
Reincarnated as a Demon Prince

Luke died at age of 40. He got reincarnated as a Demon Prince names Kazrach in the world swords and magic, full of magical races. Follow Kazrach's journey as he builds his harem, kills powerful beings, raises his pet beasts and travels to multiple planets. ------------ The cover is not mine.

Sore_Eros · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 10: Zoretheh the First Demon Prince

Zorotheh, the First Demon Prince of the underworld, led his armies into the land above to wage war against the orcs. The orcs had been a thorn in the side of the demons for centuries, raiding their strongholds and acquiring their precious treasures. The time had come for the demons to take revenge, and Zorotheh, being the formidable leader he was,cs had been spreading across the land, pillaging villages and enslaving humans. Zorotheh could not stand by and allow the orc's reign of terror to continue.

As the Demon Prince rode at the forefront of his army, he could feel the anticipation of battle build within him. His army consisted of demons of all shapes and sizes, from the nimble yet deadly imp to the towering brute of the ogre. Each had been trained to follow Zorotheh's every command and to fight with all their might to see the orc horde fall.

The sky above was overcast, casting a dreary shadow over the battlefield below. Only the sound of footsteps and clanking armor could be heard in the silence. The orc encampment was just ahead, safely perched on a hill waiting for the Demon Prince and his army.

Zorotheh raised his hand, bringing his army to a stop. He ordered the archers to the front and they quickly set themselves in position, their arrows nocked and ready. He gave the signal, and a flurry of arrows soared through the air towards the orc encampment. Orc heads were pierced by the arrows and they fell to the ground in heaps, their blood spilling across the battlefield.

The orcs, caught off guard, scrambled into position to counter the attack. They were fierce warriors, their skin green and tough, their teeth filed into sharp points. They carried heavy clubs and short swords, and they charged towards the demon army with belligerent fury.

The two armies collided, a rage-fueled clash of shield and sword, claw and fang. Zorotheh shouted his command, and the demons fought with a ferocity matched only by the orcs themselves. The battle raged on, neither side gaining ground on the other.

Zorotheh found himself in the middle of the fray, his sword cutting through orc flesh with ease. He was the embodiment of chaos and destruction, his power sapping the life force from his enemies with every swing of his blade.

As the battle wore on, the orcs slowly began to lose their foothold. The demon army emerged victorious, their enemies scattered and broken before them. The air was thick with the stench of blood and death, and the fallen lay strewn across the battlefield.

Zorotheh emerged from the battle victorious, his body covered in orc blood. The first demon prince cast a glance around the carnage left in the wake of the war. He felt a deep sense of satisfaction within him, as he knew he had defended the weak and innocent from the orcish oppression.

For days, the demon army marched across the land, freeing villages from the grip of the orcs. Zorotheh knew that he had won a great victory, but it had cost him. His army was battered and bruised, and the demon prince himself found it difficult to stand. But he did not complain, nor did he take a moment to rest.

There was work to be done. So, he directed his army, helping them to care for their wounded and to tally the cost of the war.

Zorotheh knew that this was just the beginning. The orcs had been defeated, but there would always be a new evil rising, and he had to be ready. It would be a task that would pit him against other demon princes—for survival, for dominance, and for the fate of the world.

As he looked out at the horizon, a fierce determination rose in Zorotheh's chest. For the first time in his life, he knew he was meant for greatness— to rule the underworld as the one and only demon prince, and to crush every enemy of his people beneath his very heel.

He proudly set his eyes on his army, inspiring words springing to his mind, "We have shown the world the strength and power of the Demon Prince. Those who dare to cross our path will find themselves facing the same fate as the orcs."

His army stood, their fists clenched, and with a loud roar, they declared their loyalty to the First Demon Prince. The world trembled as the message was sent with impossible force - the Demon Prince, the Chosen One, the Herald of Fire was ready to unleash hell upon all who would challenge him.

The message was clear - the first demon prince, Zorotheh, would rule supreme over the underworld, and nothing, but nothing, could stand in his way.

sry 4 grammatical errors

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