
Chapter 9.2(ReMake)(Old)

Yuuta prepared the money he needed to buy a slave and sets out to find the Slave Auction, He left Aki in the care of the Inn's manager so he dosen't need to worry. He the first few brothels didn't have any info, and the last one led him to the far right side of the kingdom; He arrives at the last brothel in the kingdom named "Wild Fantasies". He enters the brothel and to his surprise it look like a modern strip club back in his world, a tanned woman wearing a red night dress noticed Yuuta and went to him "Welcome Sir! Is this your first time?" she said, "Umm..yeah" Yuuta said as he avoids looking at the woman's breast; "You can call me Miona third general of the Demon Kings 4th Sin: Lust-sama!, Nice to meetcha!" she said, "Wait Demon King?", "Don't worry, we don't attack without Lust-sama's order, this is one of her brothel branches she made around the world" said Miona, "Actually I'm here to buy a slave" Yuuta said.

"Is that so, please follow me" she said as she guides Yuuta to where the Slave Auction was being held. Yuuta follows her to a room and as she opens the lights cages upon cages were stacked on each other; "Mister I can tell this is your first time buying a slave, So you can buy one directly rather waiting for the auction" said Miona, "W-Wait won't the manager of the auction kill us" he said, "I am the Manager Mister, so choose which one you want, we've got every race here possible" she said.

Miona tells Yuuta about the slaves they pass through, Yuuta didn't expect that it would smell so much here, a pungent smell lingers around the smell and was making Yuuta lose focus and couldn't even understand what Miona was saying. He grew a bit weak and leans on one of the cages, and he saw a blonde malnourished man his hair covers his eyes and his clothes in tathers; "Oh! are you intrested in the one Mister?" she said and Yuuta just nods to prevent himself from puking because of the smell.

"This Mister is Arthur, one of the only human who was able to inflict a would on Lust-sama" she said, Yuuta tried to speal and said "Then why are you still keeping him here", "Its what Lust-sama said, you see Lust-sama is the strongest Succubus in the world, and fought countless battles, and she only ask for one thing after every battle", "And what is it?" ask Yuuta, "Every surviving men in the fight", "Well she is a Succubus, does she suck em dry?", "You know why Lust-sama manages brothels and ask for any surviving men in battles? make a guess" she said as she smirks, "Hmm..Lets see manages brothels...ask for surviving men..Wait, those dancers on the poles, don't tell me" said Yuuta, "Yes! those dancers were men!", Yuuta couldn't hold it in anymore and throws up "cough..cough, then why is he here?" he said as he points at the blonde malnourished man in the cage, "Well lets just say his first few nights of being defiled had some casualties" she said "So are you gonna purchase him?", "How the fuck can you say that with a straight face!!" he shouted; "Fine I'll give you a discount, how does 5 gold sound", "Thats not the point here!", "Mister, Lust-sama is the 3rd strongest among all of the Demon Kings Sins, and this man inflicted a scratch on Lust-sama all by himself" said Miona.

"Lower it to 3 gold then we have a deal" he said as he wipes his mouth, "Fine" she answered as she opens the cage and brings out Arthur who can barely stand, "Mister, can you show me your hand" ask Miona; Yuuta held out his and Miona pricked Yuuta's finger with her nail and drops Yuuta's blood on top of a crest on top of Arthur's hand, the crest glowed bright red for moment. "There the contract is done" said Miona.

Yuuta leaves the brothel while Arthur was following him, Miona suddenly remembers something "Mister! thats slave still has Lust-sama's curse!" she shouted but Yuuta nor Arthur was in sight "I should've charged twice because of the curse" she said and just let Yuuta handle this.

Hahaha had to remake this hope this one is better

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