
Reincarnated ás a Fox

_Lily_1 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Crown Prince

After dinner Yunxi skipped through the large fancy halls with her pretty maid named Mui by her side she explored all the rooms and even the dungeons prison chamber. Yunxi was quite a curious child ever since she landed in this world. As she skipped through the halls she saw some royal guards training.

"Mui!! Mui!!" Yunxi shouted.

"Yes? What is it princess?"

"I want to wearn that too."

"Well you can't learn it but you can watch." The maid brought Yunxi outside. She saw all types of soilders fighting.

"Hello princess." One knight said to Yunxi


"What brings you to this place?"

"I want to wearn that." Yunxi pointed to the other men fighting.

"Well-" The knight voice got cut off

"Fight me instead if you want to learn about swordmanship." A voice said. Yunxi quickly turned around he had black hair and yellow eyes he looked around her age. Yunxi turned her head and said

"Hmph!, I'm not fighting some kid."

"We are the same age." He said angrily.

"So?-- I want to fight a grown adult."

Then the maid whispered to Yunxi ear

"It might be good for you to fight him since he's the same height as you. If you fight taller people you may end up getting bullied." Yunxi thought long and hard about it.

"Fine I will wight you but first what's your name?"

"My Name is Xiang Li Jun what about you?"

"Qian Bo Yunxi remember that Jun" both Yunxi and Jun got ready to battle in the battlefield. Jun swinged his wooden sword

"Flame horse bounty" Jun shouted. His sword began to turn red hot. Yunxi dodged his attack with her nails. "Looks like Fire is has an affect on me I have to be more careful" Yunxi said to herself. Yunxi used Aura Kakera to enhance her physical speed and strength. She used her other ability claw and her nails started to grow. Rapidly Yunxi kept hitting Jun with her nails but he kept blocking her attack with his sword. Eventually his sword broke but Yuxin wasn't going to scratch him because, she didn't want to leave marks on his young body. Who knows he might end up turning into a beautiful young man when he grows up in the future. Yuxin turned her head and said.

"Hmph, weakling."

"You just got lucky. I'll be back next time." Jun said while running with his broken wooden sword. The knights and Mui were still at shock about the experience little did they know the princess can fight. Then she heard an unusual voice that seemed to be coming from the Palace. Yunxi turned around in seems to be a butler.

"Princess! Princess! Your father request you assistance." Running from the knights training center she followed the butler all the way to the banquet. There she saw her father.

"Father what do you need me for."

"Ahh there you are" Her father took Yunxi hand and held her beside him.

"Emperor Xiang Li Wang meet my daughter Qian Bo Yunxi." Yunxi heard that last name from somewhere but she didn't know where she bowed down to the emperor and said.

"Greetings Emperor Wang."

"Such a charming young girl." The emperor chuckled.

"Greetings to you as well Princess Yunxi." The emperor held his son besides him and said.

"Jun greet the princess." Before she knew it. She looked up at the boy It turned out to be the weakling from earlier.

"Greetings princess Yunxi." Jun said calmy. Then her face turned pale. She didn't know Jun was the prince of the country Avalon. He was the one that the God told her to seduce.

"Shit he's the crown prince." Yunxi said to herself. Their first encounter didn't go so well so she took Jun hand.

"Please excuse me for a bit Emperor Wang and Father." Yunxi said. Together, they ran out of the banquet into Yunxi room.

"Listen hear Jun I'm sorry for calling you a weakling so let's start over."

"You're only saying that because you found out I was the crown prince pathetic."

"So what if I am." Yunxi pointed at Jun and said.

"I have a mission and that's capturing your he-" Yunxi put her hand over her mouth.

"I gotta stop saying things out loud." She said to herself.

"Capturing what?"

"Nevermind, anyways let's go back to the banquet." Yunxi grabbed Jun hand and they went back to the banquet. But she didn't see Jun father but she did see her dad.

"Father where is Emperor Wang?"

"He left but he will come back to pick his son up from the play date." Her father said.

"What!!??" Jun and Yunxi said in sync. Both of them slowly walked out of the banquet catching their breath.

"Well you're stuck here with me kid for the time being do you-." At that moment she noticed that Jun had disappeared.

"That Son of a b*tch disappeared on me." Yunxi opened door to door looking for Jun then she gave up and went back to her room. There she found Jun sleeping on her bed. Her furry ears lit up.

"Wah... he looks super handsome when he's sleeping." Yunxi said to herself. She was literally drooling at the sight of looking at him. Yunxi slapped herself to get out of it and focused on waking him up. But he turned out to be a deep sleeper and none of her methods work. His handsome face drew Yunxi closer and closer. Nearly kissing him on the cheek. Jun woke up.

"Kyaaa!!! You scared me." Yunxi shouted.

"Quit being so noisy would ya?" Jun said.

"I only woke up because your hair was tickling my face. Now it's time to get revenge." Jun pinned Yunxi to the bed with his piercing yellow eyes staring deeply at her.

"Let me go!!" Yunxi shouted. Then Jun started tickling her.

"Hahaha!! Stop!"

"Even Foxes have a weakness." Jun said. Yunxi quickly transformed into a fox and leaped on top of Jun to the floor. Yunxi put her tongue out and stretched her eye. She was obviously mocking Jun with her funny expressions. Jun ran after Yunxi.

"Come back here you Sly Fox." Unfortunately Yunxi transformation can't last long it had a time limit and surprisingly she turned back into a regular half fox and half human girl. Jun caught Yunxi. While catching his breath he said.

"You're a fast runner."

"I'm the best runner." Yunxi exclaimed. Yunxi and Jun walked back to Yunxi room.

"Hey Jun have you ever had a crush on anyone?"

"No I never got the chance to feel love so I can't really say." Yunxi got closer to Jun ear and whispered

"Well I love you." Jun face lit up.

"You're teasing me aren't you."

"Yup" Yunxi giggled. This was a start to Jun and Yunxi friendship.