

In the heart of a winter forest, a pristine blanket of snow covered the ground, transforming the world into a glistening wonderland.

The air was filled with a hushed stillness, broken only by the occasional rustling of leaves and the soft crunch of snow underfoot.

Against this serene backdrop, a lone bunny.

Its pure white fur blending seamlessly with the snowy landscape,

Quietly it ventured out of its home—hole underneath an old tree in search of food.

With careful grace, the bunny hopped from one snow-covered bush to another, its twitching nose and keen eyes on the lookout for tender shoots of grass or perhaps a hidden treasure, a forgotten acorn. Unbeknownst to the innocent creature, however, keen amber eyes observed its every move from the shadows.

A solitary wolf, its sleek gray coat camouflaging perfectly against the snowy canvas,

Haven detected the scent of the bunny. It decided that it would make for a hearty meal. It advanced with silent predatory steps, stalking its unsuspecting prey.

The bunny, however, had an acute sense of danger and suddenly froze, its ears perked up like twin antennas.

The wolf crouched low, ready to pounce, but before it could make its move, the bunny took off in a wild dash.

Its tiny legs carried it swiftly over the snow, leaving a trail of small footprints behind.

The chase had begun, a life-and-death race through the winter wonderland.

The snow muffled the sounds of their pursuit, and the bunny weaved through the forest with nimble grace, using its small size to its advantage.

The wolf, determined and relentless, pursued the bunny with a feral hunger in its eyes.

As they darted through the forest, the bunny's heart raced, its breath coming in frantic gasps.

It knew that the wolf was closing in, and its very survival depended on the swiftness of its escape.

Just when it seemed that the predator would have its meal, the bunny spotted an opportunity and darted into a dense thicket.

The thorny underbrush provided a momentary sanctuary, its sharp branches effectively discouraging the wolf's pursuit.

With bated breath, the bunny watched as the wolf prowled around, unable to reach its prey.

After a tense standoff, the wolf eventually gave up and slunk away, its growls echoing in the forest as it retreated.

The bunny emerged from the thicket, trembling and exhausted but alive.

It had narrowly escaped the jaws of the predator, and the wintry forest felt less enchanting and more treacherous than before.

However, the bunny had little time to catch its breath, for as it hopped out from the thicket, it was met with a sight that sent a shiver down its spine.

Before it, a horde of wolves had gathered, their yellow eyes fixed on the bunny with ravenous hunger.

The forest seemed to have conspired against the innocent creature, and escape now appeared to be an impossible feat.

Fearful and cornered, the bunny had no choice but to flee once again.

It hopped with all its might, weaving through the pack of wolves that snapped at its heels.

Desperation fueled its flight, and adrenaline coursed through its veins. But, as the forest wolves closed in, an unexpected and timely intervention changed the course of the chase.

High above the forest, where the snow-covered trees resembled a vast white sea, a formation of airships soared through the skies.

The forest, a distant memory beneath them, had given way to the boundless horizon.

Among these airships, a magnificent vessel—a stratus-class ship emerged from the protective embrace of a cloud.

The ship was a marvel of aeronautics, its sleek hull adorned with intricate white designs that shimmered in the sunlight was turned off by its tartered looks from age.

As it descended from the dark cloud mist, it caught the attention of the other airships in the formation.

However, the beauty of this descent was soon overshadowed by a sudden development.

The stratus-class ship found itself surrounded by a formidable battalion of airships, each one bristling with weaponry and crewed by experienced aeronauts.

The atmosphere was charged with tension as the airships formed a tight ring around the newcomer.

Uncertainty filled the air as the crew of the battalion exchanged nervous glances.

It was then that a powerful voice echoed through the skies, carried by advanced amplifiers mounted on the head ship of the airship battalion—an Alto-class ship.

"Long time no see... " the voice declared, addressing the enigmatic figure on board the ship.

The bunny, as well as the crews on both the stratus-class ship and the surrounding airships, were taken by surprise.

The voice seemed to echo from the head ship of the battalion, but no one emerged from within. It was a radio transmission, and its message left everyone bewildered.

Amid the mounting tension and the encircling airships, the bunny observed the scene with wide, inquisitive eyes, still trembling from its recent chase.

The skies had transformed into a place of danger.

"... Prof".


As we draw the curtain on the Nightmare Arc in "Rein," I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for your unwavering support and enthusiasm.

This journey has been a rollercoaster of emotions, and it's with mixed feelings that we bid farewell to the harrowing nightmares that our characters faced.

The "Cloud Cathedral" beckons, a realm shrouded in mystery and cloaked in clouds. It's a new horizon, a place where our protagonists' destinies await further exploration. What lies beyond the veiled sky? What adventures, trials, and triumphs are in store for them in this uncharted territory? These questions resonate with all of us as we transition into the next phase of this enthralling story.

I want to convey my deep appreciation for your readership, your feedback, and your commitment to the characters and their evolving narratives. Your connection to the story makes this all the more special.

The next chapter, "Cloud Cathedral," holds the promise of further character development, unexpected plot twists, and a world above the clouds waiting to be unveiled. I'm excited to continue this journey with you, and I can't wait for you to discover what lies in the vast expanse of the Cloud Cathedral. Thank you for your trust and companionship, and let's venture forth into this new and uncharted territory together.