
Reincarnate Into DouluoDalu Whith A Replication System

Jia Hao, a normal high school student, one day while sleeping late while watching anime, did not think that he would be reincarnated in another world, one without technology, full of magic and incredible creatures. A land where only the mystical souls of battle lay. The Douluo Continent. ¿How will Jia Hao survive in this unknown environment? With a new path to travel, a new legend begins...

LeaderTang · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

"Miss Ning and Changes in the Divine World"


At this moment Jia Hao was walking uncomfortably through the forest, while a little witch trotted happily with light steps just a few meters away.

While a white-haired man frowned all the time.

Jia Hao scratched his head, as beads of cold sweat fell from his temple.

In fact remembering what happened a while ago he could only sigh innocently...


Once Ning Rongrong got so close he didn't know how to react, but then he calmed down and moved the young girl away unless she wanted to die with Chen Xin's gaze.

What followed was simple, Rongrong explained that he wanted him to help her get the first soul beast from her.

I simply nodded after hesitating for a few seconds, after all she is partly my benefactor so it doesn't hurt me to help her.

Besides, it is very difficult to refuse the request of such an adorable girl.

Other travelers can be so ruthless but Jia Hao just wants to say 'Fuck you!'.

But even so there were some difficulties, first of all he was now injured, although it seems that the system before being suspended gave him a small boost which allowed him to recover somewhat.

In fact, now it was not as serious as it seemed, adding to the first aid of a Title Douluo, he estimates that in a few hours she would be able to return to combat.

But the main problem is not exposing his martial spirit and his cultivation level.

After all, if it is discovered that it is Blue Silver Grass, they will believe that it has some secret. As for the reason, you just have to think about it a little and if you are not stupid, you will discover something strange.

And although they are her benefactors, Jia Hao will not believe for a moment that Chen

What Jia Hao didn't know was that Chen Xin already knew his soul power level.

In fact, if the system was active he would realize it from the notifications on the posters.

All of these thoughts occurred in a flash.

Back to reality Jia Hao was still smiling, she explained to Rongrong that there was no problem but that she would have to wait a while before leaving.

Rongrong nodded showing that she understood. Happily, she stood up and turned around gracefully.

Leaving a soft girlish fragrance in Jia Hao's nose.

Chen Xin watched all of this with a black line on her head as she said some words that Jia Hao did not understand.

Rongrong just flashed his little tongue at her as she trotted out of the cave.

As for Chen Xin, she didn't say anything either, she just said to Jia Hao:

"When you recover you can follow us"


Remembering this and returning to the present, Jia Hao looked ahead as they walked.

Suddenly a sound of hurried footsteps sounded behind him.

Jia Hao was not surprised after all he could only be one person.

"Hey, hey~"

"Hao Jiao what is your martial soul and what is your soul power?"

Looking at the girl who stood shoulder to shoulder with a curious look he replied.

"Well… My martial spirit is a tyrant emperor spear, as for my spiritual power it is a secret" Jia Hao made a silence sign as he looked at her.

Ning Rongrong for some unknown reason blushed a little and wanted to say something but when he opened his mouth he closed it again.

With a doubtful face Jia Hao thought for only a few seconds before realizing what he was thinking so he said.

"Don't worry, although I can't tell you my level is enough to help you hunt your first soul beast."

Ning Rongrong had an embarrassed smile and immediately retorted:

"I-o, I didn't think that at all, okay?"

She said as she glared at him fiercely.

Or so he thought, Jia Hao only found him a little cute, not threatening, even a little cute.

In fact, Jia Hao found it a little funny how the girl simply asked him for help without confirming her power at first with complete confidence.

In fact you can't trust the original book, it didn't say that Rongrong was a spoiled little witch? Where is the person who wrote that, come and fight with me.

If the disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Glass Sect knew what Jia Hao was thinking, they would definitely all fight with him until he reacted.

As soon as Ning Rongrong saw that Jia Hao was just staring at her without any sign of fear, he could only turn his head and snort.

'Humph, I'll ignore you'

He took a few steps back and continued walking but keeping a distance.

Jia Hao looked at this with a dumb look without knowing what he did. In the end he could only say in his heart.

'Women... who understands them'

Chen Xin who watched this from behind was still surprised.

He had never seen Rongrong be so sociable with someone he just met, Jia Hao might not know her but he as her beloved uncle as he couldn't know about Ning Rongrong's temperament.

It's fine if he doesn't cause problems, but for him to act flirtatious like that, he had never seen her except with her closest relatives.

'Interesting, he didn't think that one day he would be able to see the little princess be so kind... Could it be that she is interested in that little one, No! Don't even think about it, I don't agree!'

Thinking about how her little cabbage could be arched by a pig.

He felt like his heart was breaking into a thousand pieces.

'But... this boy is very talented just based on his soul power I can see that he is not someone simple, as long as he finds no accident it wouldn't be difficult to be a Title Douluo.'


As soon as she thought of something about her, her eyes became sharp.

'This guy doesn't completely trust us, not only does he not tell his soul power level but it's possible that even his name is fake.'

'Looks like I'll have to tell Ning Fengzhi to investigate someone.'

'Anyway, it doesn't hurt to be cautious and my little Rongrong is not someone who would be conquered by a little white face.... That's right, my little princess will never...Rongrong what are you doing!' .

While Chen Xin rambled, Rongrong ran a few steps again and clung even closer to Jia Hao.

Jia Hao on her side had a black line on her head, feeling a look like she could cut mountains above her.

And he couldn't help but curse 'Ning Rongrong please be reserved when your little grandfather wants to cut off my head, what's more, weren't you angry just now?'.

Ning Rongrong, not noticing so much drama between the two men, put his hand near Jia Hao's ear and whispered.

"Hao Jiao... Well, it's a bit difficult to call, can I call you Hao?"

Jia Hao, who felt the girl's voice in his ear, shivered instantly, but feeling a gaze on himself, he calmed down and nodded.

Although it felt a little strange to be called directly by his name, but remembering that he reversed first and last name he didn't show anything on his face.

Ning Rongrong became excited and pointed to herself, "So that we are even, I will allow you to call me Miss Ning, what do you think?"

Looking at the girl who was looking at him he arrogantly contradicted her.

"Well, Miss Ning, I think Ning is a very common surname. You don't want me to confuse Miss Ning with other people. How about I call you Rongrong..."

Originally Jia Hao only said this to see her deflated face after all it was impolite to call her by her name after such a short time knowing her but he didn't expect that...

Ning Rongrong instead of getting angry and retorting blushed and nodded like a little quail.


Jia Hao felt his heartbeat speed up but he quickly suppressed it.

'Don't get excited, she calls me by my name, it's only fair that I call her by hers, right.'

"So... Rongrong?"

Upon hearing her name Rongrong she felt as if an earthquake hit her heart but she acted calmly and nodded.

Although inside she was dying of shame and a little happiness that she herself didn't know.

"Well don't think about it too much, I just wanted to thank you for helping me with this... well, that, yes."

Looking at her little face Jia Hao felt like laughing but she restrained herself.

You don't need to apologize or anything after all you and Major saved my life this is nothing

'Even if it's nothing to you it doesn't mean it's nothing to others' Rongrong whispered.

Jia Hao did not listen and asked:

"Did you say something?"

"Nothing hmph." She puffed out her cheeks and looked at him inexplicably.

Jia Hao not knowing that she had said wrong quickly made a tactical retreat and changed the topic.

"Well eh, so what kind of monster do you want as your first ring?"

Looking at Jia Hao who changed the subject so quickly and with a nervous look she became cheerful for some reason.

"It's fine as long as it's over four hundred years old." She said looking at him playfully.

But to her regret he didn't look deflated again "Ehhh why is it like that you shouldn't choose a special one or something like that, remember that the first soul ring is very important, that's why you have to choose the soul beast carefully."

Ning Rongrong smiled cutely as she jokingly said "Well~ if you say special as long as it's cute"

"Ah that..." Jia Hao could only scratch his head as she shed a drop of sweat.

"Hee hee just kidding~" Ning Rongrong said as he stuck out his pink tongue playfully.

"You may not know it but my spirit is something special, it doesn't matter what soul beast it is as long as the age is appropriate it's fine."

Looking at the look full of doubts she quickly explained "After all the Seven Treasure Pagoda will always have a fixed ability regardless of the type of soul beast."

"Although~ preferably one that has to do with gems would be better, but unfortunately these are very rare and difficult to obtain."

Upon hearing this Jia Hao recalled the original work and discovered that this was indeed the case.

In fact Jia Hao had a thought in his mind, he remembered how martial souls changed after getting soul rings, according to his thought as long as there is a certain compatibility between the soul beast and the martial soul there is a small probability that it will mutate or evolve. for good.

Looking at the little princess next to him he wanted to tell her his thoughts but he quickly extinguished this idea after all they are just conjectures and they may not believe it and then they would interrogate him to ask how he knows this.

Anyway, Rongrong will evolve in the future with the help of fairy herbs from Dugu Bo's private garden.

He will always be able to tell him this, when he has the power to defend himself and not have the need to explain anything to anyone.

As he and Ning Rongrong chatted, time flew by.

In their conversation they talked about everything from complex things to everyday things.

Although it was mostly Jia Hao who spoke and told some stories.

While they were chatting and having fun, they had already covered a large part of the forest and although they found a great variety of animals, none of them were 'acceptable' according to the little witch.

Jia Hao didn't mind continuing to get along with the little princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Glass Sect.

If it weren't for an old man who was staring at him deathly from behind him.

The sun had already set and now the moon reigned in the sky, majestic and silent. Glinting faintly on the leaves of the trees.

A crackling sound sounded as the flames moved wildly followed by waves of heat.

There were three people around a campfire.

Obviously these three were Chen Xin, Ning Rongrong and Jia Hao who did not complete the mission for the day and were now planning to spend the night in the forest.

Jia Hao was smiling bitterly as he watched Sword Douluo gnashing his teeth.

As for the reason, which one more could it be than Ning Rongrong.

At this moment he sat next to me almost touching our bodies, while, at the other end, on the opposite side, Chen Xin sat with a trace of loneliness and aging.

Chen Xin at this moment was doubting life, who would have thought that a dignified Title Douluo like him would feel like a light bulb.

It seemed completely unnecessary.


Just look on this side there is an old man roasting an almost burnt marshmallow while on the other side two young people were chatting and having fun while feeding themselves marshmallows.

Don't look at it, the more you look at it, the more painful the contrast is.


'What did they do to Uncle Chen's little cotton where he went'

As he thought this, he cruelly stared at Jia Hao like a sword about to be unsheathed.

Jia Hao in the distance was scared and almost jumped.

Ning Rongrong seemed to notice something and looked at Chen Xin.

"Dude what do you see, if you keep looking like that I'll get mad at you" he puffed out his cheeks and said.

"Rongrong Uncle Chen doesn't...."

"Ahem, Uncle Chen has to do something... You can sleep peacefully, I won't bother you." At Rongrong's gaze, Chen Xin said that she couldn't stand it.

Until you couldn't see his back.

Ning Rongrong turned to look at Jia Hao just in time for his eyes to meet.

For a long time there was an awkward silence.

And the first to look away was Jia Hao.

"Thank you.."

"Hey?" Jia Hao made a sound of doubt.

"I want to say thank you for helping me... You may not know it but this means a lot to me"

Watching the little girl speak so seriously. Jia Hao couldn't interrupt hers.

"You might be wondering why someone who can obviously easily have what he wants is here trying to hunt down his own ring."

"Well I don't..." Although in fact she was wondering, this was something in line with the little rebel from the original play so she just thought it was normal.

Looking at his face Ning Rongrong seemed to know what he was thinking so he said

"It's okay, I'm just a little stubborn."

"You know... since I was born everyone treats me well and lets me do whatever I want but... at the same time I feel imprisoned."

"My whole life has been decided from the moment I was born."

"Someone like me doesn't even have a chance to survive on their own without the power of the Sect."

"I know! But that's why I want to show my dad that even without him I can."


Watching the tears slide down her cheeks as bright as gems, Jia Hao didn't know how to react or how to comfort her...

"So... as long as you help me, it's because of me not because of the power of my Sect, that is... I-or I convinced you so technically it was thanks to my own efforts"

Looking at the little rebel close to him he wanted to hug her, but unfortunately her relationship was not enough for this.

"Rongrong... I think you." He was going to say words of encouragement but after hearing his words he knew that he didn't need those words at all.

So she simply patted his shoulder and said.

"Do not be discouraged, I am sure that you will achieve great things in the future thanks to your efforts, I believe in you"

After a few minutes he stopped crying.

But apparently she finally realized how embarrassing she was.

So she blushed very much, while she stammered and said goodbye she came to a tent and lay down.

Jia Hao stared blankly with his heart fluttering.

Don't think badly, although he likes it a lot, it hasn't turned into love, after all they haven't known each other for long and he's only six years old, Jia Hao isn't such a beast, at least his taste isn't as strong as Tang San tea. .

And Ning Rongrong is the same, it's just that after so many years it is the first time that she has a friend to whom he can tell his fears and worries.

So it just exploded when they were alone.

'Well, this isn't something I should worry about.'

Jia Hao picked up a tarp and used it as a pillow as he looked at the vast sea of stars in the darkness.

As far as Chen Xin's security is around, he wouldn't be surprised if he heard everything.

'Well, this is beautiful...'


In a faraway place...

The clouds and fog are constantly changing, sometimes like waves, sometimes like quiet beauty. Every change has no rules, but it brings more beauty and shock to people.

A thick energy of heaven and earth remains in the clouds and fog.

A majestic palace was bathed in golden light with a divine touch with it...

In a huge hall inside the palace forming an octagon and on each side of the surrounding wall there are countless scenes flowing like a river showing different scenes of the world.

Each light curtain in this room represents a different world and continent and right in the center is a round table in the center of the main room, with five people sitting around it.

If Jia Hao were present, she would surely know where this place is... and that is the Divine Kingdom!

Although he would not know most of the faces since they did not appear in the animation, there are still some known ones such as the Sea God Poseidon and even the Divine God Shura who is in charge of enforcing the rules.

And in this place also known as the Kingdom of God Committee is where the gods monitor the continents under their rule.  

And at this very moment, this place that is empty most of the time, today the five divine kings who are in charge of the divine kingdom are sitting.

The five controllers of the Council of the Kingdom of God (the God of Good, the God of Evil, the God of Shura, the God of Destruction and the Goddess of Life).

Although at this time the goddess of life is absent due to certain circumstances, she is in Poseidon's place as her replacement.

At this moment, the five god kings focused their line of sight in front of them.

There were many curtains of light that reflected different scenes but in one in particular you could see a vast and beautiful world.

And what this image represents is the Douluo continent where Jia Hao is located.

The Kingdom of God manages one hundred and eight planes. In easy to understand words, the Kingdom of God mainly controls a large galaxy similar to the Milky Way.

In this large galaxy there are one hundred and eight planets, whether large or small, similar to the solar system.

At that moment in the great hall the God Raksha asked.

"Shura, why are you calling us, you haven't called us in thousands of years, I hope it's not a waste of time but..."

As a figure dressed in black spoke, an eerie fog spread around the surroundings.

The rest of the figures still maintained silence as if this would not affect them.

In fact, everyone knew that the god of evil and Shura had several contradictions whether in public or private, big or small.

"Probably not".

God Shura huh ignored Raksha's tone shook his head and said solemnly:

"This morning I discovered an abnormality on this plane, and I tried to use the power of the center of the Kingdom of God to try to find the abnormality when it suddenly disappeared." 

"Cut.. if it disappeared it's not a big problem, if that's all I'm leaving" Raksha said in a Jin and Yan tone.

While Shura looked at him like a fool.

"After these years you are still as stupid as ever or and now even deaf apparently, I'm saying that not even the power of the god center was able to trace it that means that..."

Hearing this Raksha gritted her teeth but this time she didn't say anything.

The god center is a powerful artifact left by the ancient dragon god who is the one who holds them god kings in this galaxy.

From here you can see how powerful it is.. if even this artifact could not find the other party naturally it is something that can escape his surveillance...


Raksha's eyes shone with a ferocious gleam as he thought about ordering the girl who is inheriting his position to investigate.

As long as he can use that power he will have a chance to escape from this damn place...

In fact not only Raksha but other gods also had their own thoughts.

Shura saw that everyone had realized the seriousness of the matter so he said again:

"The mysterious power that suddenly appeared on the Douluo Continent is so strange! Even if I don't hesitate to use the power of the center of the God Realm, I can't glimpse the truth. It's as if this abnormality is not..."

"It doesn't exist at all." God Poseidon's expression was very ugly.

God Angel who had not spoken said for the first time: "I suspect that this power comes from outside the star field. The unknown universe that is not under our control."

At that moment no one spoke but everyone admitted this possibility.

After arguing for a while the first to leave was Raksha who simply left after an excuse.

As he walked down the hallway his heels clicked with a ticking sound.

And just as his robe was turned the place around her became a gloomy castle.

In front of her was a large mirror of water that reflected an image within it.

In which was a beautiful woman with a robe and crown bathed in gold and silver, but surprisingly, she did not look out of place at all, just as if that was how it should be.

Raksha simply looked at her as he placed her fingers through the mirror.

A smile left his lips as the girl on the other side knelt down and seemed to hear something...