
Reincarnate of A mad Scientist

What will happen when a mad scientist died during her experinment and reincarnate in an ancient world? After being reincarnated, our mad scientist still insist on doing what she loved the most, EXPERINMENTING!!! Can she live her life peacefully doing experinment when a certain tyrant man that love her to the point of madness who she save unintentionally demand all her attention and love? Pursuing her endless. Our mad scientist " ......." "I should have just watch on when he was about to die. Goddamn it!!! that gu worm and froze poison insect inside his body was too tempting to not take it out and experinment on them!! " ............ ............ I'm not saying this Lord Novel is the best, but its not bad... So, give it a try. Try your best to ignore the wording and the grammatical mistake. I'm only Human after all, don't put your blame on me. I'm lazy so I don't think I will give another effort in correcting the error and mistake. Just give it a try! it's not like it gonna do you folks harm? I think? This is Yu Fukurō aka Cosmos Owl. This Lord is Out.

_cosmic_librarian · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Roams 17

For three years, Illi main work was creating and modifying the already existed existence into another kind of existence.

Defying the natural law.

Changing Creator original Creation.

Studying the creation and learn a way to change their parts have always been an obsession of Illi.

This seemingly fantasy world she transmigrate in have deliver her with all kinds of interesting beings. Existence, Creation....

She like it very much.

Adding those creation to the fragile human beings and make them more powerful and change their fragile characteristics.

It was not out of kindness and goodness that she seek for changing the homo sapiens weak nature.

It was because she like challenging herself and create a new beings.

She just like being the creator. The process of creation, although tedious and tough, it also brought a sense of pleasure and especially when accomplished; it gave her an incomparable satisfaction and thrill.

She is a bit mad indeed.

Defying law of nature feels good.

There are three 'Human beings' who have a pure white wings inside a large special container filled with liquid. They have wings varying from one to three wings.

Illi gave them the title: The Apostle of Light.

The three Apostle contain the purified and modified version of the divine beast Phoenix blood and other pure energy.

The three apostle was still in its infants state. They just born out from their embryo of genetic mutation afterall.

This three apostle was created and combined; born under the purest of energy.

Beside them, another three dark winged 'Human Beings' were contained in a transparent black liquid.

Illi gave them the title :The Apostle Of Darkness.

They were born under the purest of dark energy.

Lillith was fascinated by the six Apostle, if not sticking with her, she will always check out the six Apostle growth.

Lillith like watching Illi experiment moment and will smile brightly when she hear the painful moan of the subject.

The cute and lovely little girl is a bit sick in the head.

Illi comment on her mind with a poker face.

Of course, the person who did the deed herself is not aware that she is more sick in the head.

The growth hormone on the six Apostle is fast acting in the beginning state and will gradually slow down like a slow motion have been switched on them at the later state.

After just a week, the infant have taken the shape of a ten to eleven years old.

This Six Apostle was not the only one Illi have succeded in creating.

There are also the combination of human beings and a variant beast.

The integration of Blaze Rhino and human beings.

The intergration of Celer panther and human being.

The integration of Terra monkey and Human being.

Illi gave the three the title: Behemoth.

Imgur will curiously look at them, even showing a bit of haughtiness as if he was the king of them. Its ruler, his cocky and haughty expression would always cause Illi to shake her head and smile at its antics.

The integration of a beast and human is onerous.

She cannot use the normal animals like rhinoceroes, black panther...

It have to be the variant beast. The blaze rhino that is far stronger than a normal rhino. It can set itself in a blaze of flame and shoot it from its horn.

They are indeed a variant beast.

But variant beast are scarce and their mutated ability make it all the more difficult to capture them.

Illi does not have the best equipment like the era 3000, she is in ardent need of subjects that have a strong physique.

The nocturnus have given her this three variant beast but to this date could not capture or track down another variant beast.

The hunting if even one variant beast cause the nocturnus to suffer heavy casualties.

Being able to caught three was already in its feat, a miracle achievement.

It was the Nocturnus showing their love for Illi, their young mistress.

There are many potted plants around the lab.

Since it exist in Illi lab, they are not ordinary plants. It is a mutated, carnivores plant.

There is a lily that has the body structure of a human being.

It was beautiful and have deadly allure but it was a terrifying plant type beast that absorb nutrients from living thing.

There are many such plant type beast create and mutated by Illi.

The Queen of the night flower, it will meet the same fate as the other mutated plants.

The queen of the night flower: °Д° mercy!


Illi sigh, looking down at the failed subject.

Again, if only she has an advanced technology.

Such an abundant good species but backward technology. In her original era of 3000, there exist such a high technology but a scarce species to experiment on.

The heaven really like to play a big fat joke on her (╥_╥).

She could create those technology, even much better with all the good materials and ore in this fantastical world.

But only herself could not create all the necessary technology.

It will take her thirty to fourty years to create technology of her desired product.

Hah.... Life is a bit suck.

"Master, Is this a failed subject?"

Lillith chime in immediately after hearing Illi dissapointed sigh.

Illi nod her head in which the little girl blink her big round eyes and started to smile brightly, she raise her hand and a light started to shine on her palm.

This little girl, she is a variant Human that wield the ability of light. But a variant, except for their unique ability does not have any other speciality. Their greatest short-coming will be that they could not cultivate to prolong their life.

But, Illi can extract the internal energy and concoct into a pill.

Lillith have a pocket full of such pill, she will swallow one each day and will be no different from cultivator who can live a rather long time. She won't have any internal energy though.

Her light ability, if only it is the gentle kind. But the inherent nature of Lillith is the most purest evil Illi have ever seen.

"Mister, you don't have to worry, I will save you and redeem you of your suffering and sin"

A light was casted in the person on the table.

The person on the table have long lost his energy and strength but the purification of light have brought him an immeasureable pain that he scream out from the depth of his soul.

It more seem like burning of the soul instead of purification.

Like the eradication of a soul itself.

All the evil deeds, the bad thought, the sin of slaughtering the innocent, all of it was burned away.

"You will be fine, Its okay, Its okay"

Lillith chant softly again and again amidst the screaming of the man, a silent tears spilling from the corner of his closed eyes.

At last, what only left was a pure soul. But it was no longer the person on the bed.

That person on the bed was gone replaced by another version of him. A created newer version of him.

It was more like the complete eradication of the old ones replaced by a newer product.

It was such a terrifying variant ability.

Illi arm are covered with goosebump not because she is fearful of the light variant but that she with all her passionate heart want to study it.

Its just that her strong principle was holding her back.

Illi take a deep breath and calm herself down.

She was sorround with a perfect experimental subject but she cannot treat them as one of her subject. Can look but cannot eat.

This is what they called true psychological torture

Maybe this is her retribution for developing her own pychological *cough*brain wash* method. _(:з」∠)_

The reason why Lillith like Illi was none other than the fact that Illi action was more like the executioner who punished the evil people of their wrongdoings.

That time, when they first met Lillith, she repeatedly stab the bunny was because it stole the little vegetable the siblings have stored repeatedly and finally Lillith caught it.

Stealing is wrong. She does not dare used her light variant in front of people other than her family. It was her mother last precaution before she passed away.

She could not preached the bunny that does not have spiritual wisdom moral character.

She could only take it life so that it no longer can do evil deed. ⊙_⊙

Angelus has a variant of dark energy that act like a black hole and gobble up everything.

Fortis, is also a variant; that is his fog ability.

Cultivator are not a variant. They have mostly the five element as their spiritual root like fire, water, earth, air and plant.

It was not that they could control the element. It was just that they are align with the five elementals and could absorb energy from the elements.

The energy was lingering around and only Martial cultivator could absorb it.

Illi have the spiritual root of the long forgetten element. Death.

Element of death.

This was the reason why she could learn the teachnique of Titan Arum. It was perfect for her root.

People who have element out of the six elementals, they could not cultivate to prolong their life but they could control their element.

This is why they are called variant and are rare.

Also, not all have a spiritual root.

If not, there won't be those ordinary citizens.

Once purification was done, Lillith will swiftly kill the subject and pray for them to live happily  in paradise like a perfect benevolent angel.

The body was then fed to the carnivores as fertiliser.

Umm... But the plant are a bit picky. They are spoiled by Illi.

There are certain body they didn't want to eat.

The body they didn't want to absorb, instead of needing to spill them with chemical that could dissolve and eat all the body. Angelus, his dark variant is like a black hole that could absorb anything.

Angelus is also almost always hungry. Like a gluttinous taotie.

The Nocturnus are not short on money to buy food and could feed such a large mouth.


Cosmos owl:

Finale, we get to know more about on what kind of world Illi reincarnate in.

I have never state clearly on what-what and what kind of environment this world is.

Heck! We still didn't even know the world name and what kind of other things exist out of the continent of where Illi reside and also the name of the continent Illi was in.

We will explore it little by little.

Aside from the urge to write down my chaotic imagination, The votes and the comment have been my greatest source of motivation.

Thank you for being my companion till now. (╥﹏╥)♡

Please bless me with a good wishes and a better future days. In the near future, this novel, lets pray we all will not met with mishap and reached the end of it. ฅ(๑*▽*๑)ฅ!!

Stay safe and live life in the best way we each could.

٩(●˙—˙●)۶ Jiayou! Mina-sama.

Surviving for another day, thats the best thing we have achieved today. Lets survive all the way until the end of life. You all did a good job surviving. I am proud of myself and proud of everyone.
