
Reincarnated as a Demon Prince

Luke died at age of 40. He got reincarnated as a Demon Prince names Kazrach in the world swords and magic, full of magical races. Follow Kazrach's journey as he builds his harem, kills powerful beings, raises his pet beasts and travels to multiple planets. ------------ The cover is not mine.

Sore_Eros · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 17: Amara Daily Life

Amara had only been in the underworld for a week, but she had already settled into her new life as the elf fiancé of the Demon PrinceKazrach. It was very different from her life in the elven realm, but she had always been drawn to adventure and new experiences, and this was certainly both.

As an outsider and a soon-to-be member of the royal family, Amara wanted to learn as much as she could about the daily life of the demons and their culture.

Every morning, Amara woke up to the sound of the roosters crowing. She would open her eyes and see the pale red light of the underworld seeping through the window. The air was always colder underground than in the upper world, so she would stretch, pull on some warm clothing and go outside before the sun rose.

She would wander through the gardens, learning the names of the strange plants and vegetables, picking a few to take back to the palace kitchens for the chefs to prepare. The chefs were always happy to see her, eager to learn her preferences, hoping to please her with new dishes or to improve on her favorites.

Amara would then meet Kazrach for breakfast. He would usually be in his study, reading or writing documents for the court. When he saw her, he would smile and beckon her over. They would sit facing each other, eating different things, but still enjoying each other's company.

After breakfast, Kazrach would go about his work, meeting with his advisers or attending to duties he assigned to himself. Meanwhile, Amara would have her lessons with the staff. The queen herself oversaw Amara's education. The lessons were held in the library, surrounded by shelves filled with books that had no place in the upper world.

Amara would spend hours with the older demon scholars, learning the secrets of demon magic, the history of the underworld, and the laws that governed its citizens. The demons were not a bloodthirsty race as she had first thought. They were intelligent and sophisticated – not unlike the elves she had grown up with.

After her lessons, Amara would spend time exploring the palace. She discovered that the palace had a hidden garden, an exquisite sanctuary that not even many of the demons knew about. It was a small, intimate space filled with rare plants. In the center was a small fountain, designed to look like a natural spring.

Amara's afternoons were spent helping the palace staff. She assisted with household chores, serving at dinner or helping elder servants. They were wary of her at first, but they gradually warmed up to her after seeing her willingness to help. They were fascinated by her powers as an elf, often asking her about her life before coming to the underworld.

The evenings were reserved for Amara and Kazrach. They would meet in the throne room, where a large fireplace took center stage. They would lounge on the pillows scattered around, sipping on wine or brandy while discussing their future, their plans for the underworld, or the current issues they faced.

Kazrach would also take her dancing. The music he played on his piano was hauntingly beautiful – she had never heard anything like it before. As they danced, he would twirl her around, moving as if the music possessed him. It was a treat, a moment to let loose and truly enjoy each other's company.

As the week wore on, Amara felt more at home in the underworld. She grew used to the darker lighting, the colder air, and the various demons who lived there. She saw beyond their outward appearances, realizing that their differences did not define them as a people.

Amara was filling the role of Princess perfectly. She was more than ready to take on the responsibilities that came with it, and to help Kazrach change the view of the demons in the upper world. As much as she longed to return to her world and the people she knew, she knew that she was where she belonged for now.

As she lay in bed that night, she looked up at the stars painted on her ceiling. There was no denying that her life had changed completely since she met Kazrach, but she felt confident that they were strong enough to face whatever was ahead of them. They might come from different worlds, but their love was undeniable, and the commitment they shared would never falter.

sry 4 grammatical errors

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