
Reincarnated Ambition

The alchemy pill you made can cause someone to rise a whole cultivation realm? Well The steak leftovers I cooked can cause a mortal to reach the Nascent soul realm! You comprehended a nine-star God-level martial art after a thousand years? Well I read about it in a book, took a nap, and could execute it the next day! You have a heavenly bloodline that grants you unparalleled strength? Well, I've maxed out my strength attribute! Tales of a simple man in an uncommon world, where his flames of ambition are stoked by the mysteries of this newfound realm. A harmonious blend of fantasy, action, and adventure, intertwined with the enchantment of eastern cultivation and western magic.

Savage_Green97 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


Krez walked out of the bathroom naked, his new razor and grooming clippers stored in his inventory along with his armor. On the bed, he saw something he never thought he would see again – unless he made them: blue jeans. Along with a dark green short-sleeved shirt, there were even shoes provided. Krez thought to himself, "Red seemed to be quite kind. The years must have softened him up."

Seeing the clothes, Krez decided that he would need to purchase some common clothes; after all, he couldn't just go around wearing his armor everywhere.Krez started making a mental shopping list: clothes, pots, pans, spices, toilet paper and a toothbrush if they have them.

Even with Krez being an accomplished cook in his previous life, without spices and proper cooking utensils, there's only so much you can do with wild game. Cooking items were high on his list. Luckily, on his way here, not only did he kill the bear-deer in the mountain, but he also collected a few more beast bodies here and there. So, he should be able to sell them for a bit of profit to buy the things he needed before setting out again.

Krez strolled through the village,before leaving Red's manor, Red extended an invitation, "As the chief of Knotts, I can't show a cultivator any bad manners. I hope you'll join me for dinner." Krez nodded in agreement and replied, "Sure."

In the heart of the village, Krez strolled through its quaint streets in search of a general store. The bustling atmosphere showed the vibrancy of life within the community. The monetary system in Gorark remained a mystery to Krez. He hoped it wouldn't cause any problems. Krez just decided to take a fake it till you make it approach.

Carcasses of wild beasts he had hunted filled his inventory, and he pondered their value. Additionally, the imperfect clothes from his initial crafting attempts raised questions about potential sales.

There were numerous eyes on Krez,many eyes showed wariness. Others displayed fanaticism, mostly coming from young boys with overactive imaginations. Some eyes even hinted at lust, particularly from older women who believed that bedding Krez would elevate their status to the top of the world. Krezz just chuckled and continued on.

Krez discovered precisely what he needed—a general store. Bold letters adorned the store's front, guiding him inside. Upon entering, a man behind the counter perked up, his eyes widening as he recognized Krez. The town's gossip seemed to have spread.

The man greeted Krez, "Sir Cultivator, what can I help you with today? Krez inquired,

"Do You buy crafted goods? I have some items I'm needing to sell. I'm running a little low on money." The man smiled and responded, "Of course, sir."

The shopkeeper suggested, "If you need me, sir, I can send some errand boys to pick the items up from the manor." Krez replied, "No need, I have them on me." The shopkeeper looked at Krez a bit bewildered, unable to see any items on him. Krez walked up to the counter and summoned the items he planned to sell, excluding the beast carcasses. He summoned his imperfect crafting attempts from his inventory, the ones with small imperfections but still of decent quality.

The shopkeeper's tone increased in respect a hundredfold as he realized Krez had a storage ring. He said, "Ah, I see, Sir Cultivator. You had a storage ring. My bad for assuming that you didn't have." His voice conveyed a higher level of respect because, as a seasoned merchant, he had interacted with many people who bought and sold goods. After hearing many stories, He knew that a cultivator with a storage ring was often associated a well-to-do background. Observing Krez's youth, he surmised that he might be one of those esteemed young masters.

The shopkeeper wasted no time and started sorting through the items and clothes Krez deposited. As he examined them, he remarked, "Sir, while some of the armors have slight imperfections, many of them are made quite well." Going through the items, he added, "Some of these would probably even boast better defenses than the armor that the guards wear."

The shopkeeper took a step back, rubbed his chin, and pondered, "I can offer you 50 silver coins for the armors, sir cultivator. Some of these items are actually on the verge of becoming one-star items. I hope this amount will be acceptable to you."

The shopkeeper continued, "If I'm being honest, sir, if you sell them to me for 50 silver, you would be taking a loss. It's just that 50 silver is all I can offer."Krez was happy with the shopkeeper's honesty and agreed, "50 silver is acceptable."

As Krez strolled around the shop, he gathered various items he had come for. Once he agreed to the 50 silvers, the shopkeeper disappeared into a back room to grab the coins, leaving Krez's armors on the table. Krez selected some pots and pans, opened numerous spices, took a whiff, and chose the ones he wanted. He even got 10 sets of shirts, jeans, socks, shoes, underwear and toiletries. Remembering what the shopkeeper said about a storage ring, he picked up a black ring to hide his inventory skill.

The shopkeeper returned with a smile on his face and a pouch in his hand. He saw Krez with hands stuffed with the items he wanted to buy. The shopkeeper wanted to laugh because it looked quite comical, but he restrained himself.Krez made it to the counter, dropped the items onto it, and stated, "I'd like to buy these." The shopkeeper said, "Certainly," and handed Krez the coin pouch with the 50 silver. The shopkeeper rung up the items and said, "Your total is 72 copper, Sir Cultivator."

If Krez's numerous video games taught him anything, 1 silver should be enough. He handed the shopkeeper a silver coin and received 28 copper coins in return."Thank you for your business, and if you need anything, please return the shop. My name is Rick," the shopkeeper said.

Krez wisely decided to keep his stored beast bodies, recognizing the practicality of having a backup food source in uncertain situations.

He happily strolled out of the shop's door, a smile on his face, knowing that he would never be naked again