

As I strained to speak, my long white hair cascaded, partially veiling my face. I couldn't help but feel a shy vulnerability.

Frustration lingered as my attempts remained futile. In a decisive move, he took a guess at my intentions.

The book clutched against my chest became the focal point of our interaction. "Um… that book," he began, seeking to communicate.

In response, I extended the book towards him. My actions were a testament to my purpose, even if my words failed me.

His question echoed in the air, "Are you going to give me the book?" I shook my head, signaling his guess was amiss.

Despite my limitations, I was determined to convey my intent.

He noticed my efforts and, to my relief, suggested, "Do you want me to read the book for you?" His interpretation hit the mark, and I nodded in agreement.

—No, the library.

As he sighed it seemed he had misunderstood my intentions.

"The Princess's Knight," he announced, holding the book.