
Reincarnated as A's Heir! (Naruto-Haku)

A crackle of lightning, a chill in the air, and suddenly, everyone's favorite frost-ninja, Haku, is back – but not in the way you'd expect. Born as Ryomaru in the village hidden in the clouds, he's got a mix of blood that could put any cocktail to shame. Being the Raikage's son, heir to the lightning throne, and blessed with the ice-cold charm of the Yuki clan, he's out to prove that second chances can come with a dash of lightning and a whole lot of frost. In this life, he's blessed with an even more dazzling visage, guaranteed to make hearts flutter. If his soulful eyes and graceful demeanor don't sweep you off your feet, his rap battle showdowns with Killer B will have you rolling on the floor with laughter. Navigating through his youth with the ever-responsible Samui and Mabui as sisters, the fiery Karui keeping things interesting, and the unconditional love of his mother, Miori, Ryomaru's life is anything but ordinary. And let's not forget the harem of admirers trailing behind our icy prince. It's not his fault that his combination of Raikage power and Yuki mystique makes him irresistible! But don't be fooled, behind those sweet smiles, there's a tactical genius ever-ready to step up to the shinobi plate. From charming his way through tea ceremonies and stumbling upon memories of a past life to engaging in heart-stopping battles that threaten to freeze over the village, Ryomaru's journey is filled with humor, drama, and a sprinkle of teenage angst. So, prepare for the frosty, the funny, and the fantastic in this Naruto-spinoff. Will Ryomaru rise to the challenge of his new life, or will he get caught in a blizzard of his past? Can he reconcile Haku's memory with Ryomaru's reality, and can he handle the charm he was born with? Only one way to find out – dive into the world of "The Ice Prince of the Hidden Cloud: Reincarnated as A's Heir!" and join Ryomaru as he chills, charms, and challenges his way through a reincarnated life in the Naruto universe. Brace yourself, because it's about to get frosty! --- You have been warned!!! Slow-paced storytelling: The novel focuses on slice-of-life events, so you should be prepared for a leisurely narrative with a slower progression of major plot points. Memory retrieval: Ryomaru's memories from his past life(Haku) will gradually resurface over time. If you prefer a story with immediate recollection or rapid development, this may not be the right fit. Harem elements: The novel incorporates a harem dynamic, with Ryomaru attracting the romantic interest of multiple characters. While this adds to the romantic subplot, some readers may have personal preferences or find it off-putting. I am thinking of 5 or so Harem members and not Gotta Catch 'em All.

IWriteFanfic · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Merely a Stroll

Hey everyone,

I've got some news to share about my writing. After thinking it over, I've decided to end three of my novels(Reincarnated as A's Heir, Reincarnated as Shiba Clan's Heir and Reincarnated as Young King of Meteor City) at the end of this month. It's a tough decision, but the truth is, these stories haven't gotten as much interest or support on Patreon as I'd hoped.

I tried to keep them going for a few months, hoping things would pick up, but they're just not fulfilling me creatively like they used to. It's time for a change.

I want to emphasize that this isn't a call for pity or a last-minute plea for support. I've always shared my novels for free, and Patreon was just an option for those who wanted to support my work. Your readership has been amazing, and I'm really grateful for the time you've spent with my stories. Thanks for the support thus far.


Danzo, on the other hand, seemed like he was just getting started. The Sharingan in his eye rotated menacingly, seeming to take in every minute detail. "Is this all the Raikage's son has to offer?" he sneered.

Ryomaru, gathering his remaining strength, shot back, "I am not done yet."

Despite his brave words, Ryomaru's body told a different story. Every step he took was heavier than the last, and the pulsing of his cloak grew more and more irregular. He lunged at Danzo again, aiming a punch, but his tired movements were clear, and the elder ninja easily sidestepped.

Miori's ice-blue eyes shimmered with tears as she watched her beloved son struggle. She wanted to rush to his aid, but she knew that intervening now would only make things worse.

But her cries seemed to fall on deaf ears as Danzo took advantage of Ryomaru's slowing speed. He landed a series of blows on the young shinobi, each one causing Ryomaru to stumble back further. Every hit was met with a grunt of pain, and Ryomaru's once vibrant eyes started to glaze over.

"Still think you can defeat me?" Danzo taunted, landing another powerful blow that sent Ryomaru crashing to the ground.

Picking himself up, Ryomaru spat out a bit of blood, his breathing ragged, pushed himself back onto his feet.

Miori's heart ached as she saw the state of her son. Every bruise, every cut on him felt like a wound on her own heart. Tears streamed down her face, but she held her stance, her faith in Ryomaru unwavering.

Danzo approached the young shinobi, his face a mask of cold arrogance. "You've put on quite a show," he commented dryly. "But it ends now."

In one swift and merciless move, Danzo lunged at Ryomaru. The force of his assault left Ryomaru little time to react. His attempts to defend himself were feeble, and he was quickly overpowered by Danzo's brutal onslaught.

Danzo's fist struck like a sledgehammer, landing with a sickening thud against Ryomaru's defenseless abdomen. The impact was devastating, causing blood to spatter from Ryomaru's mouth, mingling with the saliva that had already coated his trembling lips. The pain was excruciating, and Ryomaru's body convulsed in sheer agony.

Gasping for air, Ryomaru's world spun as he was sent tumbling across the courtyard, every movement sending shockwaves of torment through his battered form. He desperately tried to regain his footing, summoning every ounce of his willpower, but his strength failed him, and he collapsed back onto the unforgiving ground.

The courtyard seemed to blur around him as Ryomaru lay there, vulnerable and broken, his breaths coming in ragged, labored gasps. Danzo's relentless brutality had left him in a state of utter helplessness, his body battered and his spirit shattered.

Danzo stood tall, a satisfied grin playing on his lips as he approached the fallen Ryomaru. "It was entertaining, I'll give you that," he mused.

"Mum," Ryomaru managed to whisper, reaching out weakly.

Miori's heart shattered. She ran to her son, her body trembling with a mix of anger and anguish. Falling to her knees beside him, she cradled his head in her lap, stroking his black hair.

"Stay away from him!" she shouted defiantly at Danzo.

Danzo paused for a moment, his grin never fading. "You should teach your son to pick his battles wisely," he remarked coldly.

Danzo towered over the fallen duo, his chilling eyes filled with a menacing aura as they bore into the two vulnerable figures beneath him. "There's a simple way out of this, young one," he began with a tone dripping in icy malice. "Pledge your allegiance to me, accept the mark I offer, and I'll spare your life. Your mother will stay here as collateral. Otherwise, your life will end, and she will still remain in my custody."

Tears streamed down Miori's face as she tried to shield her son from the looming threat. Her voice cracked, but determination shone through her sorrow. "I accept. I'll stay, just spare him," she begged.

However, Ryomaru, despite his weakened state, interrupted her plea. "No, Mum!" His voice was strained, but there was a fiery defiance in his ice-blue eyes. He'd rather face death than surrender, especially if it meant using his mother as a bargaining chip. "I won't let you take her."

Danzo tilted his head, seemingly amused. "A brave statement, but bravery alone won't save you."

Miori clutched Ryomaru closer, her fingers tangled in his raven-black hair. "Please, let him go. He's just a child. I'll do whatever you want."

Ryomaru, despite the weight of his injuries and the haze of pain clouding his senses, found a new well of strength deep within him. He struggled to push himself upright, determination etched in every line of his face. "You won't kill me, Danzo," he spat defiantly, a spark of energy returning to his ice-blue eyes. "You know as well as I do that my death would ignite a war between our villages. But you're too much of a coward to even try."

Danzo's gaze hardened, the tightening of his jaw and the flare in his Sharingan eye revealing that Ryomaru's words had struck a nerve. "Bold words for someone in your position," he hissed.

But before any further threats could be made, a calm, clear voice cut through the tension. "Ryomaru, Miori-san. It's quite surprising to see you both here."

Both combatants turned to see Hiashi Hyuga, flanked by his brother Hizashi, walking toward them with a composed air. Their footsteps echoed faintly across the courtyard, breaking the heavy silence that had settled.

Ryomaru's heart surged with hope. Hiashi and Hizashi, both known for their unparalleled skills, were formidable opponents. He noticed, however, that the duo seemed to deliberately avoid acknowledging Danzo, despite the evident standoff.

Danzo, his right eye quickly concealed, appeared momentarily taken aback. The appearance of the Hyuga brothers was an unexpected twist.

"I was merely out for a stroll with Hizashi. What brings you here, Ryomaru?" Hiashi asked, feigning ignorance to the underlying tension.

Ryomaru quickly grasped the subtlety of Hiashi and Hizashi's arrival. They weren't there to confront Danzo directly, but they wouldn't let him freely impose his will either. The young boy was well aware that Danzo's political clout in Konoha was significant, and the Hyuga brothers couldn't act rashly. Yet, their very presence shifted the balance in the courtyard.


Read 45(15 chapters for each novel) advanced chapters in my Patreon!
