

She wanted to change, to become a completely different person. She thought she'd changed if only she has gotten stronger.

Both of them had been groomed within the same facility

She hadn't set out with a specific goal with her—it had simply happened along the way. That was true for both of them

However, one became chosen and the other was left behind.

As her teeth gnashed together, she pondered the stark difference between them.

They were both test subjects, only that one was born one and the other was made one.

It was the only way to explain it.

She was the girl who had admired the professor from afar, yearning for his attention, while he was the boy who had perpetually faced losses yet somehow became the professor's favorite.

Why couldn't it have been me?

Her thoughts swirled in frustration, and she raised her furry right arm to attack the boy, attempting to pound this unanswerable question into her opponent.