
Reincarnated as A's Heir! (Naruto-Haku)

A crackle of lightning, a chill in the air, and suddenly, everyone's favorite frost-ninja, Haku, is back – but not in the way you'd expect. Born as Ryomaru in the village hidden in the clouds, he's got a mix of blood that could put any cocktail to shame. Being the Raikage's son, heir to the lightning throne, and blessed with the ice-cold charm of the Yuki clan, he's out to prove that second chances can come with a dash of lightning and a whole lot of frost. In this life, he's blessed with an even more dazzling visage, guaranteed to make hearts flutter. If his soulful eyes and graceful demeanor don't sweep you off your feet, his rap battle showdowns with Killer B will have you rolling on the floor with laughter. Navigating through his youth with the ever-responsible Samui and Mabui as sisters, the fiery Karui keeping things interesting, and the unconditional love of his mother, Miori, Ryomaru's life is anything but ordinary. And let's not forget the harem of admirers trailing behind our icy prince. It's not his fault that his combination of Raikage power and Yuki mystique makes him irresistible! But don't be fooled, behind those sweet smiles, there's a tactical genius ever-ready to step up to the shinobi plate. From charming his way through tea ceremonies and stumbling upon memories of a past life to engaging in heart-stopping battles that threaten to freeze over the village, Ryomaru's journey is filled with humor, drama, and a sprinkle of teenage angst. So, prepare for the frosty, the funny, and the fantastic in this Naruto-spinoff. Will Ryomaru rise to the challenge of his new life, or will he get caught in a blizzard of his past? Can he reconcile Haku's memory with Ryomaru's reality, and can he handle the charm he was born with? Only one way to find out – dive into the world of "The Ice Prince of the Hidden Cloud: Reincarnated as A's Heir!" and join Ryomaru as he chills, charms, and challenges his way through a reincarnated life in the Naruto universe. Brace yourself, because it's about to get frosty! --- You have been warned!!! Slow-paced storytelling: The novel focuses on slice-of-life events, so you should be prepared for a leisurely narrative with a slower progression of major plot points. Memory retrieval: Ryomaru's memories from his past life(Haku) will gradually resurface over time. If you prefer a story with immediate recollection or rapid development, this may not be the right fit. Harem elements: The novel incorporates a harem dynamic, with Ryomaru attracting the romantic interest of multiple characters. While this adds to the romantic subplot, some readers may have personal preferences or find it off-putting. I am thinking of 5 or so Harem members and not Gotta Catch 'em All.

IWriteFanfic · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

We Greet Raikage-Sama

"Hiashi-san, Hizashi-san," Ryomaru greeted, his voice raspy from exhaustion. "Konoha is larger than I anticipated. We were exploring when we ran into... complications."

Hiashi nodded, feigning innocence. "Ah, yes. This village has many secrets, many corners. But it's best to stay out of some places." His gaze, though not directly addressing Danzo, carried an unspoken warning.

Hizashi added, "It's getting late. We should all return home. Tomorrow is another day of training, after all."

Ryomaru noticed the glimmer of approval in Hizashi's eyes. The older man's words, although light in tone, bore a deeper message: 'Leave now, and let us handle the rest.'

Miori tightened her hold on her son, her voice quivering with a mix of relief and desperation. "Thank you, Hiashi-san, Hizashi-san. We'd appreciate an escort home."

Stepping closer, Hiashi's voice carried a quiet warning, "Ryomaru, you cannot return to Konoha." His tone was firm, but there was an underlying note of concern that was unmistakable.

Ryomaru met Hiashi's gaze and nodded, understanding the weight of the words. But before he could process it further, Hizashi stepped up beside him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I heard about your father, Ryomaru. I'm sorry." His words held genuine sympathy.

"Thank you," Ryomaru replied, swallowing the lump in his throat.

In the midst of the tension, a Hyuga Jounin swiftly descended from the nearby tree, landing gracefully beside the group. He held out a scroll to Ryomaru with both hands, his posture indicating the utmost respect. "All the belongings from your residence, and the one next to it."

A hint of relief washed over Ryomaru's face. In the chaos of their abrupt departure, leaving behind their belongings had been a sharp sting. He hadn't expected this gesture

Hiashi's voice broke his reverie, "Hanabi informed me about your situation. She was quite concerned. But," he added, catching Ryomaru's hopeful look, "a meeting will have to wait."

Before Ryomaru could acknowledge the statement, the air grew thick with Danzo's cold disdain. "Hiashi, just what do you think you're doing?" His voice was low and dangerous, each word dripping with venom. "I've apprehended two spies threatening our village's safety. Do you truly wish to challenge the security of Konoha? Are you aware of what such actions might cost you?"

Hiashi, who had been observing the battle with a grave expression, finally turned to look at Danzo. He had hoped that Danzo would let Ryomaru and Miori go without further confrontation, but it appeared that Danzo was determined to make matters difficult. Instead of backing down, Hiashi squared his shoulders and fixed a steely gaze on Danzo.

"Uchiha Clan is a nice example, yes," Hiashi responded, his voice carrying a layered meaning. At first glance, it might seem as though he was acknowledging the Uchiha Clan's tragic history, implying that opposing Danzo could lead to the eradication of a clan, just as it had for the Uchiha. However, there was a deeper, more subtle message hidden within his words.

Hiashi's unspoken challenge resonated in the air, his single sentence had more underlying meaning; 'Isn't the Uchiha Clan currently residing in the Cloud Village?' he seemed to ask. 'So what if you consider us your enemies? We too can relocate to the Cloud and continue our existence. Are you willing to risk losing us as well?'

His words hung in the air, a testament to his determination to protect his family, even in the face of such a formidable adversary. It was a silent reminder that the Hyuga Clan would not yield easily, and they were prepared to stand their ground, no matter the cost.

Danzo's fist clenched, the knuckles whitening, as he took in the sight of Ryomaru and Miori. Every instinct screamed at him to hold them in Konoha, to keep them under his control. The boy, especially, held secrets that Danzo wanted to exploit.

But even as this thought crossed his mind, the scene before him changed dramatically. Several shinobi descended into the open space, kicking up dust as they landed. The first two to touch down were Samui and Mabui, both familiar faces to Ryomaru. He'd left them behind in Wave when the news had first reached him. Their eyes, while filled with relief at finding Ryomaru, held a hint of guilt. They had been delayed in joining him, but now they were here, and the look they shared suggested they were prepared to face whatever came next.

Mabui, always the more expressive of the two, called out first. "Ryomaru! You alright?"

Before he could reply, another figure descended, Darui. He was battered and appeared to be nursing a few wounds but held his head high. Behind him, a group of elite Cloud Jounins landed, their presence a clear show of strength and unity. Their synchronized movements spoke of rigorous training and unmatched skill.

Behind him, two familiar figures descended, causing Danzo's eyes to narrow in barely contained fury: Uchiha Fugaku and his prodigious son, Itachi.

The cold air grew even more electric. Fugaku's and Itachi's expressions were hard, their piercing eyes fixed on Danzo with unmasked contempt.

The sudden appearance of the shinobi from the Cloud Village was a palpable force that redefined the dynamics in the courtyard. As each shinobi landed, they immediately knelt before Ryomaru, bowing their heads respectfully. Their unified voices rang out, filling the air, "We greet Raikage-sama."

The words seemed to snap something into place for Ryomaru. His hand instinctively reached up to touch the mantle draped on his shoulders, its weight suddenly evident. His mind raced. The Cloud Village operated differently; the title of 'A' wasn't bestowed or earned. It was a birthright. And now, with the passing of his father, the Fourth Raikage, the mantle of leadership had fallen to him.


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