
Reincarnate and Become a Noble Wizard

A young man from Earth is reborn into a new world as a noble teenager, who was abandoned by his parents. Inheriting his predecessor's memories, the young man then learned that the teenager's name was Glen Maple. From there, he who saw the memory of his predecessor knew that the world he was reborn into was called Venus, a world that had a period like the 90's era on earth. And where he lives now is in a small town called Maple, which is part of the island kingdom in the western part of the continent on the planet Venus. Not to mention when he discovered that Glen was the new heir to the maple family with the title of Baron. Even so, there is no real power that he has as a Baron, apart from a large house with several hundred hectares of land and also several shop properties in the city center. Practically didn't inherit anything and didn't have any power anymore, which made Glen quite sad. However, when he traced Glen's memories further, he found that the world of entertainment and literature in this world was still very inferior to that on earth. So after thinking for a moment he realized, there was a breakthrough that could be made from that side. With his experience as a literature graduate and a pretty good memory, he is confident he can find success in this world. It's just a shame, sometimes fate says otherwise. While he was relaxing, the butler of his manor, Adol, told him that there would be a coming-of-age event for him tonight. And he was obliged to take part in the ceremony. It felt a little strange, but Glen still followed his instructions, because he believed in the loyalty of the servants in his manor. In short, during the night, Glen had an experience that he would never forget, where the event changed his whole life. And turning his logic upside down, it turns out there is magic in this world!!! And he had the opportunity to learn it. Excited and worried, now Glen's heart is mixed, he who finally got an older wife, also realizes that now he can be a little worried about Jill, the beautiful female butler who has now made him into an adult man. The next day, when she tested her magic talent, Glen was surprised again by Glen, when he had 3 magic attributes that had never happened in history. This made Jill happy and worried, who in the end after Glen was told she realized that sometimes good talent is also a hidden disaster. From there they decided to hide this fact, and Glen would study at a magic academy in another dimension. So Glen's adventure in the wizarding world begins, where his name will echo and become a new legend in the wizarding world. With the talent and strength he has he attracts many enemies and friends, together he is faced with the interests and betrayals of people he knows. Learning from pain, Glen knows that to make himself free from the worry of being disappointed and betrayed he is determined to rule the world of magic and create the ultimate magic that will make the whole world bow under his feet. ###### Enjoy, my first novel with a magic school theme/don't forget to comment, thank you.

Wijaya_Kesuma17 · Fantasy
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105 Chs

Magic Market

Total 40,000 gold coins" Adam exclaimed in surprise as he took out the number.

On the other hand, Glen was also shocked when he saw the number, he didn't expect the number to be that big.

In his estimation, he estimated that there would be at least 30,000 gold coins, but in reality it was so big.

After he saw the details, he realized. "7 level 2 mages cost around 3000 gold coins each for 6 months, so 7x3000= 21,000 gold coins.

Then 3 level 3 mages, 3x 5000 = 15,000 gold coins.

The total is 21,000+15,000= 36,000 gold coins, plus some accommodation and guild commissions to 40,000 gold coins.

It was a high price, but thinking about the benefits he would get made Glen feel more relieved, even though he knew that this time his territory's finances would definitely be drained.