
Reincarnated As A Cheat Ditto In Pokemon

I'm Lawrence, your normal high school boy, my only way of entertaining myself is by watching anime, reading manga, and by playing Pokemon. My personality is Kind, Troublesome, A joker, A show-off and a copier. well let me give you an example, In school I'm always a show-off, a liar, I lie just to impress the people in the class I even do tricks to my teacher just to show off.....hmmm.... like for example. I lie to my little brothers that I beat a group of gangsters but in truth, I gave them all my money to escape and I'm scared shit in them. In school, I try to copy the personality that is a cold and cool guy but the reality is different than what I thought. I'm a show-off and I will show the world how magnificent I am I will turn into rayquaza in the city and cause an uproar I will show them the power, I'll turn into mega rayquaza and show-off again, I'll turn into a pidgey and use Z move and show-off in peoples well enough chatting just read it, I'm sure you will like my show off personality!

Lordmaedan · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Wandering again

Chapter 7

Wandering again


I searched for gary's home but I can't seem to find it.

So I give up searching for Gary and asked the God.

'God where's Gary?'

'You seem to ask me much more often now eh'

'Yes, since you are peeking me all the time like a pervert'

'Of course, I would, I'm your creator and I'm looking at my children'

'Is that so, then where's Gary?'

'That, I don't know'

'Useless God'

'I didn't know OKAY, *sigh* Just don't find him and roam around'

'I came here to have fun, and now I'm bored with lack of fighting and something fun'

'*sigh* Why do you need to go and visit a town for only a baby'

'What do you think I would do then? if I don't do that'

'*sigh* Okay'

'Maybe I should just wreak havoc in Rayquaza form after all'

'Wait don't do that'

'I'm just joking I ain't gonna do something like that, I may hurt innocent If I did that'

'Even though you're a show-off, you are still thinking in your brain huh'

'What do you think of me, a meathead? a meathead that only knows fighting'

'No, I think of you as an idiot who only knows being a show-off, GROW UP will you, you're already an adult yet you still act as a child'

'What are you, my mother?! I don't care about any of bullsh.... I forgot I'm talking to a God hehe, I'm sorry!'

'You only feel it till now, *sigh* Apology accepted'

'Thank you'

'Try going to the next town and maybe you may find something'

'Maybe? You're not sure?'


'Can you look at the future?'

'I didn't have the power to do so'

'Useless God'

'Did I hear something? or it is just the wind'

'No, it's just the wind'

'Good then'

'Go get out of here it's an order, no questions' said God

I flew off the town in pidgey's form without knowing the looks of Gary oak

"*sigh* I want to see Gary though" I said while pouting

I continue to fly in a forest, I just followed a road trail since this road looks like heading to viridian city, and this forest feels like viridian forest, No it really is! I know it! must be because of God.

After flying for an hour or two in the viridian forest, I can already see the Viridian city but suddenly I hear a scream of a girl from far away.

I follow where the scream come from and found a kid with a ralts on her side being surrounded by Beedrills

'I guess I should help'

I dove down using brave bird and knocked all of the beedrills surrounding the girl.

I then fly in front of the kid in my pidgey form

'Ralts can read emotions isn't it?'

I then question the little cute humanoid creature called ralts

"Hello, what did you do to be surrounded by swarm of beedrill"

The ralts then answered "We're currently chasing a Pikachu to capture it when suddenly we encountered a swarm of beedrill" said ralts with a deppressed and grateful tone

"Thank you very much for saving me and my partner, we're truly grateful for this since you just save our lives"

"It's okay"

"Thank you very much, we owe you one"

The trainer just look at us, not knowing what are we talking about since we only spoke our name, I mean Pokemon language.

I turn my head to the little trainer to take a good look at her appearance.

Her hair is a short brown hair, she looks like May in hoenn but not actually.

She's wearing a pink jacket with a white T-shirt underneath, The jacket is zipped but you can see the white shirt underneath by looking under her neck, she's wearing a white skirt and a black long thighs that makes her cute, she's wearing a boots in white with a red linings.

'So cute, so cute, so cute, so cute, so cute, so cute'

That's the only thing that my senses and mind are telling me, and that's the only thing that come to my mind.

The trainer stare at me a while wondering why the pidgey is not doing anything just staring at her.

Feeling the silence in which the pidgey is just starting at her, the trainer started to talk.

"Um..... thank you very much"

She stand up then bow

"Thank you very much for saving us pidgey!"

After she said all of this, I finally broke from the genjutsu the little girl had put on me.

"It's okay" (Pid-gey)

"We're going to leave now then"

Soon they leave but I follow them.

The two look at me curiously, wondering why am I following them.

"Ralts, what are you and your trainer will do in the Pikachu?" I ask of them curiously.

"We're going to catch it" said ralts wondering why I ask that.

"I know you're going to catch it, but what will your trainer gonna do after that"

"Nothing" said ralts.

'I thought they're going to challenge gyms and become the champion'


'Now that I think about it how old is this girl?'

"Ralts how old is your trainer?"

"She's five years old"


"What is this kid thinking going into the forest full of danger?!!!!"

"I know what you're thinking, I try to stop her but I can't, she's too stubborn so I decided to come along if something bad happen" said Ralts with a depressed tone.

"I see"

I turn to look at the little girl

'This kid how come I feel like she's already 7-8 year's old, *sigh* she really looks like a 5 year old but she's already matured, or maybe not?'

"Hey, pidgey do you want to become my Pokemon?"

Ask the little girl since she thinks Im following her because I want to become one of her Pokemon.

I turn my head to look at ralts and question her

"Ralts is your trainer want to become a champion or a Pokemon master?"

"Why did you ask"

"Just answer my question"

"Ah..... Yes I always heard it when she's watching tv"

"I see"

I then turn my head to the little girl and nod

"Okay!" (Pidgey!)