


The chamber was somber, filled with the hushed murmurs of the Intelligence Division members as they meticulously examined the lifeless body of the fallen knight.

Lance stood by, observing the investigation, while Leo, sitting across the hallway, sighed in contemplation.

"Leo, it's unsettling to see a comrade fall like this," Lance said, his eyes fixed on the scene.

Leo, a veteran in the Intelligence Division, stepped out to join Lance, his expression equally grave. "It's a rare occurrence, Lance. The Cathedral has never seen a murder before."

Lance nodded, his mind still processing the events that unfolded after his own death. "What happened after my... after I died?"

Leo leaned against the wall, crossing his arms. "It was chaos. The Gran Tsar survived the dragon's assault, thanks to the unexpected help of the second squad captain. Turns out, she bullied the dragon into fleeing the abyss."