
reincarnated as a boy with ancient power

In a world shrouded in darkness and uncertainty, "Unfamiliar Beginnings" follows Dante, a teenager with an exceptional intellect and a fragile self-image. His life takes a nightmarish turn when he and his friends are captured by ruthless assailants who engage in grotesque and sinister acts. However, amidst this horror, Dante's consciousness awakens in an unknown world, stripped of his former existence. As he navigates unfamiliar terrain and discovers a mysterious tattoo on his chest, Dante embarks on a journey of self-discovery. shocking revelation that challenges his perception of reality. This chilling and thought-provoking tale delves into themes of survival, mystery, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Dante2409 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Pursuit of Strength

Chapter 3: Pursuit of Strength

As Dante returned to the spot where his consciousness had awakened, he settled beneath the colossal tree, its branches towering like a skyscraper. Lost in contemplation, he pondered his next steps. A fleeting thought crossed his mind about his lack of clothing, but then he questioned whether attire even mattered in this unfamiliar world. The haunting memory of the colossal red-eyed tiger pushed aside trivial concerns.

"I'm the only living being here. Do people even wear clothes in this world?" he mused aloud, his voice echoing through the quiet landscape.

Frustration began to simmer as he turned his attention to his dormant pillar power. Furrowing his brow, he tried various techniques to activate it, including touching his ancient pillar tattoo. Hours drifted by in a haze of experimentation, yet his efforts yielded no results.

Fatigue finally set in, prompting Dante to construct basic clothing from available materials. Driven by a relentless curiosity for this extraordinary world, he disregarded immediate needs and focused instead on understanding his powers. Craftsmanship evolved into necessity as he built a small, cramped hut—a humble shelter to call home.

Seated within his newly erected abode, Dante's thoughts circled back to the enigmatic pillar power that had healed him and sustained his hunger. His belief in its existence was unwavering, even if its manifestation remained elusive. Ignoring the growl of his own stomach, he devised a plan to train and grow stronger.

"I need strength," he whispered, his words a vow to himself. Knowledge from his past life flooded his mind, and he decided to delve into the martial arts he'd once practiced. The thought of mastering kickboxing and Muay Thai ignited a fire within him, motivating him to train as if his life depended on it.

As night descended, he embraced exhaustion, only to rise with the sun's first light. His hunger had miraculously subsided, which he attributed to his dormant pillar power. He theorized that it might only activate under dire circumstances, leading him to conclude that his current age—merely 7 years old—might play a role.

Undeterred by hunger, Dante immersed himself in rigorous training, mimicking techniques and combinations from his past life. He practiced relentlessly, honing his skills with an unwavering dedication. The following morning arrived, and though his stomach rumbled, he acknowledged that hunger was a small price to pay for potential power.

Venturing into the surrounding area in search of sustenance, Dante stumbled upon a small bird-like creature, each carrying a fruit-like object. Intrigued, he trailed them through the underbrush, only to discover a clearing filled with these creatures—nature's bountiful harvest.

And there, as Dante gazed upon the scene, his determination solidified. He muttered to himself, "I will become strong. I'll conquer this world, master my pillar power, and reshape my destiny. Nothing can hold me back."

With resolute steps and a heart set on overcoming every obstacle, Dante faced the dawn of his journey—armed not only with his newfound knowledge but also with an unyielding spirit.

End of Chapter 3