
Reincarnated: 9th Lord

Rudra Kumar dies in his sleep and woke up in a world full of fantasy and urban legends... Will he die?..same as his previous life or will he survive and become one of the legends...whose name would never be forgetten in the history books....

vishal_singh_0552 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter. 13. Anger (l)

I am really pissed right now...

Previously I didn't wanted to meddled in this matter as I knew this kind of suppression from the nobleman was common in this world.

I was able to tolerate it and keep my calm as this argument was because of some greed for money.., I thought this matter will be solved after the middle age man gives the secret recipe to the arrogant man.. but it looks like I expected to much from these psychopaths..

They are not only destroying the livelihood of this family., they are also going to ruin a young girls life...

I can't stand this anymore...

My blood was boiling with rage when I heard those valgar words from that brain retard...

In my ethical point of view..their are two things that I can't tolerate in my life is torturing kids and threatening the dignity of a woman...

That was my bottom line...

In my past life I was a citizen of a country called India... in that country we see womans as gods that bring life to this world..I respected the culture very much...

Their was a concept that I liked very much was and incorporated it in my life..

'A mans hands are made for protecting the dignity of a woman and it should never be targeted towards them...

And if such act is done by the man.., then he has no rights to be alive in any of the world... He should be burned for eternity in the flames of hell..'

I know some people's might be thinking that this was too extreme measures but what can you do about this..., it was my personal thoughts on this matter.

A gentleman should always know the the responsibility that he carries with him when he takes the hands of a woman he loves...

I liked this ideology very much and I live by this motto till my death...

And since this incident involves the dignity of a woman then I can't let this matter slip pass me anymore..

I will make sure these scoundrels pay for thier unlawful acts..

The whole restaurant remained silent as I walked towards the retards..

Behind me Sir.Jerad and Emma also had serious expressions as they followed me...

Nicole and Jihan was also surprised by my words but soon they relaxed as Jihan couldn't feel any Aura or Mana energy from my body..

All he could feel was Sir.Jerad's suppressed Aura signature...Making Jihan believe that he was just a Rank 2 Aura Cultivator..

Jihan must have thought I was some kind of naive young kid who wanted to play the hero infront of everyone..

Nicole's wicked smile returned to his face as he once again started laughing in a creepy way..

" He he he he he he he Look Jihan somebody actually stood up for this old man..he he he he he..He even threatened my father..Jihan he he he he what a hero he is...he he he...since he dare to stood up for this old man..., Jihan help me deal me with hero of the poor's... he he he he.." He signaled..

Shaking his head Jihan move forward and pointed his sword towards my walking self...

" Kid you have done a great sin by butting your nose in my master's business.., For this crime I will cut your both hands right now.." Jihan said..

He was confident in his skills as he was strong Rank 4 Aura Cultivator...Jihan could deal with over ten Rank 2 knights..

He was sure that he could kill me anytime he wanted..

" You want to cut my hands huh...seriously..,I am already controlling my temper but you guys are really making me go crazy huh...fine if you want to see such things...then so be it..I will show you why sould always think before act...Sir.Jerad I want the head of this knight who can't judge right from wrong..and as for that retard I want his both hands cut right now..." I said with gritted teeths..

These peoples are so blinded sighted by their arrogance that they can't judge the situation they were in right now...

It was no use talking to them now...

" But young master...that kid..is the mayors..son....his father has support of various noble factions in the Dukedom...your grandfather will not happy with this..." Sir.Jerad replied...

It was true that he was also angered by this shameless peoples..but..still..Sir.Jerad has to think rationally..

Nicole's father Andrew Atkinson was a very famous nobleman who had various connection with the political faction inside the Cornard Dukedom...If I take such drastic measures then I might get punished by the duke...

That's why Sir.Jerad was little worried for me..

" I don't care about the consequence Sir.Jerad... all I know is that these people's have crossed the bottom line that I can't tolerate...,and if you are not going do it then I will take actions myself.." I stated...

I am don't care about some petty politics when I am dealing with such scoundrels...

And above all.., I am not interested in this Silvesta Kingdom..that was ruled by the Ninth Lord Edgar Burton...

Not in money ..,woman...,land..,authority..,etc..I don't need anything...

All I am interested..is in the two Miracles hidden on the borders of Cornard..

To survive in the war that will happened in the future..,I needed those Miracles..

" Ahm...No young master..I will do as you say...." Sir.Jerad said helplessly..

Ever since his young master woke up from his injury..he has become more stubborn and head strong...Once he made up his mind on somthing then he would never back down from his words.

To make sure that his young master doesn't destroy the whole Wingston City to the ground he has to comply with his orders..

Shaking his head Sir.Jerad held his great sword with serious expression...

" He he he he Stop dream young hero...my knight Jihan is a Rank 4 Aura user...your mear Rank 2 Aura knight can't ---" Nicole tried to mock me but..

Jihan who was standing guard suddenly felt that somthing hot has went passed from his neck..

The old knight who was just now standing before him was nowhere to find out...

With shocked eyes Jihan tried to move from his place but before he could move Sir.Jerad placed his hand on Jihan's head from behind...

" You should have never judge me by just your Aura young knight.." Sir.Jerad said..

Infront of everyone's shocked eyes Sir.Jerad lifted the head Jihan which was already sliced off by his Aura covered sword..

It was a terrifying scene when blood flowed from the head that Sir.Jerad held in his hands..