

But this gluttonous act only deepened the star's solitude. The night sky, once teeming with companions, now grew dim as its own radiance diminished with each star it consumed.

In its unrelenting jealousy, the lonely star turned upon itself, consuming its own light until it faded into nothingness.

In the end, the night sky was once again shrouded in darkness, and the humans below remained unaware of the star's existence.

The celestial tale of the lonely star served as a tragic reminder that jealousy and the desire for attention can consume even the brightest of souls, leaving them lost in the void of their own creation, yearning for a recognition that will never come.


"—the fallen beings".

In a realm where celestial beings and infernal entities coexisted, there existed an unusual tale of twins born from opposing forces.

One was an angelic child named Fina, its ethereal wings radiant with divine light. The other was a demon named Damie, its fiery wings casting shadows of torment.

Born under an auspicious yet ominous alignment of the stars, their fate was entwined from the moment they took their first breath.

Fina and Damie grew up aware of their profound differences.

While celestial and infernal beings regarded each other with suspicion and animosity, the twins shared a unique bond, a love that transcended the boundaries of their origins. They were inseparable, finding solace in each other's presence amidst a world that wished to keep them apart.

As they reached adolescence, the tension between their celestial and infernal worlds escalated. The leaders of both realms considered their union an abomination, a threat to the balance they had maintained for eons. Fina and Damie knew that their love was forbidden, yet they clung to each other with unwavering devotion.

In secret, they devised a plan, one born from their desperation to remain together.

They discovered an ancient and forbidden ritual that would allow them to combine their celestial and infernal essences, becoming a single, neutral entity.

To both realms, they would cease to exist as separate beings, vanishing from the memories of those who knew them.

The night of the ritual arrived, and Fina and Damie ventured to the forbidden crossroads where they would perform the forbidden act.

Their hearts heavy with sorrow, they held each other tightly, knowing that this was their only chance to be together forever.

As the ritual began, their wings, one radiant and one aflame, intertwined, and they chanted the incantations that would merge their souls.

A blinding light enveloped them, and their voices rose in unison, singing a mournful yet beautiful melody.

In that fleeting moment, as their essences merged, they felt an indescribable pain, both physical and emotional. It was as if their love, so powerful and pure, was the catalyst for their destruction.

The celestial and infernal realms watched in awe and horror as the twins transformed into a radiant, fiery being, neither angel nor demon, but something entirely new.

In that instant, they had achieved their goal of eternal togetherness, but it came at a devastating cost.

Their combined essence was too volatile, and it ignited in a blaze of unquenchable fire. As the inferno consumed them, their voices echoed through the realms, a mournful harmony that resonated with sorrow and love.

Fina and Damie's sacrifice brought about a fragile truce between the celestial and infernal realms, a reluctant acknowledgment of the power of love to transcend boundaries. Their story remained one of tragic beauty, a tale of two souls born from opposing forces, whose love could not be extinguished even in the face of annihilation.


"—the forest guardian".

In the depths of an ancient forest, where the whispers of the leaves and the songs of the birds painted the world with serenity, there existed a spirit born from the rumors and beliefs of humans.

This ethereal entity was known as Eolande, the guardian of nature, the protector of the woods, and the embodiment of all that was pure and untamed.

For generations, humans had revered Eolande, offering their prayers and songs to the guardian of the forest.

They believed in her power to safeguard the delicate balance of nature, and her name echoed through the generations like a sacred hymn. The forest flourished under her watchful gaze, and all was in harmony.

But as the centuries passed, Eolande began to perceive the true nature of humanity's impact on the world.

She witnessed the ruthless destruction of forests, the poisoning of rivers, and the extinction of countless species.

The very humans who had once worshipped her as their guardian now turned a blind eye to their own transgressions.

Overwhelmed by grief and anger, Eolande could no longer bear witness to the devastation inflicted upon the natural world. She decided to take matters into her own ethereal hands, seeking vengeance against those who had forsaken their sacred duty as stewards of the Earth.

Eolande's fury was unleashed upon the humans who dared to trespass into the heart of her forest.

She summoned storms, unleashed torrents, and caused the very earth to tremble beneath their feet. Dozens of humans met their end in her vengeful wrath.

But in her blinding rage, Eolande had failed to recognize the truth. It was not these humans who had betrayed her, but rather their descendants who no longer remembered her name, who no longer revered the guardian of nature. She had condemned those who were innocent, who had come seeking solace in the heart of the woods.

As the storm clouds cleared and the echoes of her fury faded, Eolande saw the devastation she had wrought.

The once-pristine forest lay in ruins, and the ground was stained with the blood of those who had fallen. Horror gripped her ethereal heart as she realized the extent of her grievous mistake.

With a heavy heart, Eolande knelt among the fallen humans, their lives snuffed out by her own hand.

She wept tears of anguish and despair, her lamentations echoing through the silent forest. The spirits of those she had killed grieved alongside her, their voices a haunting chorus of sorrow.