



Time: 0800 hours

Deep underneath the Cloud Cathedral.

An underground facility lay hidden beneath layers of Oal—a white marbled material, a clandestine labyrinth concealed from the prying eyes above.

Dimly lit corridors stretched out in every direction, the air carrying a sterile scent that hinted at the blue hue that permeated the place.

The visitor, a lone figure cloaked in shadows, navigated the intricate passageways with a sense of purpose.

The walls were adorned with strange hollow symbols and arcane diagrams, their meanings lost on all but the initiated few who dwelled in this Cathedral.

Fluorescent lights hummed overhead, casting a blue glow on these white surfaces. The site held on to a convergence of technology and the esoteric, a place where the boundaries of knowledge were pushed to their limits.

As the visitor delved deeper, the hum of machinery grew louder, reverberating through the narrow passages.