
Reincarnated! The Blind and Deaf Boy

The boy never needed, never wanted anything with his life. He is unlike "normal people." Not that he knew what his life, nor what his world really was. He couldn't see, he knew not of beauty, nor of atrocities. He couldn't hear, he knew not of spite, nor words of tongue. He needn't think much, for he knew no words or images to think with. He only knew desire, sensations, and pain. What would he do when he had the ability to see, hear, and do much more than "normal people"? Would he even understand it?

OmegaChr1s · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing (2)

"Why did god give us such a mistake for a son!" A vulgar woman spat in the face of a clueless 14 year-old boy, whose ribs could be seen through his torn shirt.

The environment surrounding the boy was a cold, damp, room lined with seemingly ancient stone. The rough and grainy texture of the aging stone floor made him very uneasy. He let out a few cries to express his dislike for the texture occasionally, but that only resulted in the well-dressed woman smacking him across the face. Although he has long since learned that succumbing to the tight feeling in his chest would cause him more pain, he still struggled to withstand it. After all, he is just a boy.

"Now, now, don't bruise him dear. The press already feeds on how little he seems to be fed, a bruised face would do us no good." A similarly well-dressed man criticized the woman. The scowl on the man's face seemed to show that his malicious intent wasn't aimed towards the young boy.

Color seemed to drain from the woman's face as she panicked to make amends, "Ah... of course. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking clearly honey, please forgive me." The woman hung her head for a moment before spinning around to a corner of the room where a person with far more gentle features than her and the man was standing. Spit slipped from her lips as she yelled an order to the gentle-looking person, "Take him to his room now! Hm... and make sure the stupid fucking cat is still in there, it'll keep him from crying."

The soft-featured woman in the corner mumbled a few words, earning her a glare from her mistress, before they bowed their head and lifted the boy's hand. Used to this string of events, the boy stood up without the need for the ability to see a signal or hear an explanation, only proceeding based off of the soft touch of the woman's hand on his. He calmly allowed her to guide him up the creaking stairs that led into the kitchen's cupboard. Before opening the door, she bated her breathe in anticipation as she lovingly rustled the boy's white hair, causing him to open his dull pink eyes, but he soon closed them once more.

She then touched the cold door knob, which made them reel their hand back for just a moment before they actually turned the knob and walked out into the kitchen. They guided the boy past the living-room, where a few small girl's looked at him with a trained hate in their eyes, then finally reached the boys room. In his room was the sound of water from a running aquarium, a cat lounging on a table next to his favorite rocking chair, and a simple bed with mounds of fluffy blankets.

After seating the boy in his rocking chair, the room seem to shine with an almost angelic aura as someone mumbled a few words laced with pity and endearment, "What a pitiful creature."

* * * * *

Eh, what's my name you ask? Well just hold on a second, we'll get to that in a bit. Instead, I want to tell you what you've missed... not much. Honestly, nothing really to crazy happens around here. Nana, the lady that took me in, is responsible for caring for not only me but two other kids, Eric and Aria.

Most of our days are spent with me bashing Eric over the head with a stick, although he would surely tell you differently. We like to re-enact the lives of the heroes Nana speaks of most nights, valiant people that serve the world for its betterment. They've laid down their lives, both literally and metaphorically, in the pursuit of greater heights, greater magic, and steadier swords. And through this, they have enabled those that come after them to become all the more stronger should they choose to go down that path. They sound pretty cool, right?

However, not once has she answered me when I asked about the story told by the church. She often times dismissed my incessant questioning, and instead redirected the groups focus to stories she was more comfortable with. The most information I got about it was that it was an ancient tale, and that she was not a true follower of the faith. The only reason she resided in this church was because it had been long abandoned, and she decided here she could do some good away from the prying eyes of the city.

"Ruto! If you don't get over here and start hanging up your laundry in the next few minutes, I'm going to give your dessert for tonight to Aria," Nana threatened from the deck extending out from the back courtyard of the church.

"Whaaaaat?! Come on, you know I have to hit Eric over the head AT LEAST twenty times a day or I can't sleep at night.." I protested against Nana's evil provocation, but I didn't miss my chance to slyly diss Eric and look over at him smugly.

"You wha-" Eric gathered up his voice and began to verbally lash out at me before Aria timidly pulled on both of our sleeves with tears in her eyes, "W-what Aria?"

"you shouldn't be so mean to each other.. we're all we have you know?" Aria looked down as she pleaded with us, her face completely covered by her long blonde hair.

Silence enveloped the area, even the birds singing cheerily from the branches covered in the leaves dripping with morning dew stopped so quickly not even another drop made its way to the forest floor below. It was telling when even the wild life around you could understand the severity of the situation.. we had just made our baby sister cry. This adorable little thing that would never even think to harm a fly, the girl that cheered us on as we waged wars with sticks.... just what have we done?