
Reincarnated as a Dark God with the powers of the warp

I don't own Warhammer,Doom or any other IP they are owned by there respective companies. ============================= A man gets reincarnated into warhammer before the birth of the four with a system[will be prevelant] watch as he ascends to chaos god. ============================= -Gore -Not Harem -Bad Grammar

The_Creature · Video Games
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Creative Mode (updated)

DISCLAIMER: Hello my people there are many of you, and I'm afraid but welcome anyway I mean just wow 1.4 thousand people that's just crazy, and shout out: Vincent and Cindy I hope I can live up to your expectations.

hope you can enjoy the story.

I own nothing if I did Magnus would get justice(Not his fault)

Ps. Ask questions so I can note them for the next chapter author note. system info, as well as explanations and spoiler questions, are welcome however not all will be answered; with the comments for pictures.

PPs.Thanks for the P -stones


****-"System open my status page if possible."


[Name: ****

[Title: The First, Canine Companion

[Race: Chaos God


[STR: 5

[DEX: 4

[END: 4

[CON: 7

[CHR: 5



















****-"System is there anything you want to tell me about before I exit the cacoon because uhh there are angry god-like beings who are going to want to annihilate me, if not the moment after I step out most likely pretty soon after."

As I waited for the system to reply I couldn't help but be worried after all there are enemies every where the Emporer was able to sense the chaos gods as they popped up like a fucking metal detector, so sensing me and Sam was on the table. I didn't want to even think about what would happen after my siblings were born letting out a silent sigh as I looked at the system's new display.

[You will be fine Host both you and your pet are still gaining the energy that will become the stats and allow you to interact with the warp. Your abilities and skills are intrinsic to your being and therefore you get to see them as prominent.]

[On a happier note would you like to open your Starter pack: Y/N]

****-"Yes system I would like to open the starter pack and could you explain what are the items in my inventory for exactly?" Clicking on one I'm surprised to see a new glow in my cocoon as a piece of what can only be described as gold scroll paper rolls out in front of my eyes.


[Name: ****

[Title: The First, Canine Companion

[Race: Chaos God

[STR: 5

[DEX: 4

[END: 4

[CON: 7

[CHR: 5

















[ITEMS: BCC:9, ICC:4, ACC:3, CCC:1


[These items will allow you to create certain tiers of your faction, however after using them once you may discard them as the summoning function will allow you to make them after that; their tiers work as follows.]


BCC: Your Basic foot soldiers.

ICC: Intermediate creations or standard demons.

ACC: Advanced creations either stronger or specialized for tasks.

GCC: Greater Creations that are considered commanders of the army.

PCC: The princes/princesses of your Army the ones you contact directly see over entire legions of soldiers.

CCC: The ultimate form of creation with almost unlimited potential however they are extremely rare.


[Also, these creations are designed the same way as your body just think and plan I will streamline them closer to your vision]

****-"So you're saying I can create anything with these if so what's the point of other worlds?" I was rather confused as it made no sense for me and anyone with me to go to other worlds if I could just make everything here.

[Host can make the shape of anything that he desires but cannot replicate their powers and abilities without coming into contact/combat with said thing]

Grumbling to himself the first god of chaos began to to twist and scratch in his cocoon before tearing his way out into the warp. Unaware that his birth caught the attention of the man he stared deep into the warp watching as the second cocoon. Began to glow a blood red as all manner of men, and women began screaming as chaos spread due to the news that inevitability an army was coming to invade their home which turned into a feeling of rage for what was going to happen to their home War was on the horizon.

As he now stood the cocoon that held him began to fade away merging with the flesh of his body before disappearing. He turned to stare as the sound of ripping flesh was heard next to him as Sam's three heads began tearing into what was left before turning to stare at him.

Two sets of golden eyes began glowing in power and stared into each other before the three-headed dog dragon yipped and lept at him slobbering on his face as it recognized his best friend. reaching down he started to scratch him behind his ears as he began to think of what he would create with this power. Finally deciding after shaking his head as he noticed that there would be nowhere for them to go immediately he called on his system for an answer.

[The creation of your realm and domain can be done with your CCC do note that after use you will be able to edit your realm endlessly as long as you have room and energy]

****-"Well that's good then at least it shouldn't be too hard to start right?"

[Indeed Host]

Left to his thoughts he immediately began by pulling the CCC out of inventory taking note of the now black scroll with gold lettering as he began the process to create his realm. Allowing his mind to wander his vision began to shape itself still taking inspiration he started his realm with three great islands surrounded by many Rings all completely flat on the upper face while jagged and jutting on their underside but always symmetrical.

Structures that looked techno-organic and always symmetrical like charred black-like bone pipes that started and ended with a silvery material. They ran across the ground only stopping, and spreading around golden grass which when looked at from above appeared to be connected to the flesh of a giant golden heart always in the center of the three land masses slowly but surely beating a constant 'Thump, Thump, Thump'.

Slowly upon the newly built land buildings that appeared to grow from the land organic just like the land they were on towering, and imposing mega structures began to settle into place connecting these islands sat two gates which were placed strategically so if one island was compromised they could all be separated. Around these structures and across the land pools, streams, lakes, and rivers of liquid gold all coming from the center of the island pumping out of the heart's ran with abundant energy that would freeze and consume anything not native filled with his conceptual powers of the Void and Ice.

Around these liquid formations more golden grass formed like arteries to contain the blood. Before slowly trees began to form steeped in a deep black that had veins crawling up its side filled with the golden fluid from its surroundings. It leaves were mercury in color and were constantly shifting form constantly flowing and ready to spill upon invaders leaving them clawing as it melted them apart. All the while keeping the artificial light flowing through their form the trees slowly began to mutate as inescapable maws, began to open on them and eyes filled with artificial life glowed in the otherwise dark forest always watching from the tree's forms.

Above the now beating hearts sat floating spires that appeared to be stakes ready to drive into them and cut off the gates. On the central island of the three sat the largest spire gilded in gold and silver and had a garden filled with the trees from the endless forest. On top of the spire in a socket, what was eerily similar to the eye of Sauron glowing golden as its inescapable eye shifted its attention to everything that happened spinning around in its socket watching for any intruders that would invade its master's realm.

<Author here: If you want a more simple explanation look at dooms Maykr levels and combine that with the hardened form of chaos dwarfs structures machines from Total Warhammer>

This would be his watch tower over the land as the constant 'Thump, Thump, Thump' of the hearts beat away in the background. Slowly he floated into his garden on the spire as the thousands of eyes watched him in reverence as he turned, and stared out at the land surrounding him Sam sat directly next to him. Slowly he lowered his hand and the power faded away before turning to Sam.

****-"What do you think boy all this power all of this just for us and a few others."

Sam's three heads locked onto me before they turned and stared out at the land before letting out a bark which I'm sure if it was heard by normal people would have sent them spiraling into insanity. I just nodded before peering down at this land from my perch high above before spreading my wings and flying down as Sam followed suit. As we quickly flew down I dipped my hand in the golden stream.

Bringing it up and sipping on it eyes glowing in delight at the taste completely alien and different from any other drink but trumping over them all. I heard Sam lapping at the waves next to me before falling silent turning as I watched the Ginormous dragon dog flop into the water. Swimming around and drinking merrily from the liquid energy as he finally came to shore dripping in the syrup-like substance before shaking it off and getting it everywhere in order to get clean shining in the artificial light cast by the warp overhead.

Standing from the shore and flicking off any extra warp liquid off before running my hand along the mutated trunks that purred at his touch like happy cats awaiting my love. Chuckling as Sam growled at the tree before attempting to guide me away from the now hissing tree I would give it one more pat before walking and sitting on a false bench nearby that overlooked a lake.

****-"System what do you think of the world I have created after all it will technically be your home as well."

As I sat there thinking of my simple life before this the monotony of it I began to laugh at the absurdity of the situation while awaiting the system's reply. It was a terrible sound one that if any mortal being present would find themselves losing the ability to breathe to even think as their souls were slowly withered away by the void. Watching as Sam lay by my feet and started letting out a low rumbling noise as he started to sleep.

[The Host has done a wonderful job however the system recommends the immediate creation of demons as the blood god will awaken in the near future]

Almost instantly my laugh started to pitter out before agreeing I slowly lifted my hand and pulled and started channeling the latent abilities of warp energy and an ACC and ICC out of my inventory immediately focused on the ICC thinking on a design for my new warriors. Slowly a tall yet broad creature formed in my mind covered in gold flesh and thick black osteoderms that flowed into armor smooth and bone-like. A living breathing dinosaur sat there unmoving as finalized its design adding a vulture-like feather pattern around its neck. He chuckled slightly at the creature he may or may not have taken from the Old ones slowly he let go of the power controlling the ICC as the creature now formed floated to the ground.

<Author ' whenever I mention armor simply assume that it's in the same style as building's <note: read other not above> until I say otherwise or if you think of something different just remember techno-organic>

'System begin the formation of the Gilded-raptors in the forest and if you can add my ability to the sacks in their throat so they can breathe out streams of ice'

Again bearing his attention to his other CC he focused more on his concepts as a skeletal creature formed that was identical to his variety of maykr. It was similar to the guard you meet that welcomes you in-game, clad in its armor a golden halo that was the unified symbol of chaos floated behind it, and wings with golden feathers that at their tips flowed into liquid mercury that faded away.

smiling he again tasked his system with spreading this angel through the great city creating about a hundred of them, as he gently floated down to the first two of his creations one who held a spear of unmistakable warp power and the other of teeth and claw.

He reached his hand forward and cupped his son's face studying it and finding everything as it should be turned to the raptor who rubbed its body into him like a dog would its master calmly he spoke.

****-"Your name will be Michael, and yours Angor"

And with a slight swell of power enough to allow them to breach into the next rank of his demons the true Angel's they mutated his loyal raptor gaining size and ram horns until it looked like a demonic carnotaurus, and the angel now looked like a Blood Maykr with bigger more flexible wings and eyes that spread across his armored form. The top half of his exposed brain just above his eyes now completely mechanical glowed in Artificial light.

****-"You if proven worthy will be my second demon-prince after taking control of the surrounding sorcerers your job is simple show them my light and allow them to advance in the name of the void god of chaos undivided Aypolleon"

'System pull up my stats'


[TITLES: The First, Leader Of Chaos

[NAME: Aypolleon

[RACE: Chaos god[Void Varient]


[STR: 500

[DEX: 400

[END: 400


[CHR: 560

[MANA: 560















CREATION/SUMMONING: Gilded Raptors, Carnator, Blood Angel




[See Host it is as I said your status has been updated as well]

Hopefully, I will be able to prepare for Khorne's awakening which will be soon.

Aypolleon-"System My brother is going to awaken by the end of the month correct?"

Left waiting for an answer I immediately lock in on a sound of sorts in the distance screams of infernal rage calling into the void as my eyes snap towards the system panel in front of me. Sam would snap to attention growling back at the blood god's gestation in the warp space surrounding the islands.

[Host has exactly twenty-eight days to prepare for him to be born Host should also be prepared as the great Omnissiah is watching]

I let out a small sigh of relief at that a lot could be done in twenty-eight days to prepare for my brother's arrival before noticing the tiny detail that was added to the bottom of the message.

Aypolleon-"What do you fuck do you mean he's watching!!!"

As another quake tears across the realm of chaos, the multicolored sky glows bright red toward the south of the islands. Across the sea of multi-color light, a golden light shining and burning suddenly flashes and glows brighter in the distance.