
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · Fantasy
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358 Chs

Chapter 285

Vorbuk felt himself beginning to wake from his deep slumber. The things he saw in his sleep over the god, Iemis, was something that made him want to question the god in different ways. He understood why the god protected Chase while locked him inside that dungeon. At the same time he was angry because of it.

My assumption was correct it seems.. The wolf thought to himself as he had his thoughts about that child verified by the dream he was given.

Prince Leo was sitting on one side of the king's bed, reading a book he had found in the room, and called out to the wolf as he saw his eyes opening, "Are you finally awake?"

"How long did I sleep? Is it morning already?" The wolf asked the prince while standing up on the bed, shaking his fur out, body feeling stiff from the long rest.


The prince sat the book down on the small table beside the king's bed while responding, "The sun is already high. It is almost lunch time now."

I lost half a day's time. Vorbuk sighed internally as he thought about all the time he had lost when he collapsed. The only useful thing about running out of mana was the information he was given by the god's voice that spoke to him.

Ah. Right. The wolf glanced over at the prince.

"Chase is his child." Vorbuk stated to the prince causing his expression to cloud over with an unknown emotion.

Perhaps the prince did not understand the bewilderment he felt in it himself, "You mean he is actually..?"

"His blood father is Chynir." Vorbuk verified it for the prince.

Prince Leo did not know what to say to that bit of information, muttering quietly under his breath, "Who would even be willing to... With Chynir... I suddenly feel real dirty."

"What is wrong with you?" The wolf growled slightly at the prince's strange muttering.

Waving his hand in the air the prince asked, "Are you going to explain this to Prince Chase?"

"No." Vorbuk answered without hesitation.

"Why not?" The prince asked.

The wolf thought about it for a moment, "Chase did not want to know where he came from. I will not force him to know more then he needs to. If he comes to me on his own and wants to know the truth.. I will tell him honestly when the time comes."

"There may not be a choice for him to make." Prince Leo did not want to seem harsh on the matter but there were other things to consider, "If he runs into Chynir in the future it is bound to eventually come out regardless of what he wants to know or not."

Vorbuk was not unaware that things could become more complicated the more he brushed it aside because the child simply did not wish to know, "I will deal with things as they come. Has Daryl been doing alright with the knights preparing for the upcoming war?"

"Yes," The Prince had been dealing with things for the wolf while he was sleeping, when it came to those among their group they knew that the two of them moved as if they were one, the two of them had the habit of speaking up for each other, if it was an order from the prince while Vorbuk was unconscious the group would treat it as if it came from the wolf himself, "Once the blood rain stops they should be able to head out. The rain as delayed their departure but I heard from the priestess that the rain should stop in a few days. It tends to last a few days when it occurs."

Ashley is the only one who doesn't listen properly. He only listens to Vorbuk. The prince felt frustrated when he thought of how Ashley was the only person in their group that would ignore anything the prince asked for. That vampire would only listen to commands given from his master. If he was asked for something from Prince Leo that did not benefit his master he would ignore it completely.

The prince was so deep in thought that he did not even react when the wolf started to cover itself in black smoke.

"Where is Ashley?" Vorbuk suddenly asked while looking around. He was sitting on the bed in human form as the black smoke faded away from his body.

Prince Leo felt like he was going to jump out of his skin, a cam voice calling out from behind him, Ashley was suddenly standing behind him, beside the bed, "Master~!"

"Can you stop doing that! How did you even get in here without using the door?!" Prince Leo shouted out in surprise at Ashley.

Ashley felt no need to get upset with the prince for his reaction and answered honestly, "I came in through the balcony. I heard master say my name."

Crazy... He's seriously crazy.. Prince Leo felt as if his own mind was going blank as he tried to understand Ashley's mindset.

Why could you not use the door instead?! Prince Leo could not find the words to speak any further to this vampire.

"Ashley," Vorbuk called out to the vampire causing the prince to try and calm down so that he did not interrupt them, "Where is Aoki?"

Ashley did not like being asked where he was however he did not outwardly show it, smiling brightly to his master he replied, "He spent the morning with Prince Chase helping the priestess out with her students as you requested them to spend more time helping her out lately.. After that I believe he has spent time hiding out around the prison."

Vorbuk thought deeply about everything, "Summon the priestess. I would like to speak with her about Sebastian's condition."

"He said that the temples could not do anything for him, right?" Ashley asked while wondering if there was any hope for Sebastian even if the priestess got involved.

How does he know about... No, of course he would... Vorbuk glared at the vampire. Ashley had not been in the room while they spoke about Sebastian's condition.

"You should learn to understand a thing called privacy." Vorbuk shoved the surprise he had felt into the pit of his stomach. There was no reason to be surprised. The only thing that bothered him was he had no idea of knowing how much Ashley really heard. Did he hear the conversation with Leo as well?

"I must always look out for my master's safety~" Ashley smiled brightly as if he had been complimented for something. As a vampire it was impossible to know when he was or wasn't listening in on conversations. Obsessed with his master's safety Ashley would discreetly listen in on his personal conversations at random when he felt the need.

It was impossible to know how much Ashley really knew. Unless he openly admitted to knowing something. He was a very sly creature when he wanted to be. Ashley gave Vorbuk the feeling as if he was a cat. Indeed. The way he got around without getting caught made him want to compare Ashley with that of a cat lurking around in the shadows. They felt very similar to each other.

Ashley looked as if he had a sudden realization before speaking again to Vorbuk, "Do not worry master. I am discreet about anything said from you no matter what it may be."

Vorbuk stared silently at Ashley unable to gather the words to speak.

"I will go find the priestess now, master." Ashley bowed respectfully before jumping off the balcony in front of them both.