
reincarnate in dxd,but transported in tsukaima

Note: English isn't my main language and i'm just a newbie.So don't expect a good writing. Disclaimer:i don't own any anime characters in this fanfic, i'll try to do a 1k words per chapter. ~~~ There's a young boy who was abandoned by his parents when he was just baby,they put him on the side of the road.At the moment they left the baby,the baby started to cry. "Uwaah!" On the side,some random sister found him on the corner of the street,she picked him up and then brought him on the nearest orphanage. The baby grew up with the name,his name was Kuragari.But unfortunately happened... (Current situation) Drinking a tea with the goddess?or rather to say eating a cookie...

MR_Noobie · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Silence spell?or translating spell

When Kuragari looked at Kishima amazed face,he just smiled and said in calm tone "Well, that's my real strength."

Kishima just looked at Kuragari with his eyes twitching,he is still the man who experience many battles,so he still manage to composed himself.

He sighed helplessly and thought in his mind, "Why is the world unfair?this kid strength was enough to kill me even if i'm at my peak state."

"So there's nothing i can teach you,i guess i'm just worried for nothing."Kishima said before he "shoo" his hands,as if telling to Kuragari to go back wherever you came from.

"Teach?what are you going to teach about me? martial arts?muay thai?"Kuragari said excitedly,since he read some novel about this.Teaching martial arts,from the legendary people with an extraordinary martial arts experience.

"Nah! it's just a strength regimen routine."Kishima said with an indifferent tone,he just wave his hand carelessly.Are you kidding me?teaching you who have a monster strength?what can my pity routine do!

When Kuragari saw that Kishima waved his hand carelessly,his consciousness started to fade too.

Kuragari opened his eyes as he get up,he breathe 2 in a row before he turned his head and looked at the surrounding.He can see an old style noble type room, there's a table along with a pair of chair.

On the top of the table there's a lamp,and something old fashioned with noble style.

"So it wasn't dream at all?anyway where's the one who summoned?"Kuragari said with a wry smile as he looked at the symbol on his hand,he knew that someone summoned him because of the symbol on his hand.Just like other novels.

"Looks like you're finally awake."suddenly a female voice came infront of Kuragari.

Kuragari turned his head,and then look at the girl with pink hair.

"What?do you want to kiss me again?"Kuragari said with a tired tone,being handsome was a bit tiring to be honest(Just ignore him).

But Kuragari didn't know that he have a long hair just like in h-anime mc,and it cover his handsome face.And some of Louise classmate even think of him as an ugly plebian,because of his long hair.

So with Louise going to kiss him again,was nothing but a fantasy.

"I have observed this to the point of getting a stomach ache,but I've given up and decided to make you my familiar spirit."As Louise said that,she started to walked towards an old fashioned wooden closet.

"You'd better feel honored."

Kuragari ignored her since he couldn't understand her anyway,so he decided to talk with the system.

"System,what is the goddess gift that you had mentioned? aren't you the gift?"Kuragari asked curiously, isn't the system supposed to be the goddess gift?

[Nope,system wasn't actually a goddess gift.]

[The goddess gift host contain a skill.] Female voice answered with a humble voice.

[Host received a control in chakra.Classified "Master of chakra control"(Naruto verse)]

"So the system wasn't the goddess gift?but who gave me the sy-."before he can even continue,a clothes was thrown at him.

Kuragari took the clothes off his face and then stare at it, before he stand up and looked at Louise with a blush.

"How can you remove your clothes infront of the virgin boy?oh my virgin eyes,have been stained by this girl."Kuragari said shamelessly,but he still sniffed at Louise clothes since it smells good.

"Wash these."Louise said with her normal pride tone.

"Even if you don't understand my words, you're my familiar spirit,so you can guess what i want you to do,right?"Louise as he looked at Kuragari who's talking at him with unfamiliar language.

"You can't even understand your master's orders?To not even understand orders, you're worse than a dog!"Louise said in disappointment,while Kuragari still talking to her.

"You're a careless one are you?you even took your clothes off infront of the opposite healthy sex,if i'm something rascal then i didn't know what will happen to you."Kuragari said nonstop, annoying Louise.

"Ah,you're so noisy!It just keeps making noise!"Louise said annoyingly,while covering her ears.

And an idea came from her mind,she caught her hand and said "There's the silence spell i learned last year."

"Are you listening?"Kuragari said while sniffing her clothes.

Louise picked up her wand on the table and then touched her head,she can still barely remember the chant.

"Let see....Ansul,bel,an.Comply to my order by silence."Louise chant unsurely,at the end of the chant,she point her wand at Kuragari.Who's looking at her with a curious face,his face produce a orange light.


As if a bomb explode on Kuragari's body,many smoke appeared on Louise room.

When the smoke dispersed, Kuragari was standing without a scar.Louise look at Kuragari like it was a normal thing to happen, Kuragari looked at her with a curious face.

"Although you're a cute one,but don't think that i won't teach you a lesson."Kuragari said as he grabbed her shoulder.

"I can understand stand you.I can understand you."Louise said unbelievably,she didn't expect that the spell she barely remember was actually a translating spell.(Just inventing a new spell)

Kuragari seems understand what she says,he looked at her and asked with doubt "Did you just say "understand"?"

Louise nodded and said "Say something."

Kuragari casually take a step back and said "So you can speak japanese,after all."

Louise was confused as she spoke "What's this all about?It was supposed to be silence."

She sighed helplessly and said "I failed again."

"What's your name?"Louise asked.

"Me?my name is Kuragari."


"Well just forget about it, i'm going to asked you.Why am i here?"Kuragari said as he spread his hands.

Louise look at him as she put her hands on her waist "Obviously, because i summoned you."

"As my familiar spirit."

"Huh?Familiar spirit?"Kuragari said in disbelief,in just one day he became a familiar spirit.Anyway,being familiar won't restraint him for his freedom.


On the library,

Mr. Colbert was looking at the books,he became serious and said "This is it.But how?"

He's looking at the book with the same symbol on Kuragari's right hand with serious expression and said "I must inform the principal just in case."


"So what is this?this is the Tristain Kingdom in the mainland Halcheginia,and you're a student at a magic academy."Kuragari said while remembering the details where he was.

"As my familiar spirit, i won't allow you to address me as "you".I'm Louise, Louise de La Valliére."Louise said while raising her chest.

"Yes yes,and i am the familiar that Louise-san summoned, right?"Kuragari said while spinning his finger "That thing that a mage takes round.I know about that,just like in novel,manga,movie."

Louise sigh and said in disappointment"Why is my familiar spirit is a plebian?"she looked up and started to said what kind of familiar she want "I wanted something cool like a dragon or a griffin."

While talking, Kuragari decided to take a scroll around.Since he didn't want to listen on Louise complainment.

After she finished her complaints,she looked where Kuragari at.When she found out that Kuragari wasn't there anymore,she looked around,and just to see an open door.

"He ran away?a familiar spirit run away? your kidding me."

Kuragari just let his foot wherever he wants to go,he go to the right corner where there are stairs.He walked down on the stairs,after he take the last step.

Kuragari can see a young man with yellow hair holding a red rose, infront of the handsome young man there's a beautiful girl with black hair.

He hid for a while and watch what will happen,will she dump her or not?

"I'm good at making souffle."the girl said.

"I'd love to have a taste of that."the young man said before he touched the young girl shoulder.

"Really?"the girl asked while her hands clasped together.

"Of course, Katie.I would never lie to your eyes."Then a shining star surrounded the young man.

"Guiche-sama"While a heart surrounded the girl

"There's never a hidden side of my affection for you."

"He have a talent of being a playboy,is that the magic?"Kuragari thought in his mind, before he took a step forward.

When Kuragari was already infront of them, Guiche noticed Kuragari he at him and said "Its the ugly plebian that Louise summoned."

Then Katie look at Kuragari and said "Right,at today's ceremony.It was a hot topic between the first years too."

Katie look at Guiche,Guiche look back at Katie as he said "Since he fell unconscious and wouldn't move,we faced a lot of trouble."

Kuragari just ignored them and continue to walk, Guiche look at him and said in commanding tone "Hold it."

Kuragari stopped and then look at them, "Yes?"

Guiche look at before he said in proud and noble tone "As a plebian who caused trouble for an aristocrat, shouldn't you say a word of thanks?"

"Yeah,yeah,Thanks anyway,see yah."Kuragari didn't turned his head as he strode forward.

And then he hears a footsteps that was coming down,he ignored the footstep and continue his strolls(but he exerted some force on her foot so faster than normal walking) since he knows that Louise will look for him.

Guiche look at Kuragari who's walking at the fast pace,he spread his right hand as he spoke "What a restless guy."

After he said that,he can see Louise catching her breath.It seems that her familiar just run off without her consent.

"Louise, your familiar just-"before can even Guiche finished his sentence.

Louise look at him and said "Catch him!"

"Eh?"Guiche was a bit confused,but Louise explain what happened in three words "he ran away."

"A familiar spirit that you formed a contract with did?he sure is Louise's familiar spirit.Totally illogical."Guiche said as if he's expecting this.

Louise ignore him and said "Stop standing around and help me!"

Guiche smile and then spread his hands "Fine."


On the fountain,

There's a tan boy and tan girl with red hair sitting on the fountain,the tan boy spoke "It's almost like a dream that i'm alone with you,The

Feveret Kirche."

The tan girl or who called Feveret, leaned her body on the boy shoulder with a blush on her cheeks.

"I don't think i can stop at feveret tonight."the girl said.

On the other hand Kuragari came down from the stairs,he looked at them and then look at the exit.

"I need to investigate the outside of the academy."Kuragari said as he walked towards the exit in fast pace, Feveret and the boy look at him.

The boy speak "That's the zero Louise-."Feveret continue the boy sentence "Yeah,the plebian familiar spirit."

On the side,where Kuragari came from.A girl with pink hair pointed her finger towards Kuragari,behind her Guiche came out.

"There he is!"

"Yeah!"Guiche agreed,as walked forward.

"Hey,what are you guy's doing?"Feveret asked.

When Guiche heard this he smiled and extended his right hand helplessly,as he smiled.

"Will you listen to this?"

Without even waiting for Feveret reply, Louise took the lead and take a step.

"Forget it, or else he'll get away."

Guiche close his hand and agree "Right."

They started to chase Kuragari, outside of the castle.Kuragari was walking leisurely as he take a breath "Taking a breath outside was good." he said with a smile.

But suddenly he started to float,he narrowed his eyes while looking at the two bright moon and then he twisted her body flexibly.

"Give me a break.This is the second time I've had to levitate you."Guiche said before he waved his rose.

While his waving his rose Kuragari,just goes wherever the rose pointed at.

"Hahaha."Feveret laughed while walking towards them.

"A familiar spirit that ran away from it's master?"Feveret said while laughing, Louise just look at him angrily before she shifted her gaze towards Kuragari."It's the best Joke."Feveret said.

Kuragari just stared at Guiche before he clasped his hand and said.


The levitation spell broke and Kuragari was falling from a height where a magician can break their bone,but to Kuragari this is just a simple height.

He go down in a simple way,all of them was looking at Kuragari dumbfoundedly.

"Was that his spell?"Feveret said with surprised face.

"Impossible!a plebian can use a magic?"Guiche said with unbelievable face.

"Like i said,i am not a plebian.And i'm just taking a breath, besides i can use magic than different than yours."Kuragari said before he continued his stroll.

"No!go back now."Louise said demandingly.

Kuragari narrowed his eyes and the area seems to dropped by degrees. "Alright, I'll go back later.Give me five minutes."There's a pressure on Kuragari voice,that was direct to Louise.

"Why do i feel cold, suddenly.Anyway let's go back."Feveret said in shaked voice while hugging her shoulder.

"Alright,go back after 5 minutes."Louise just agreed mindlessly before she walked inside of the academy,and didn't mind Kuragari.As if a Kuragari voice was magic,making them to do what he wants.

"I-i guess.Since i-it solve,i should go back now."Guiche stuttered his face revealed a fear,since he felt the pressure on Kuragari just now.He felt like he is facing some kind of demon lord that exist in the book,he couldn't help but shivered.

After that,they go back on their own business.

"So putting some magic on my voice will do,huh?and that Guiche have a funny face."Kuragari make a small laughed as he remembers Guiche funny face,he looked at the moon and decided that he needed to control himself.

(A/N:Did i over do it?anyway,some day i will make mc to return to the dxd verse:) )