

Despite a barrage of punches, the boy inexplicably clung to life, having forsaken the idea of not harming the feline in return.

Now, he was left with no choice but to win.

Even if it meant killing her.


"Ahhh… why don't I just kill her?" Warm blood trickled into the boy's mouth, a stark reminder that he was still very much alive, tasting the metallic tang of his own life force.

As the concept's power tried to take over the boy's spirit, he realized his vulnerability to the concept's mental attacks.

But then, an idea struck him. He decided to unleash his own spirit's power, and as the concept tried to possess him, his spirit retaliated.

The concept hesitated and seemed confused. Emptiness, had appeared in the boy's spirit, disrupting the Vessel's control. He felt his spirit fill from the inside and begin to drown, but he also realized that he could take advantage of this moment.

With his dagger, he struck the conjured beast temporal region.