
The Chase from the knights

I kept asking other people to make sure that I wasn't going crazy and then about five minutes later several knight like guards showed up and asked where a child named Arekkusu was, I got scared because I over heard them say my name and they had swords longer then a small chimney of a poor mans home! I ran and it seemed like everybody got slower again so I stopped and when I looked back after I ran I was shocked to see that all the shops things were all over the place.

The knights spotted me but didn't care about the mess that was caused and how unusual it was, I thought for some reason I might be in trouble so I ran again into an old alley way where I assumed they would t find me "hey fifth division keep a lookout" as I herd them speaking it made me think that maybe I did something bad that I didn't realize of, them one of the knights found me.