonds, set in gold, and surrounded by emeralds. Kazrach's ring was a simple yet elegant design, showcasing a clear, pristine diamond set in black gold.

As the ceremony ended, the happy couple shared a passionate kiss, and the guests cheered and applauded. Suddenly, the sky lit up with fireworks, a surprise that Kazrach had planned for Amara, it was one of her favorite things.

The wedding party continued deep into the night. The fairy lights were casting a glow around the meadow, and the atmosphere was one of joy and celebration.

In that moment, Kazrach knew that he had made the right decision in accepting the job offer at the academy. He realized that he would be able to provide for his new family and that they would be able to have a bright and hopeful future together.

Kazrach and Amara's wedding was a testament to the power of love, commitment, and support. They proved that even amidst the chaos of demon and elf worlds, love could conquer all. From that day on, they knew that they could overcome anything together.

sry 4 grammatical errors

Sore_Eroscreators' thoughts