
Average(?) school day

Rimuru POV:

I've been living on my own for 4 years now, honestly, it's been great. Since I was practically living in my imaginary space, I was spending a lot of my time with Ciel since she created a clone for her to inhabit. I used the money my parents sent me to buy crops so that I could plant them in my imaginary space since I could just speed up time and make them grow faster as well as having an unlimited source of food. I only really used the money my parents sent to buy meat or manga.

After the first five years of my life, Ciel kept going on about how she was my wife and no one else could have me. I was honestly surprised at first but never really engaged in that conversation. After a while I did start seeing Ciel as my wife/partner I never said it out loud although she probably knew since she know's what I'm thinking and feeling. She still kept telling me that she was my wife since she wanted to hear me admit it.

After we moved out of my parent's house I decided to bribe Ciel into telling me why I was a female instead of a male by telling her I'd admit she's my wife. After a lot of back and forth, she ended up telling me the reason.


"Ne~ I've been meaning to ask, why exactly am I a girl now?"

I asked in genuine curiosity, wondering if there was an actual reason or if it was by pure chance(which I doubt)



I say in a hum while smiling sweetly (glaring) at her.


"You know I was willing to acknowledge you as my wife but I'm not so sure anymore since you're keeping secrets from me. "

I say while turning away and looking at her out of the corner of my eye.

I could see Ciel flinch and her brain (figuratively) go into overdrive trying to decide whether it was worth it or not. of course, I already knew the answer since I knew how badly she wanted to hear me admit it. After a good minute of contemplation, she finally spoke.

"It's because since Master is a girl now less women will be attracted to you so I'll have less competition. As for men, I know master will turn them all down."

She puffed her chest out and stated proudly as if expecting to be praised.

Honestly, I was a little peeved that that was the reason why I was deprived of a son. I ended up pouting and didn't talk to Ciel for the rest of the week.

Flashback end

Although I ended up acknowledging her as my wife I'm still slightly depressed at not having a son. I ended up adjusting but it was annoying to have to deal with all of the lustful stares and confessions as well as the jealousy of the girls. Not to toot my own horn but I'm honestly drop-dead gorgeous. I can see why so many guys want me, cause even tho it's my own body I still can't get used to how good I look. If I was still a guy and I saw myself walking down the street I'd probably give myself a lustful look without even realising it. An hourglass figure that curves in all the right places, a medium-sized ass that isn't too big but isn't too small either but enough to add shape to my figure along with ample c-cup breasts. I'm quite happy with the way I look, even though I'm a girl I can still appreciate beauty especially if it's my own. I'm being narcissistic? WRONG! I'm just a cultured person who enjoys beautiful views.

After the first couple of years, Ciel informed me that I was able to change my body back to that of a true Dragon. Honestly, I was surprised because I thought I'd have to stay in a human body till I died of old age. I happily agreed to let my body be reconstructed, and as a result, I was asleep for three days. The change in my body caused my hair and eye colour to go back to what it was in the cardinal world as for my looks, it caused my breasts and ass to grow slightly as well as giving me a more alluring look and sharpening my features. I didn't even know it was possible to look even more beautiful. It also caused me to age up looking to be around 16 years old, I also gained back all of my intrinsic skills. I changed my looks back to how they were in this world so people don't get suspicious as to why my hair and eye colour changed along with looking like a 16-year-old since I was still in middle school.

As I finished "packing" my bag I headed out the door and started walking to school. As I turn the corner I hear a familiar voice call out to me.


Shizuku yelled while waving frantically to catch my attention.

Shizuku Yaegashi, is one of my only 2 friends in this world. When I first started attending school I couldn't bring myself to make friends, Because of what happened in the past I was afraid that something might happen to them if Micheal or Feldway came after me. Ciel said the only real threat is if multiple people on the level of a true Dragon came for me all at once seeing as the time stop won't affect me anymore since Ciel analyzed it which allowed me to evolve into a digital life form. I opted to not make any friends so they wouldn't get caught in the crossfire or be used as blackmail, and it stayed that way until I was in middle school. She looked exactly like Shizue only with blood-red eyes. At first, I thought it was a coincidence until Ciel told me she was Shizue's reincarnation. Knowing that just made me want to stay away from her even more not wanting to see her get hurt. But being the person she is even if she is a reincarnation she approached me on the first day of school seeing me sitting alone. 

When she tried talking to me I wouldn't say much so I didn't get too involved with her but she took it the wrong way assuming I was just shy. After that, she kept talking and sitting next to me every day. The more she talked with me the more guilt I felt about killing the students she asked me to save, but after a while, I started talking to her more swallowing my guilt since she doesn't even have her memories of her past life. The more she talked to me, the more I talked back until we were practically inseparable. I accidentally called her Shizu once and I apologised immediately but she didn't seem to mind and allowed me to call her that. She also introduced me to her other friends the only one I made friends with was Kaori. I wasn't interested in anyone else and didn't want to pursue other friendships either. They were all I wanted and needed.

I still feel a lot of guilt and gratitude towards Shizu, so I try treating her extra well although I do try hiding it as best I can. Shizu is the only one who knew about my family situation because of a sleepover we had once. When I went to her house she asked why my casual clothes were so old. In truth, they were extremely worn with a couple of stitched-up holes. I had just dodged the question giving the excuse that all my other clothes were in the wash, which wasn't a lie since the only other pair of casual clothes I had were hanging out to dry. Later that night as I was getting changed into my pyjamas in her room, she came in forgetting to knock. since I was only in my underwear she could see my bare skin. Since I usually wear long-sleeved tops or leggings to school to hide the bruises no one's ever seen my bare skin.

As soon as she saw the cuts and bruises she rushed over to me asking what happened i kept trying to make excuses saying I fell down the stairs or I tripped but she wouldn't believe it, So I ended up telling her. I honestly didn't think it affected me that much but I ended up balling my eyes out as I told her what was happening. She tried getting me to go to the authorities but I told her it was ok because I was just waiting till I turned 13 so that I could live in an apartment on my own. I asked her not to tell anyone and she reluctantly agreed with the condition that if I was still living there after I turned 13 she'd tell her parents about it. I didn't mind because I knew for a fact that I was going to get out of that house ASAP. After she found out what was going on she started inviting me to her house more often and even bought me a new set of clothes which I reluctantly accepted. As soon as I moved into the apartment she came over to help me move and get settled in. She's the only person who knows where I live since she comes over to visit now and then.

"morning Shizu."

I greet her as she jogs over to me.

"morning Rimuru."

"how was your weekend? Do anything?"

"Nothing much really, I just finished the homework we had."

"huh? What homework?"

[Master I was reminding you all weekend about it but you kept saying you'd finish it later.] Ciel chimes in with a grumpy tone.


I reply with an awkward laugh trying to ignore the glare I can feel from Ciel.

"We had English and math homework. I'm not surprised you didn't do it since you always forget."

She sighs disappointedly at me.

"hehe, it's not like I don't do it on purpose it just slips my mind."

I reply trying to make an excuse, but I suddenly get an idea. With the best puppy dog eyes I can muster I turn to Shizu.

"heyyy Shizu, do you mind if I....you know.....borrow yours."

"f-fine, b-but only this once. You have to remember to do it yourself next time."

She replies as she turns away with a light blush across her face.

'heh, too easy' I think as I smirk inwardly and pat myself on the back.

As we arrive at the gates we're greeted by the knockoff masa- I mean Kouki.

[Master, you almost called him Masayuki again.]

Ciel sighs in my head.

(H-Hey! It's not my fault! He's the only "hero" I know who doesn't want to kill me, And he always tries to play the "hero " role. I'm justified here ok.)

I say as I pout at Ciel's comment.

[*giggles* you're so cute when you're flustered master.]


Shizu says while waving her hand in front of my face.

"Ah sorry, I was just thinking about something."

I quickly answer as my cheeks begin to redden.

(Ciel you forgot to turn on thought acceleration.)

I deadpan while glaring at Ciel.

[Oops, hehe.]

"I know you did that on purpose."

I mutter under my breath.

"What was that Rimuru?"

"Just your imagination."

I reply while committing clear copyright in front of its owner.


As we enter the classroom I head to my seat in the back next to Shizu's.

"you asked about my weekend earlier, how was yours?"

"ah, pretty shitty to be honest, my parents cut my allowance money again as well as most of the rent money. I need to start looking for a second job so I can pay for the apartment."

Shizu looks at me with clear worry evident in her eyes.

"You know if you need, my parents would be fine with you staying with us for a while."

She says trying to lighten some of my burden.

"It's ok, I wouldn't want to intrude and besides it shouldn't be that bad, it's not like I'm not doing anything with all the free time I have."

I reply to Shizu in a joking tone trying to alleviate her worries.

As our conversation ends, Kaori enters the classroom followed by Kouki and Ryutaro

"Hey Shizuku, Hey Rimuru Good morning."

Kaori says with a smile

"Hey, Kaori."


We both reply to her greeting.

As I see Kaori start to scan the room looking for someone I decide to tease her.

"Looking for your boyfriend Kaori?"

"You mean Nagumo-Kun? WAIT NO! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!"

She replies trying to cover up the blush plastered on her face as Shizu just snickers at the daily interaction.

After that comment as if on cue Nagumo walks into the classroom receiving hateful and envious stares from the people in the class. Thanks to my comment earlier, it's worse than usual.

As he sat down in his seat, three people started to ridicule him as if on cue like they've done every day for the past 2 years.

"Oi otaku, you played games all night again, didn't you? Probably a bunch of weird erotic games."

"Eww, as expected of the resident otaku."

"Shame on you."

As they start to pester him you can see Nagumo's eyebrow slightly twitch at their words.

The first to start the daily verbal assault was Hiyama Daisuke. He was always the first and the last to pick on Nagumo every day along with his group of idiots, Saito Yoshiki, Kondo Reichi and Nakano Shinji. They were your group of cliche bullies you see in movies or manga.

They were always the ones to pick on him the most for any and every little thing he did or said.

Nagumo was indeed an otaku but neither his appearance nor attitude was disgusting or horrible. He had short well-groomed black hair and a neet uniform free of creases and odours, over all, he was an average-looking high schooler. So why did the whole class hate and outcast him? Simple, because he had the attention of one of the school's goddesses.

"Good morning Nagumo-kun. Late as usual."

She said as she started to approach his desk, smiling happily. Everyone who hated him hated him because of this girl.

Kaori Shirasaki was one of the top 3 most beautiful girls in the school. Kaori was one of the most perfect girls in the whole school. Always kind, treating everyone with respect and always making with a smile on her face, along with a sense of responsibility she took care of other people and was mature for her age.

even though she was considered a goddess at their school to Nagumo she was the devil incarnate herself.

Nagumo had average had average looks and grades as well as being an otaku. Because of this, it made all of the students envious and think "Why him?" Or "He doesn't deserve her." Everyone thought that Kaori was just wasting time with him and should move on to find someone better.

"Good morning Shirasaki-san."

As soon as he replied to her, clicking tongues and a mix of hateful and envious stares were cast at him.

At his greeting, Kaori just smiled widely and showed a happy expression. I honestly feel bad for him because of how dense she is. She can't even tell that her beating around the bush and not admitting her feelings is causing him trouble.

Nagumo didn't even understand why Kaori cared so much about him as she was always surrounded by a multitude of other people that she could choose from.

After Nagumo greeted Kaori 3 people started walking up to them.

"Isn't it hard to have to deal with this every day?"

"You're so kind Kaori, always taking care of him."

"You're wasting your time on someone as useless as him."

The first to greet Nagumo was Yaegashi Shizuku. She was considered elegant, graceful and poised with her demeanour often associated with that of a samurai. Her family owned a kendo dojo which she participated in ever since she was young. A lot of the girls idolised her some even calling her "Onee-sama". She even had a fan club made up of fan girls.

Shizu was one of the only people in the room that didn't hate Nagumo. She was Kaori's best friend and unlike Kaori, she knew what Nagumo was going through and was trying to help.

The person next to her who spoke in an arrogant tone was Amanogawa Kouki, with excellent grades and impressive physical capabilities for an average human in this world which allowed him to excel in sports and physical activities. Kind to everyone (apart from Nagumo) and has a strong sense of responsibility to uphold justice (he just gets angry easily) although he twists what justice means to benefit himself.

He was a national-level Yaegashi dojo athlete, as was his childhood friend Shizu. His looks along with his hobbies made a lot of the girls in and out of school fall for him but none of them confessed seeing as how he's always around Kaori and Shizu.

The last one to mock Nagumo was Sakagami Ryutaro, Kouki's best friend and loyal (dick rider) follower. He was also went to Shizu's family's dojo, he was very muscular but not very smart which caused people to label him as a muscle-brain.

"Good morning Yaegashi-san, Amanogawa-kun and Sakagami-kun." He gave a wry smile as he greeted the last two.

I could feel all the gazes with malice directed towards Nagumo for talking to them, As I started to approach the group.

"I knew you were dense but I'm surprised you haven't realised why she always talks to him."

I reply to Kouki irritated as I glide to my position next to Shizu.

"What do you mean?"

Confusion is written on his face trying to figure out what I mean.

"They're in loveeeee."

I say in a teasing tone directed more towards Kaori than Kouki.


As Kaori's trying to deny my statement I can see Nagumo out of the corner of my eye giving me a look that seems to say 'Stop digging me a deeper hole'.

"Hehe, you know I'm just kidding Kaori."

I say to de-escalate the situation.

"Good morning Izawa-san."

Nagumo greets me with slight irritation in his voice after my conversation with Kaori ends. After he greets me I can feel even more stares directed towards him as if saying "How dare you talk to not 1 but all 3 goddesses so casually!" When I first started at this high school within the first couple of weeks people started calling me, Kaori and Shizu the school's goddesses. As much as I hated it there wasn't anything I could do to stop it. Though No one approaches me anymore with love letters or pick-up lines. Ciel made sure of that by breaking the legs of the first guy to ask me out. Even though he tried to go to the authorities about it he didn't have any proof seeing as Ciel had one of my parallel existences sitting right in front of a school security camera. Because of this people started to avoid asking me out and left me alone.

As Kouki was about to start criticising Nagumo again the bell rang stopping him from saying anything more. As we all headed to our seats Nagumo fell asleep as soon as class started. He honestly reminds me of Dino from the amount he sleeps. I wouldn't be surprised if he was his reincarnation.

As the lunch rolls Nagumo digs through his bag only to pull out a pitiful lunch that would barely be enough for a small child let alone someone who's almost an adult.

Before he can start eating Kaori starts running towards him with a larger-than-usual lunch box in hand.

"What a coincidence Nagumo-kun, you're eating in the classroom today as well. Since we're both here why not eat together?"

before Nagumo can give a reply she seats herself next to him

"Seeing as you don't have a lot of lunch today why not have some of mine? I ended up cooking too much so I don't mind sharing."

Not even waiting for him to say anything she starts putting some of her homemade cooking into his lunch box as Shizu and I take our seats next to Kaori.

While everyone's chatting I take out my Ciel-prepared lunch and start stealthily refilling my lunch box as I eat.

"It's ok Kaori. I'm not that hungry so I only packed a little, why don't you go eat with Kouki instead."

"It's obvious you're trying to escape. This yandere won't let it happen, you're better off giving in."

I say with a mouth full of food.

"It's not like that! I just want to have lunch with Nagumo-kun."

"The fact that you're not even trying to deny that you're a yandere is worrying."

Shizu chirps entering the conversion.

"Anyway Nagumo-kun, that can't even be called a lunch. If anything it's more like a light snack. You need to eat more."

She lectures him putting even more food in his lunchbox.

Nagumo just looks at us in exasperation with a look that says "Take a hint! Please!" Having to deal with our antics every day. It doesn't help that my teasing makes his life harder.

The banter continues until the bell signalling lunch is over starts to ring and everyone files back into the classroom. But before the teacher can even begin her lesson a bright magic circle forms under our feet spreading across the whole room as I get a report from Ciel.

[Notice, large distortion in space-time detected. The most probable answer is summoning magic.]

As Ciel tells me this I can only deadpan seeing as I can't even stop it since it is a spell that can only be cancelled during the cast and not after it is finished.

(Ciel change my looks back to their original state. If we're going to be summoned I at least don't want to have to keep up the change in appearance and i can just blame the summoning for it.)

I say in quick succession before a blinding light covers the entire room transporting everyone to a cathedral-looking building.