
Reincarnated as a chocobo with a system

Enjoying my winter break, while playing Final Fantasy XV, a huge earthquake struck through the town makeing my house collapsed ontop of me. Unknowingly, a mysterious entity named X, Reincarnated me into a silver chocobo. Finding myself in a world where Monsters, Elfs, Demons, and Dwarfs are very much real. As a chocobo, where would a bird fit in this category? Join me, as I explore this unknown world meeting friends and foes along my path. With my Luck, nothing can go wrong... Right? *Disclaimer: Cover art made by randis from deviantart.com all credit goes to him.

The_Cheese · Fantasy
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20 Chs

(9) Freedom At Last...

*Rio POV*

This is not how I like to spend my day, I am thinking about leaving and finding my own path instead of being a cute mount for them to ride on.

I say that and yet... I am compelled to follow, just because I do not know my way around. I wonder if there is a skill or a trait to become human again... I would love that. I also need to find a place to train my stats.

Galloping my way to the Library, I reached a squad of guards. Kuriki gets off of me and the guards greeted their captain. Leaving me and Rasuda alone.

"Thanks Rio" said Rasuda still by my side.

'You are welcome' I replied while catching my breath.

'So what is this sacred book that would worry the entire guard?' I asked as I composed myself.

She thought for a moment "Well it is not really a sacred book, they just call it that. As far as I know, it just keeps the public away from it."

We watched as the guards saluted to their captain and went off into the field, with Kuriki following them. We slowly followed.

"So why were you staring at me" She asked suddenly.

I looked at her and said 'you remind me of someone...'

"Who?" she asked.

How should I respond... she looked like my sister... from earth... How did I even remember and not remember at the same time... I really need to ask X about this.

'I can not remember' I answered.

"I see" she looked at me softly.

I looked at Rasuda and asked 'what do you do as an SS ranked adventurer'

She thought for a moment "Nothing much, just doing simple task for the guild here and there. Escort missions, High monsters slayings are some of the things I do." She sighed " I sometimes also do mercenary work"

We heard fighting as we saw a group of guards dealing with an eye ball demon.

"I am surprised they summoned a Vile eye demon" Rasuda spoke.

Vile eye demon? what an interesting name.

'Well looks like to me that got it under control so I am gonna do some Exploring' I told Rasuda

"Before you go, wear this" She showed me a Crystal round amulet and put it around my neck.

I tilted my head 'what is this for?' I asked.

"It is a special amulet for a summoned creature. All summoner can craft an amulet like these. Seeing as you can wear it. You are a summoned creature."


"Summoned creatures are different from monsters and animals alike. They are special, due to a fact they have a special gift they receive from their creator. In this case, you Rio were summoned. Now the question is who summoned you. You are a very intelligent creature Rio. Do not let anyone tell you what to do." Rasuda explained.

Yea she is right I should not follow what ever someone does. I am my own persona, this is my body. I am in control of my path. No one an decide for me.

'So about the amulet?'

"It allows one to communicate in long distances. so if you need a pep talk just say send message then my name."

Send message... this is 100% a game world. A system, monsters, demons, elves, dwarfs... but I think can just send a message to her anyway without this. I wonder if has any stat boosting effects.

'I will take my leave then.... and Rasuda' I paused.

"Yes?" she asked

I took a deep breath 'Thank You' I telepathically said. I saw her nod and looked towards the Library.

I took off in the middle of the night, the wind howling against me. Before I leave the city I went to the Armory to visit a dwarf that Kuriki ordered for me. Hopefully he would not freak out that I can communicate with him.


"hm I am very surprised you came Rio" the smith smiled.

So here is the run down when I spoke to him, he just accept that I could talk. I guess those rumors are getting by. He told me that Divine creature can always communicate with the populace since he experience it himself. I wonder who... He never told me.

He put on the armor that Kuriki bought for me, and apparently was done in the middle of the night. I now have a Titanium Helmet and a Titanium Chest piece that I am wearing.

"Ah there you go, you look like you are made for battle. So let me give you a brief about the armor. second toughest armor throughout the empire made from Titanium. Can withstand blows to the head, and should withstand an type of arrows." the dwarf explained.

'Thanks' I thanked him

He nodded and I trotted off into the night...

I reach the entrance to the city. Seeing two armed guards facing the forest. I walked by them and seeing no reaction I am free to explore on my own terms...

Even though I have no clue where to go from here... Just my luck.

*Third Person*

Kuriki and Rasuda is seen battling the Vile Eye. Dodging the attacks, Kuriki makes a strike with a Holy Slash skill, damaging the demon in the process. Meanwhile Rasuda supports Kuriki with a Inferno spell. The Vile Eye returned fire with its own spell Dark Flames. Both spell clashed and an explosion occurred. As smoke engulfs the battle zone, the cultist make their attempt to escape the area.

As Kuriki backed away from the explosion, Kuriki saw the cultist making their escape and shouted "Men do not let them escape!"

Kuriki men rushed to cut off the escape, but it was futile as the demon sent an immobilization spell. The guards fell down to their knees as they try to get up.

Rasuda who saw this cast a Ice shatter spell, that sent tiny sharp icicles towards the demon. The demon fell down defeated and disappeared into the wind.

Rasuda rushed to Kuriki "Kuriki you alright"

Kuriki nodded "Yea but why is that Vile Eye so powerful."

"It was summoned" Rasuda said

Kuriki groan "great just what we needed" as she picked herself up she notice that Rio was not with her.

"Where is Rio" Kuriki asked.

"He left"

"Oh... great now I need to get my refund from the smith" Kuriki shook her head.

"You should be a bit nicer to him"

"I guess, Ah great. I guess being in command kind of got into my head"

Rasuda quirk her eyebrow "You think?"

Kuriki wilted "Okay, I get it..." Kuriki walked towards her guards.

Rasuda shook her head 'always hardheaded'


Great I am surrounded by demon wolfs. you might be wondering how I got myself in this situation. So I was walking to a random direction until I heard a shuffle from a nearby bush. What came out was a bunny. And guess what followed the bunny... Yup three demon wolves. The bunny well it is hiding on top of my back. Why do I have to deal with this... well at least this will give me some combat experience.

[Name] Rio

[Race] Silver Chocobo

[State] None

[Level] 14

[Health] 78/78

[Mana] 108/108

[Str] 25

[Def] 17 +235 (Titanium chest, helmet)

[Int] 54 +50 (Crystal Amulet)

[Agi] 23

[Luk] -2

[BP] 475

[Skills] Talon strike(C), Glide(U), Peck(C), Fire(C), Failcast(D), Analysis(C)

[Traits] Unlucky, Magically gifted, Night vision, Administrator, Telepathic, Helpful

[Titles] Reincarnated, Legendary Bird, Golem Slayer, X's Assistant

Merry Christmas Everyone! Here is another chapter.

The_Cheesecreators' thoughts