
Breakfast Brawl

We all looked haggard at the end, We were breathing heavy, all of us had slightly burnt, torn clothing bruises and scorch marks on us. Some may say we over did it, but we were just having fun, even Chloe had a smile on her face. We finally packed it up and returned to our rooms.


We were going to get cleaned up and head to dinner with the guys but, Caroline passed out in the doorway as per usual. Emmy and I dragged her in the door by her feet and tossed her onto her bed knowing she'll find her way to the floor in a few minutes. Emmy then flopped onto her bed and passed out the second she landed and Tanya and Chloe were both frozen starring at the both of them awkwardly.

" Don't worry it happens all the time. Now that they're out, nothing's waking them until tomorrow. So, do you want to sleep and try against in the morning or what?"

After getting no response I wave a hand In front of their faces. They still didn't respond so I pick up Tanya and shake her like a pepper shaker. Nothing. I put her down and she falls to the floor. I then question if they both fell asleep standing up.

' We didn't do anything that exhausting did we?' I asked myself bringing the other two to their beds. I tucked Tanya in her bed and moved to place Chloe onto hers. I tripped and landed on top of her. Chloe groaned slightly and I tried to pick myself up but she was so warm, my arms decided they wanted to stay where they were so in merely a moment I fell asleep on her.

I woke up the next morning and I was the first one awake as usual. I then changed clothes and got my things together for a new day. My clothes today is my school uniform. The plain brown skirt with the white undershirt and the long sleeve blazer like jacket with a left breast pocket, and the school emblem on the right. To accompany this I had a new brown leather satchel like bag that I slung over my shoulder, that matches the light brown of the school uniform. It was a gift from Balor, that I received after we discussed my inventory. I accidentally showed him when I stored one of his weapons in my system in while he was watching. He thinks its a special form of space magic and told me that I should use the bag to no draw attention to me taking things out of my inventory. There's also a little pocket for Oreo in the front to lounge in while he's sleeping all day. Lazy cat.

I can't blame him for it though. I've been so busy I feel I've been neglecting him. I should probably do something with him soon. I talk to him when I have free time and he really is fun to hug, but I still feel I'm neglecting him. I hope that's not my fault, though it probably is.

As I was almost finished getting ready for the day, Tanya woke up. I was surprised, don't know why though.

Chloe woke up not too long after and the other two were still going strong. It would probably be an hour or two before they decided to wake so we went in search for breakfast.

Since we accidentally abandoned the boys the other night, we decided to invite them to breakfast. We walked over to the room the boys were staying in. They were in the boys section of the dorms, three floors up, just down the hall and around the corner. We knocked on the door. There was a brief pause but then we heard a voice on the other side of the door.

" Gram, you better be back with my clothes or I swear, I will hurt you. Just because I beat you at cards fifteen times in a row doesn't warrant this kind of petty behavior."

Opening the door we were all given an eyefull. Tanya, Chloe and Lyric were all frozen still. They all realized what just happened and not one person moved a muscle. Eye contact was kept at all times and Lyric hurriedly but still politely shut the door. We were real professional about the incident while it happened.

After the door was shut, The other two turned a deep cherry red. Chloe, crouched on the floor with her face in her hands trying to process what she just witnessed. Tanya had short-circuited and was just staring blankly at the door. Even I felt some warmth flow into my cheeks, my reaction was rather tame compared to the others but considering I was a boy for about eighteen years, it was more of a reaction than I was willing to accept.

A laugh broke all of us out of our stupor, and we averted our gazes towards Gram, who had watched the whole thing go down. He immediately dropped everything and started running once he got a glance at Chloe and Tanya. They were embarrassed and that was quickly turned into a seething rage at the cause.

They both took off after the boy and I could only give him a small prayer for his safety and hope that he doesn't get murdered within the next ten minutes, because both Tanya and Chloe were both way faster than him. Way faster. I heard a Yelp followed by pitiful cries of mercy not long after. He hadn't even made it to the stairs.

I delivered the item that Gram had dropped in his futile efforts of escaping, to Lyric. He muttered a thank you, and yelped as Gram let out a cry of pain that probably woke every person in both dorms.

" Don't worry I'll make sure they don't do anything to you, Just get dressed. We were wondering of any of you wanted to come to breakfast with us. I can say for certain Grams not coming but the others perhaps?"

I heard a sigh of relief and some opening and closing of drawers before the door opened again this time lyric actually had some clothes on. He quickly shut the door behind him.

" The others just woke up. They said they'll find something later.'"

" Ok then Let's go, I've got to keep Gram from dying. Mind Helping me out a little?"

" Sure." He replied with a nod

We started to run and rounded the corner, the two girls who were slowly circling their wounded prey were woefully unprepared. Lyric and I each got a target He had Tanya I took Chloe. In one swift synchronized takedown, We had managed to both lock our targets down in ice.

" What the hell?" I heard Tanya yell as Chloe had a similar reaction but didn't voice it.

"Come on we need to go to breakfast, the other boys aren't coming." We unfroze our helpless victims and I started dragging them along so they don't go back to start abusing the poor boy that was doubled over on the ground behind us.

" ... But" Chloe finally found her voice

" But what?"

" But ..." She stuttered

" No, not butt, Lyric was facing forward." I said with an innocent smile looking at the girl behind me. Confusion obvious on her face.

It took a moment of silence before Lyric got what I was saying.

" Alice!" He yelled at me, the flush that was on his face before returning.

I just snickered and increased my speed. We exited the guild and started walking around the Main street that ran through the center of the middle city, looking for a good place to eat. I was trying to get the others input but they were deadly silent.

" Ok, I'm sick of this, why won't anyone speak?"

" Because ..." Tanya started but never finished

" Because what?"

" We saw ..." Chloe droned but halted her statement.

Lyric never never commented but just kept his head down.

" Freaking pansies." I muttered to myself

I stopped us.

" Stop acting weird, If I have to, I will pull my skirt down right here in front of all these people, Will that make you all feel better?" I almost yelled.

I got plenty of weird looks and some that were rather ... Let's just say I hope those pedo's burn in the deepest most agonizing pit in hell, and we'll call that a mercy.

The others immediately snapped out of there little worlds and started shaking there heads as I placed my hands at the base of my skirt, and I pulled.

My skirt slipped off my waist and fell to the floor, Lyric immediately covered his eyes and the others gasped. My skirt fell to reveal the brown shorts from the exercise uniform that I had worn under my skirt.

I as a human being, like to run and jump around a lot, and seeing as I have more skirts than I do any other form of clothing other than shirts, I have gotten into the habit of wearing out exercise shorts then under them so I don't have to worry about exposing myself as much.

I started uncontrollably laughing at the faces they were making. Lyrics eyes slammed shut, and both Chloe and Tanya looked horrified. Once they realized what happened they all joined together and started yelling at me.

I interrupted them once my laughter was under control

" How hard was that?" I asked.

They looked confused

" Your all friends again!" I said with a bright, playful, innocent, smile.

" Now, let pretend this never happened and get something to eat because I'm rather famished." I said in a more serious tone. Picking my skirt up off the ground.

We all started to work together to find a place we wanted to try and we unanimously agreed to never bring up the situation again.

We eventually found a place that made all of our mouths water just from the smell outside so we decided to pay a visit.

The restaurant was a small little family owned business, as are most all the food places I've noticed. This one was actually an independent building of its own not some place connected to a inn so I expected some real good things.

We walked in, sat down, and soon after we're greeted by a boy that seemed about our age, maybe a little older.

" So, what would y'all like to eat today?" The boy asked.

" What all do you have?" Lyric asked

"... hmm ..." The boy took a close look at us "Y'all aren't from around here are you?" He asked

" No, we're here for the Guild Competition, happening in a few days why do you ask?" Tanya said

" Oh! Where do y'all hail from?"

" Elysium" we said in unison

" Nice place so I've heard. My mother is actually from there, she told me we may be visitin' soon."

" Oh, well we may see each other again." I say

" I most certainly look forward to it. Well, good luck, you'll need it."

" Oh, why do you think that?" I asked

" My lil' brothers participatin' and he's a real terror in a fight, he was born with real talent though you may not believe it just lookin at em. Though I suppose y'all aren't the most assuming of peoples either. Anywho, I need to get back to workin' though as a friend, mind it if you go gentle on my little bro. He's a strong fighter, but a bit of a pansy when it comes to pain. I really don't want to have to deal with his complaining. His name's Oliver, Oliver Strauss. Mine's Nicholas, but you can call me Nick." He said with a warm smile

" Well then Nick, We hope to see how strong your little brother is. And we'll try not to bang him up too much." Tanya said with a smile

" Much obliged." He nodded in gratitude " Now On the menu today, we got ourselves some standard toast and eggs with some home-made jam, We got ourselves some Breakfast Cakes, with some honey syrup and freshly churned butter, we have an Omelette, with ..."

" I'll take a cheese omelette, with some fresh milk please!" I said with literal stars in my eyes and Drool sliding down my chin.

" Most certainly" He laughed at my enthusiasm, " and for you folks, or need I continue?"

" Sorry." I squeaked when I realized I interrupted him.

" It's no biggie, I've had way more disrespectful customers than the ones that interrupt me." He said in an attempt to make be feel better. It didn't really.

He leaned in close and whispered to the table, " Just between you and me, your leagues better than those stuck up, asshole nobles. Not all are bad I suppose." He seemed to have remembered a good encounter with one.

" I'll take The Breakfast Cakes, with some form of juice, surprise me." Lyric asked

" I-I'll take the same p-please" Chloe asked.

" I'll have the toast, please and thank you" Tanya asked.

" Right, I'll get your orders to you as soon as there ready.

He then departed helping the occasional other customer as he left to tell the order to the cook.

We chatted amongst ourselves, until our food was ready, and Brought to us. Mine was a beautiful, white and golden fluffy omelette, that looked like a cloud on the edge of the sunset, a nice golden yellow that in itself have a sense of joy, accompanied by a cool sweet glass of cow's milk. The Breakfast Cakes were literally just pancakes with a golden colored syrup, they seemed good but I didn't get to eat any, they didn't want to share. Lyric and Chloe seemed to enjoy them at least. Lyric and Chloe both got some peculiar colored drinks, one was a redish pink the other was a bright blue they seemed to like those too. Tanya had just regular toast. The bread was rather thick though and had a golden jelly like spread on it, the eggs looked good too, but not as good as the ones I front of me. Regardless it all smelt divine and I couldn't stop the saliva from falling down my chin no mater how hard I tried.

Using a wooden fork I delicately cut into the omelette. I had to ensure that the first bit was perfect so after analyzing my food I cut off a section with not to little but not too much cheese and has a nice golden coloring. The fork easily passed through the omelette furthering the illusion that it was a cloud. I lifted the bite to my mouth and as I was about to take a bit some asshole, bitch kicked my seat causing my precious perfect bite to fall onto the floor being soiled by the impossible to clean off dirt and dust that accumulated on the desolate wooden floor.

I was mad, pissed, infuriated. I wallowed in a mix of bind rage and unyielding despair. I stayed silent, tears collecting in the corners of my eyes silently falling to the floor. I also completely ignored the fact I too fell.

Tanya almost got up to yell at the girl but I rested a hand on her leg, giving her a distraught smile. Accidents happen it's only natural, to be human means you make mistakes. She was just clumsy.

" Oh, how sad the poor dirty demi human fell to the floor, down into the filthy dirt right where they belong. Go on eat the food off the floor I'd bet it tastes like your mother's cooking now."

I snapped once she said that, my lies were broken and I was not showing mercy.

Summoning one of the larger knives out of my system, I spin and stab her in the thigh, making her scream and fall to the ground, I then twist the blade to make it hurt worse. Pulling it out, she clutches her leg in pain. I then spun around grab my chair by one of the legs and break it over her head, knocking her out.

Her friends all realize what I did and they attempted to attack me. There were five of them, Three boys and two girls. The two girls start chanting magic but I throw a knife into each of there legs stoping them from firing and causing them to yelp in pain. One of the boys attempted to punch me but I dodged, and kicked him in the groin before a spin kick cleared him from my way.

The other two tried to attack but I was too fast. I trapped one in a cage of spikes with my void magic, and palm the other in the face blasting his nose full of moonlight mist that knocked him out in an instant. I throw a weakened Sunfire bomb into cage I had created with the last boy inside. I don't want to kill them just really hurt them. The explosion didn't do much but the light and sound it made scared the everliving shit out of him. He just fell on his ass petrified, ears ringing and vision blurry.

I reconfigured all the void element I had created reforming it into a thin hard baseball bat, swinging it in a circle my blood red eyes locked onto my final targets the two girls that were still dealing with the stab wounds in there legs. I pushed the knives completely through there legs, before recalling the knives to me with telekinesis and storing them away and approached. There eyes followed the floating knives, and they flinched before attempting to squirm away. I gave a sadistic smile seeing there futile efforts, tears of pain and a mask of terror decorating their faces. In two home runs I had achieved total lights out. Six down, not a scratch on me.

Someone creeped up behind me and I swung my bat at them, but stopped just short of there face as I realized it was Lyric.

" Heh, so ... You've been holding back in our spars it seems." Not quite sure what to say about my outburst.

I look back at the damage I caused. I only really scorched the floor a little and broke a chair. Other than that my attacks had cleared everything and everyone aside from my targets. I tried to walk over and heal them but as soon as they became conscious thay scampered out of the building as fast as humanly possible, not recovering fully and even forsaking their friends.

We've officially hit 100,000 Words so if your still reading this you must actually like the story.


Thank you.

Space_Kittencreators' thoughts