
reincarnate in dxd,but transported in tsukaima

Note: English isn't my main language and i'm just a newbie.So don't expect a good writing. Disclaimer:i don't own any anime characters in this fanfic, i'll try to do a 1k words per chapter. ~~~ There's a young boy who was abandoned by his parents when he was just baby,they put him on the side of the road.At the moment they left the baby,the baby started to cry. "Uwaah!" On the side,some random sister found him on the corner of the street,she picked him up and then brought him on the nearest orphanage. The baby grew up with the name,his name was Kuragari.But unfortunately happened... (Current situation) Drinking a tea with the goddess?or rather to say eating a cookie...

MR_Noobie · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Goddess gift

"So you're going to give me a wish just like in a novel?"Kuragari said excitedly.

"Nope."Kiyo said as she shook her head.

When Kuragari heard this his face revealed a lifeless look and he can only just sighed in disappointment,but what can he do about it? besides having a second chance was already good enough for him.

Goddess Kiyo saw this,she smiled and said "Don't worry, although i won't give you a wish but i'll give a gift."

Hearing this, Kuragari looked at Kiyo and nodded with a smile on his face.Having a gift from the goddess would not be bad,right?

Seeing Kuragari face lit up, goddess Kiyo nodded before she snap her fingers.


A loud sound of snap resounded in the area, Kuragari looked at the goddess infront of him with a confuse face.

"Why did the goddess snapped her fingers?"a simple question appeared on Kuragari's mind,soon,the goddess looked at Kuragari and then spoke.

"That's the gift that i will give to you,and don't ask any question about the gift."

The goddess said with a pure smile,when Kuragari saw this he can only nodded his head.

"Alright then,since i had already given you the gift.The last thing i need to do is to reincarnate you in another world."the goddess Kiyo said,as she snapped her fingers again.


Kuragari consciousness started to fade,but he can still hear the goddess saying,but in a low voice.

"See you again,young Kuragari."

That's the last Kuragari,heard before he completely lost his consciousness.

The next moment he opened his eyes,was he's already in a middle of the tall and mighty grass.Kuragari blinked his eyes innocently before he got up on the ground,his eyes started to scan his surrounding.

"Don't tell me,that i'm in an ancient world?"Kuragari said worriedly before he stand up,and started to wander around the tall grass.

At this moment,when Kuragari split up the high grass.He can see many people infront of him, they're bouncing the ball on the ground and then the man who's holding the ball jump in the air and using a one hand to bounce it off in the basket.

Kuragari on the side witness everything,he have a single word in his mind.Basketball!

"So does that means that i'm in a modern world, i don't need to worry about having a hard time to adopt in older era system."Kuragari thought in his mind,while smiling.

A man who's wearing a white stripes shirt, looked at Kuragari with a smile before he smiled.

"Hey!kid what are you doing there?didn't you come here to play basketball?come here and watch the match for a while for a while."the man said while signaling his hands to "come here".

"Yes,i'll go there immediately."Kuragari shouted before he run towards the man, although he's curious about what did the man call him just now,he still chose to run towards the half basketball court.

When Kuragari arrived at the seemingly half basketball court,he looked at the people with a little amazed face.The people just now was really big,or he's the one who is small.

So he decided to look at his little right hand, "So i am really just a kid,after all."Kuragari thought in his mind before he sighed in relief, although being adult was good,but child isn't that bad since Kuragari can have more days than being an adult. mo

Some little girls in the area looked at Kuragari face with a faint blush,and all of the little boys look at Kuragari with a jealous face,they didn't even intend to hide their jealousy.

"A pretty boy just arrived, aren't we popular?"a fourteen years old kid who look stronger than a normal fourteen years old kid,said with a jealous tone.

Kuragari glance at the boy before he looked at the man wearing stripes again.

"Hello, i'm Kuragari and you are?"

"Yoh, nice to meet you Kuragari,by the way my name is Bambam."the man wearing a stripes introduce himself.

Kuragari nodded and thought in his mind "Base on his height he must be around 14-15 years old?"

"Alright,we need 2 people to play in match."the man who's holding a ball said while looking around.

"Me!"Kuragari shouted while waving his little hands.

"You?But.."before he can even finished his sentence, Kuragari dash towards him and steal the ball.

All of them were dumbfounded,since Kuragari movement just now was quite fast,even Kuragari didn't expect it just now.He even thought it was the goddess gift.

"Hmmm~alright, you can play in match and no calls for you."the man said with a smile.

"But..."the 14 years old wanted to complain but before he can even finished his sentence,he was interupted by the man "No but, can't you see he's around six years old."

On the side,Kuragari lips started to twitch.

"Alright,kid your teammates are him,him,him and him(pointing a certain player inside of the court)and Renz the rest is your teammates, then shall we start."the man said with excitement before he took the ball from Kuragari and then pass it to a middle aged man.

"Wait."Kuragari said,all of them look at him with a questioning gaze.

"Boy,what is it?"the man who took the ball from Kuragari just now asked.

"Is there a prize?"Kuragari asked curiously,since they wanted to continued that match no matter what,even if he's a kid they'll still let him participate a match.

The man with mohawk hairstyle smiled and said "There isn't a prize, but there's a bet.So you need to take it seriously, hahahaha."Mohawk make a small laugh.

"Yes sir, i'll do my best."Kuragari smiled making the girls behind him to scratch their nose, checking if there's a blood dripping on it.

Bambam look at the girls for a while before he thought in his mind "This boy is quite popular,huh?it's either a young girl or teenage girl.But thanks to him the two girls before didn't bother me."

The player was already on their position,and the ball is on Kuragari side.The one who's holding the ball in start is the mohawk man.

The mohawk man look around,and then pass it to a slightly chubby young man.

(A/N: I'll make some of my own character and don't expect my writing to be good. )