


Aria's determined sprint echoed down the hall as she pushed forward, her resolve unyielding.

At the corridor's terminus, a vacant entryway awaited—a passage unobstructed by doors, merely a diaphanous filter of light that demarcated a boundary impassable to air.

—A barrier.

Yet, Aria glided through it as if she were a spirit unbound by the constraints of the physical realm.

Stepping through that boundary enveloped my senses in the nostalgic sweetness of the outdoors.

A verdant expanse stretched before us—an emerald meadow, its grass short and tender, bordered by trees that stood sentinel on both flanks.

In the distance, a meandering stream played host to a wooden bridge, its curvaceous form tracing an elegant 'S' shape.

The floor was name 'Cloud Garden', a title befitting the ethereal scenery that unfolded.

Atop a gentle rise stood a solitary, flowery cherry tree, its roots exposed to the world.

Nestled against its trunk were two figures—a pair of girls, one with her head cradled in the other's lap, their attire and silky white hair dancing gently in the breeze.

The rustling of branches, the occasional flower swaying, and the flutter of grass harmonized with the environment's tranquil melody.

A pristine white cloth lay stretched upon the grass, a picnic awaiting life.

Reaching the site, I greeted the reclining duo with a friendly "Hello."

No reply—instead, they slumbered, lost in their own private reverie.

"Where is everyone?" I turned to Aria, refraining from rousing the sleepers.

"I told them you'd be a bit late," she responded matter-of-factly.

"Why?" My astonishment was palpable.

"You were running behind schedule for the picnic, and they were growing a tad impatient."

"I see."

"Hmm, Blur... Oh, you're here, good".

As I ruminated on the conversation's progression, a drowsy voice began to cut through the air, shifting my attention.

I turned to face the speaker—a girl who was previously nestled on her companion's lap. Slowly, she untangled herself, her shoulder-length bangs brushing her left eye as she stirred.

Her azure gaze betrayed her half-asleep state. Evidently, our presence had disrupted her nap.

"Apologies for the intrusion," I offered apologetically.

"It's alright. I was getting restless, and big sis kindly offered her lap for a quick snooze," she explained.

The gesture of the twin sister's support struck me, prompting an involuntarily surprised exclamation. "Oh!"

Addressing her sibling as "Big sis," she turned back, casting a sleepy glance in her twin's direction.

However, no response was forthcoming.

Another call, "Lily," was met with only a minimal reaction. Was she genuinely dozing, or did she intend to play possum?

Observing her sister's apparent somnolence, she grew perplexed at the absence of wakefulness.

Suddenly, a kiss—an intimate French kiss—snapped her sister from her pretense, an outcome that seemed to be anticipated.

"Ara, Lia. Why did you kiss me?" Lily questioned, her blue eyes still heavy with slumber.

"Because your lips seemed lonely," came the affectionate response, an act that brought forth literal blossoms in the background, as if in harmonious resonance with the gesture.

Lily's reaction to the affectionate peck was a jubilant squeal—once more uttering "Ara, Liza," before reciprocating with a passionate kiss of her own.

Then, those blue eyes shifted to us, inviting an embarrassed reaction.

As usual, I suppressed any inclination to probe deeper, recognizing the futility of such an endeavor.

But Aria's reaction—bright red cheeks—was impossible to overlook as I turned my gaze her way.

A completely normal response.

"Why are you… k-kissing?" Aria stammered, clearly resisting the peculiar ambiance they'd cultivated.

The twins shared a glance before offering their response in tandem. "Well, isn't this what people in love do?"

Their logic was certainly twisted—a response that was both repulsive and, in its own way, charmingly naïve.

Yet, I refrained from delving further; such an exploration would likely prove fruitless.

"Anyway," Aria interjected, aghast at the situation.

"Then…" Lily's voice was cut off by an abrupt shift in the conversation's focus. "Where's everyone?"

I seized the opportunity to steer the discussion back to the missing members.

"Ha-hh," Lily pouted, adopting a mock sulking demeanor.

"How heartless of you to brush off a maiden in love."

Lily and Lia—the twins with an unconventional demeanor.

Attempting to counter their logic was akin to trying to break a rock with another rock—a futile exercise.

Ordinarily, I would discourage them from pursuing their conversation further, but it seemed this exchange would be decidedly one-sided.

"Well, where are they?" I queried the twins once more.

"It appears they ventured off on their own."

"Ara, so there's no fun to be had until they return," they both stated as Aria's shoulder shifted in a shrug.

Liz interjected, her gaze focused on me. "Why are you carrying a book?"

I responded readily. "I thought it best to experiment with a recipe that deviated from our usual fare. So, I chanced upon a cookbook for cakes."

Liza's response was a brief, thoughtful "Hmm," indicative of her struggle to grasp the concept of cake as a dish.

"Perhaps we could search for them while procuring the necessary ingredients from the cafeteria. Afterward, I can show you all what a cake looks like." My proposal hung in the air.

Lily's smile radiated agreement. "Sure, Blur," she said.

Lia chimed in as well. "Count me in."

Aria nodded in consent.

"Great. Then while Aria and I gather the ingredients, Lily and Lia can round up the others. Oh, and I'll need you both to collect some branches as well."

The twins nodded, their grins unwavering.

I sighed inwardly, knowing I couldn't leave Aria alone with them, yet unable to predict what antics the day might hold—though I fervently hoped they wouldn't elope.

It seemed that the day was bound to be a bustling one, teeming with activity.