
Reincarnated as a Dark God with the powers of the warp

I don't own Warhammer,Doom or any other IP they are owned by there respective companies. ============================= A man gets reincarnated into warhammer before the birth of the four with a system[will be prevelant] watch as he ascends to chaos god. ============================= -Gore -Not Harem -Bad Grammar

The_Creature · Video Games
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Thoughts first Book

This will be my first novel, and will take place in the world of warhammer. However I'm not as knowledgeable in what should be so be prepared for mistakes

I'm bad with grammar, and have no editor, I'm also writing on a phone however I will attempt to prevail.

This will probably be trash and just to get my Ideas out there as I can't find stories like these anywho have fun and remember always tell me how you feel about it negative and positive both are welcome however dont nag or at least add an explanation and how you would fix it.