
Reincarnated Ambition

The alchemy pill you made can cause someone to rise a whole cultivation realm? Well The steak leftovers I cooked can cause a mortal to reach the Nascent soul realm! You comprehended a nine-star God-level martial art after a thousand years? Well I read about it in a book, took a nap, and could execute it the next day! You have a heavenly bloodline that grants you unparalleled strength? Well, I've maxed out my strength attribute! Tales of a simple man in an uncommon world, where his flames of ambition are stoked by the mysteries of this newfound realm. A harmonious blend of fantasy, action, and adventure, intertwined with the enchantment of eastern cultivation and western magic.

Savage_Green97 · Fantasy
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43 Chs


Deep within the skeletons' territory, Krez continued battling multiple foes, steadily raising his experience bar. However, the further he ventured, the more he sensed an purpose among the skeletons. The feeling intensified when he started encountered 4-man skeleton patrols, moving with a sense of coordination, as if following a predetermined route.

Krez's combat prowess reached new heights as he adeptly faced the 4-man skeleton patrols. Despite their group dynamic, the lack of cohesion among the skeletons worked to his advantage. Krez mastered the art of ambushing a skeleton, then swiftly taking one more down before it could react to his presence, leaving only two in a head-on confrontation.

The skeletons, lacking any form of armor, resembled glass cannons – capable of dealing damage but incredibly vulnerable. Krez exploited this weakness, utilizing his superior agility to minimize any damage from their attacks. His strategic approach turned each encounter into a calculated dance, gradually solidifying his dominance over the skeletons in their territory.

Krez's journey led him to the deepest parts of the skeletons' territory, marked by the discovery of a clearing in the dense trees. At the center of this open space, he encountered a unique sight—a stone staircase descending into the ground. Positioned behind the stairs, a large stone statue, missing both its head and arms, stood precariously on its two legs.

In front of the stairs, an imposing skeleton captured Krez's attention. Unlike any he had faced before, this skeleton emitted a dark purple glow from its eyes, signifying a difference from the usual black glow in a skeletons eye. Clad in rusted and tarnished armor—a helm, chest plate, boots, and pants—and carrying a thick sword with a broken tip, this creature hinted at a formidable opponent. Krez recognized that he was now facing a different breed of skeleton, one that posed a new and heightened challenge.

As Krez prepared to face the formidable skeleton, he knew it was time to get serious. Unwrapping his snakeskin bracers from his forearms, the bracers he made design was one, long piece of snakescale skin measuring about three feet in length and an inch wide. Crafted with intricate design, the outer layer featured snakeskin, while the inner side boasted smooth fur.

Krez swiftly transformed the long piece into a his weapon, wrapping it around his hands, knuckles, and wrists. The result was a formidable set of fist weapons, empowering him to deal out more damage with each precise strike. With his weaponry equipped, Krez stood ready to face the challenge of the boss skeleton.

Krez approached the boss skeleton with a deliberate slowness, only to suddenly burst into a full sprint as he closed the distance. The skeleton, reacting too late, reached for its sword, but Krez's blistering speed gave him the advantage. In a swift motion, Krez's fist landed hard on the skeleton's armor with a resounding BANG.

The powerful blow didn't unbalance the skeleton, but it was pushed back a whole foot. In response, the skeleton retaliated with a vertical slash. Krez sidestepped to the right with a fluid dodge, narrowly avoiding the sword. As the blade slammed into the ground parallel to Krez, he seized the opportunity.

Shifting his weight to his forward foot, Krez pulled his leg back, focused on his balance, and unleashed an astronomically powerful kick right to the center of the skeleton's armor—precisely where his fist had made contact. The clash of strength and skill echoed through the clearing.

The boss skeleton, anchored by the sword in the ground, remained unwavering despite Krez's forceful kick. Krez's kick loosened sword it became an opportunity for the skeleton to strike . The skeleton retaliated with a upward slashing motion, aiming the sword towards Krez's head.

With heightened agility, Krez engaged in a daring game of limbo, deftly dodging under the swinging sword. As the blade sailed overhead, Krez swiftly re-entered his fighting stance. With fluidity and precision, he brought his fist to his side, palm up, and unleashed a powerful uppercut.

The strike connected with the boss skeleton's jaw, exploiting the opening. Krez's hand lodged into the skeleton's mouth, gripping its lower jaw. Fingers wrapped around the front, Krez pulled with all his strength, and with a resounding "CRACK", he successfully dislocated and removed the skeleton's jaw.

Dark and evil mana seeped from the exposed area where Krez had taken the boss skeleton's jaw. Though Krez had dealt considerable damage, he remained focused. The boss skeleton, was shifting his center of balance for a downward slash, this provided an opening for one more attack by krez.

Accelerating his fist with a grip on the jawbone, Krez launched his fist with precision, utilizing the jawbone's sharp ends where it once connected to the skeleton's skull. Krez didn't halt his movement. His fist continued its relentless advance, hitting the broken edges of the jaw right where his previous strikes had weakened the skeleton's armor.

The impact blew a hole in the armor shattering the jawbone in the process, Krez found himself elbow-deep inside the armor. His hand touched something cold yet potent, emanating a mysterious power. Ignoring the discomfort, he grabbed it and, mirroring his earlier move with the boss skeleton's jaw, he pulled, taking it for himself.

With the acquired item in his hand, Krez quickly jumped back, resuming his fighting stance. Anticipating the boss skeleton's next attack, he noticed the creature was uncharacteristically still, it's eyes fading Losing it's deep purple glow. It toppled forward, the luster vanishing from its eyes. "THUMP" the skeleton hit the ground it marked Krez's victory against this formidable Foe.

Krez relaxed slightly, maintaining vigilance to prevent any potential sneak attacks. He examined the item he had taken from the boss skeleton—an intriguing round dark purple gem. However, before he could inspect it further, a translucent screen flashed in front of Krez's face.


**Upgrade Alert**

**Power Stone Detected**

Would the user like to upgrade talent?




Krez reached out and pressed Accept!

Added beast and monster power Info in info tab. bout to start using it next chapter.

Savage_Green97creators' thoughts