
Reincarnate as a Zorua in a Pokemon world

Follow the adventure of a boy who reincarnated in the Pokémon world as a little Zorua. He will try to adapt to the new place where he finds himself, while becoming much stronger and laying many eggs in different Pokémon, or who knows, perhaps a human girl will give birth to a child with fox-like characteristics.

RyenMC · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 18

When we left the gym, mom put on a women's purse, and we began to explore the city. One thing I noticed is that in the commercial areas, unlike the entrance where there were several exclusive paths for large Pokémon, in the commercial areas it seemed that it was prohibited to bring Pokémon that were too big. However, there were signs indicating that Pokémon were not allowed.

Although I am now in human form and carrying a small backpack containing some food, a mask that mom told me to bring, and the Poké Balls of Swadloon and my sister. Something curious mom told me is that there was no problem if I transformed into a human or Zorua in the middle of the city, as long as I didn't transform into the people I saw, because they could end up accusing me of identity theft. Although I think it's a much more complicated issue than she explained.

But overall, there won't be any problems if I don't get caught participating in Pokémon battles, because I can say that I'm taking on the appearance of my trainer, which would be the false identity Liza is creating for me.

But putting that aside, these places were very crowded due to the large number of people and Pokémon present. I even saw several Lopunny, Buneary, and other common Pokémon like Bug and Normal types. But what caught my attention the most were some people who had extravagant hair colors, like red, purple, gray, orange, and the like. I hadn't paid much attention to that aspect before because I was more focused on the Pokémon in the city than on humans. Maybe after we return to the gym, I'll ask mom what that's all about.

I stopped thinking too much about that and started looking at the interesting places we saw along the way. There were several shops that seemed very interesting, like a store selling evolution stones. The most curious thing is that they categorized them by ranks. I thought they all served the same purpose, but it seems that's not the case. We also saw a store selling Pokémon eggs, and I wanted to take a look, but mom ended up taking us to a rather large building.

When we entered the building, she led me to a place that looked like a dressing room, along with my sister and Swadloon, which left me quite confused. What are we supposed to do here?

"Lopunny (Can you change your hair color and put on the mask?)" I was still confused, but I put the backpack aside and transformed back into my Zorua form. Before transforming into Rimuru, only this time I had black hair and red eyes, along with the mask on, which surprised me that I could still see even though it practically covered my eyes. I tried taking it off, nothing extraordinary happened, and it seems to be just a normal mask.

"Mom, I'm ready now, what do I do?" I'm curious why mom asked me to do that.

"Lopunny (Let Swadloon and your sister stay in the Poké Ball)"

Swadloon and my sister looked confused, but they didn't resist when I put them both into their respective Poké Balls.

After we did all this, mom took me to a counter where there were several receptionists, and we had to wait in one of the lines with several trainers, where I could see that I stood out quite a bit because of the mask I was wearing. But I also saw other people who dressed similarly, and the most curious thing is that all those who dressed in this way seemed to be young boys, and in contrast, those who didn't seemed to be 16 years old or older.

I stopped observing the place when the receptionist attended to me. "Good morning, do you want to participate in a battle right away? Or do you want to register as a new member of the Normal-type Pokémon club?" With a rather serious face.

Pokémon battles? A club? I had no idea what was going on, but I had to go along with it and responded.

"I want to join the club, I'm still a novice trainer and a friend recommended this place. Can you explain the rules to me?"

"Yes, this place is the Normal-type battle club which only allows battles using Pokémon of the Normal type, no matter if it is a secondary or primary type, as long as it has a Pokémon with that type, you can register using your trainer card or anonymously. New members are assigned rank F, and depending on the number of victories and defeats you have, you can rank up to a maximum of rank A. But you also must meet a minimum number of Normal-type Pokémon to rank up. Also, you must take into account that from rank F to rank C, it is prohibited for Pokémon to attack trainers and for trainers to get involved in the battle. You will be paid an amount of money that may vary depending on the results you show and the attention you receive from the audience." I kept listening to what she was explaining, and it seemed quite a lot because she kept going.

"If you choose to register anonymously, you will receive a lower amount of Pokédollars, but we will give you an identification that you can use to receive payments. You can use the card directly to buy or withdraw physical money at our affiliated facilities, but it will not work in other places not affiliated with us. Although the card will become unusable if you do not participate in a Pokémon battle within ten days after the last battle, the deadline for each battle will increase according to your rank. If you have any questions, feel free to ask." She explained all that in a very monotonous tone, but at least it was a fairly simple explanation.

"I plan to register anonymously, how do I do it?" When I asked that, she took out a tablet, where it said [enter a name].

"Just enter the alias you will use as a member and then the password that will protect your card from being used by someone who stole it. Finally, the function to enter Pokémon will appear, for that you must point the camera at your Poké Ball. That would be all."

Isn't that too easy? This seems completely suspicious. I looked at mom, who was waiting for me to sign it, and if she brought me to this place, she must have some reason to do so. So I shouldn't doubt so much.

I grabbed the tablet and put down the first thing that came to mind. "RED"

[Name not available] It's a shame, I really wanted to try it.


[Name not available] I had a blank face and couldn't think of any name. I don't want to put any names from the anime I watched in case there are other reincarnated people, although I don't know if there are. It's better to prevent and avoid any kind of contact with them, I don't want to end up meeting someone with protagonist syndrome.

It's not my official identification card, so it's okay to put anything.


[Set a password with at least 8 characters] I looked at mom, and she didn't seem interested in seeing the password, so without any hesitation, I put [SexyLopunny]

It prompted me to confirm the password, and I did.

[Enter the Pokémon or Pokémon you will use]

I took out a Poké Ball from one of my pockets, it was the one containing my sister, and I placed it in front of the camera.

[Do you want to register with the Pokémon (Buneary) or add another Pokémon?]

I selected the registration option.

[Registration successful]

When that notice appeared, I handed the tablet back to the girl, and after she received it, she seemed to press the screen a few times, and we saw a card come out of a printer with the name I put.

"Congratulations, you have been registered. Do you want to start a battle, Foxuark?" I looked at mom, and she nodded.


"Then, go through the door on the left and wait in a room with the other trainers until you hear your name, which indicates that it's your turn to start your battle."

"Thank you," I said before moving away from the line and went through the door she indicated. When I entered, there was a hallway, and I took this opportunity to ask mom.

"What's all this about?"

"Lopunny (So you can learn to earn some money and start becoming independent. Liza's dad made us register at this place and then abandoned us for several months without letting us enter the gym. He didn't contact us, and he didn't leave us anything to survive, except for reserving a room that only measured a few meters with a sheet in a hotel that only allowed us to enter to rest during the night. We could only use the money we earned for ourselves to ensure something to eat. This place was the only way to ensure us a livelihood because Liza was still a child, and all we knew was to fight in Pokémon battles, but over time that changed, although we had to go through worse things.)" Mom stopped talking about her experience with Liza when we arrived at the room where other trainers were waiting for their turn.

"Lopunny (So, if you want to buy something, at least try to earn it yourself, although don't worry if you can't. I'll be able to buy you anything you want, after all, I have a lot of money saved up.)" Mom seemed very proud of what she said, although at first, I thought about how difficult that situation was. After what she last said, I imagined her being my "sugar mommy" and pleasing her at night.

But that thought made me nervous. These spontaneous thoughts are becoming more recurring lately, and that's very worrying.

[Creation is hard, cheer me up!]

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